Source code for pytadbit.modelling.impmodel

25 Oct 2016

from pytadbit.modelling.structuralmodel import StructuralModel
from pytadbit.utils.extraviews      import tadbit_savefig
from scipy.interpolate              import interp1d
from numpy                          import linspace
from warnings                       import warn
from re                             import findall, compile as compil

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
    warn('matplotlib not found\n')

[docs]def load_impmodel_from_cmm(f_name, rand_init=None, radius=None): ''' Loads an IMPmodel object using an cmm file of the form: :: <marker_set name="1"> <marker id="1" x="7347.50964739" y="-7743.92836303" z="-8283.39749204" r="0.00990099009901" g="0" b="0.990099009901" radius="500.0" note="1"/> <marker id="2" x="7647.90254377" y="-7308.1816344" z="-7387.75932893" r="0.019801980198" g="0" b="0.980198019802" radius="500.0" note="2"/> <link id1="1" id2="2" r="1" g="1" b="1" radius="250.0"/> </marker_set> :params f_name: path where to find the file :params None rand_init: IMP random initial number used to generate the model :param None radius: radius of each particle :return: IMPmodel ''' if not rand_init: try: rand_init = str(int(f_name.split('.')[-2])) except: rand_init = None model = IMPmodel((('x', []), ('y', []), ('z', []), ('rand_init', rand_init), ('index', 0), ('objfun', 0), ('radius', radius))) expr = compil( ' x="([0-9.-]+)" y="([0-9.-]+)" z="([0-9.-]+)".* radius="([0-9.]+)"') with open(f_name) as f_open: for xxx, yyy, zzz, radius in findall(expr, model['x'].append(float(xxx)) model['y'].append(float(yyy)) model['z'].append(float(zzz)) if not model['radius']: model['radius'] = float(radius) return model
[docs]def load_impmodel_from_xyz(f_name, rand_init=None, radius=None): """ Loads an IMPmodel object using an xyz file of the form: :: # ID : some identifier # SPECIES : None # CELL TYPE : None # EXPERIMENT TYPE : Hi-C # RESOLUTION : 10000 # ASSEMBLY : None # CHROMOSOME : 19 # START : 1 # END : 50 1 19:1-10000 44.847 412.828 -162.673 2 19:10001-20000 -55.574 396.869 -129.782 :params f_name: path where to find the file :params None rand_init: IMP random initial number used to generate the model :param None radius: radius of each particle :return: IMPmodel """ if not rand_init: try: rand_init = str(int(f_name.split('.')[-2])) except: rand_init = None model = IMPmodel((('x', []), ('y', []), ('z', []), ('rand_init', rand_init), ('index', 0), ('objfun', 0), ('radius', radius))) expr = compil('[0-9]+\s[A-Za-z0-9_ ]+:[0-9]+-[0-9]+\s+([0-9.-]+)\s+([0-9.-]+)\s+([0-9.-]+)') model['description'] = {} for line in open(f_name): if line.startswith('# '): key, val = line.strip('# ').split(':') model['description'][key.strip().lower()] = val.strip() for xxx, yyy, zzz in findall(expr, open(f_name).read()): model['x'].append(float(xxx)) model['y'].append(float(yyy)) model['z'].append(float(zzz)) return model
def load_impmodel_from_xyz_OLD(f_name, rand_init=None, radius=None, chromosome='UNKNOWN', start=0, resolution=1): """ Loads an IMPmodel object using an xyz file of the form: :: p1 1 44.847 412.828 -162.673 p2 2 -55.574 396.869 -129.782 :params f_name: path where to find the file :params None rand_init: IMP random initial number used to generate the model :param None radius: radius of each particle :return: IMPmodel """ if not rand_init: try: rand_init = str(int(f_name.split('.')[-2])) except: rand_init = None model = IMPmodel((('x', []), ('y', []), ('z', []), ('rand_init', rand_init), ('objfun', None), ('radius', radius))) expr = compil('p[0-9]+\s+[0-9]+\s+([0-9.-]+)\s+([0-9.-]+)\s+([0-9.-]+)') for xxx, yyy, zzz in findall(expr, open(f_name).read()): model['x'].append(float(xxx)) model['y'].append(float(yyy)) model['z'].append(float(zzz)) model['description'] = {'chromosome':chromosome, 'start': start, 'resolution': resolution} return model
[docs]class IMPmodel(StructuralModel): """ A container for the IMP modeling results. The container is a dictionary with the following keys: - log_objfun: The list of IMP objective function values - objfun: The final objective function value of the corresponding model - rand_init: Random number generator feed (needed for model reproducibility) - x, y, z: 3D coordinates of each particles. Each represented as a list """ def __str__(self): try: return ('IMP model ranked %s (%s particles) with: \n' + ' - Final objective function value: %s\n' + ' - random initial value: %s\n' + ' - first coordinates:\n'+ ' X Y Z\n'+ ' %7s%7s%7s\n'+ ' %7s%7s%7s\n'+ ' %7s%7s%7s\n') % ( self['index'] + 1, len(self['x']), self['objfun'], self['rand_init'], int(self['x'][0]), int(self['y'][0]), int(self['z'][0]), int(self['x'][1]), int(self['y'][1]), int(self['z'][1]), int(self['x'][2]), int(self['y'][2]), int(self['z'][2])) except IndexError: return ('IMP model of %s particles with: \n' + ' - Final objective function value: %s\n' + ' - random initial value: %s\n' + ' - first coordinates:\n'+ ' X Y Z\n'+ ' %5s%5s%5s\n') % ( len(self['x']), self['objfun'], self['rand_init'], self['x'][0], self['y'][0], self['z'][0])
[docs] def objective_function(self, log=False, smooth=True, axe=None, savefig=None): """ This function plots the objective function value per each Monte-Carlo step. :param False log: log plot :param True smooth: curve smoothing :param None axe: a matplotlib.axes.Axes object to define the plot appearance :param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated; if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension of the file name will determine the desired format). """ show = False if not axe: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) axe = fig.add_subplot(111) show = True axe.patch.set_facecolor('lightgrey') axe.patch.set_alpha(0.4) axe.grid(ls='-', color='w', lw=1.5, alpha=0.6, which='major') axe.grid(ls='-', color='w', lw=1, alpha=0.3, which='minor') axe.set_axisbelow(True) axe.minorticks_on() # always on, not only for log # remove tick marks axe.tick_params(axis='both', direction='out', top=False, right=False, left=False, bottom=False) axe.tick_params(axis='both', direction='out', top=False, right=False, left=False, bottom=False, which='minor') else: fig = axe.get_figure() # text plt.xlabel('Iteration number') plt.ylabel('IMP Objective Function Value') plt.title('Model ' + str(self['rand_init'])) # smooth nrjz = self['log_objfun'][1:] if smooth: xnew = linspace(0, len(nrjz), 10000) f_nrjz_smooth = interp1d(list(range(len(nrjz))), nrjz, kind='cubic') nrjz_smooth = f_nrjz_smooth(xnew) axe.plot(xnew, nrjz_smooth, color='darkred') else: axe.plot(nrjz, color='darkred') # plot axe.plot(nrjz, color='darkred', marker='o', alpha=.5, ms=4, ls='None') # log if log: axe.set_yscale('log') if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) elif show: