Source code for pytadbit.experiment

20 Feb 2013

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
from copy                                import deepcopy as copy
from sys                                 import stderr
from io                                  import IOBase
from warnings                            import warn
from math                                import isnan
from numpy                               import log2, array
from pytadbit.modelling.IMP_CONFIG       import CONFIG
from pytadbit                            import HiC_data
from pytadbit.parsers.hic_parser         import read_matrix
from pytadbit.utils.extraviews           import nicer
from pytadbit.utils.extraviews           import tadbit_savefig
from pytadbit.utils.tadmaths             import zscore
from pytadbit.utils.normalize_hic        import iterative
from pytadbit.utils.hic_filtering        import hic_filtering_for_modelling
from pytadbit.parsers.tad_parser         import parse_tads
from pytadbit.modelling.structuralmodels import StructuralModels

    from pytadbit.modelling.impoptimizer  import IMPoptimizer
    from pytadbit.modelling.imp_modelling import generate_3d_models
except ImportError:
    # stderr.write('IMP not found, check PYTHONPATH\n')

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from import jet
except ImportError:
    stderr.write('matplotlib not found\n')

    file_types = file, IOBase
except NameError:
    file_types = (IOBase,)

except NameError:
    basestring = str

[docs]def load_experiment_from_reads(name, fnam, genome_seq, resolution, conditions=None, identifier=None, cell_type=None, enzyme=None, exp_type='Hi-C', **kw_descr): """ Loads an experiment object from TADbit-generated read files, that are lists of pairs of reads mapped to a reference genome. :param fnam: tsv file with reads1 and reads2 :param name: name of the experiment :param resolution: the resolution of the experiment (size of a bin in bases) :param None identifier: some identifier relative to the Hi-C data :param None cell_type: cell type on which the experiment was done :param None enzyme: restriction enzyme used in the Hi-C experiment :param Hi-C exp_type: name of the experiment used (currently only Hi-C is supported) :param None conditions: :py:func:`list` of experimental conditions, e.g. the cell type, the enzyme... (i.e.: ['HindIII', 'cortex', 'treatment']). This parameter may be used to compare the effect of this conditions on the TADs :param None kw_descr: any other argument passed would be stored as complementary descriptive field. For example:: exp = Experiment('k562_rep2', resolution=100000, identifier='SRX015263', cell_type='K562', enzyme='HindIII', cylce='synchronized') print exp # Experiment k562_rep2: # resolution : 100Kb # TADs : None # Hi-C rows : None # normalized : None # identifier : SRX015263 # cell type : K562 # restriction enzyme: HindIII # cylce : synchronized *note that these fields may appear in the header of generated out files* """ size = 0 section_sizes = {} sections = [] for crm in genome_seq: len_crm = int(float(len(genome_seq[crm])) // resolution + 1) section_sizes[(crm,)] = len_crm size += len_crm + 1 sections.extend([(crm, '%04d' % i) for i in range(len_crm + 1)]) imx = HiC_data((), size) dict_sec = dict([(j, i) for i, j in enumerate(sections)]) for line in open(fnam): _, cr1, ps1, _, _, _, _, cr2, ps2, _ = line.split('\t', 9) ps1 = dict_sec[(cr1, '%04d' % (int(ps1) // resolution))] ps2 = dict_sec[(cr2, '%04d' % (int(ps2) // resolution))] imx[ps1 + ps2 * size] += 1 imx[ps2 + ps1 * size] += 1 return Experiment(name, resolution=resolution, hic_data=imx, conditions=conditions, identifier=identifier, cell_type=cell_type, enzyme=enzyme, exp_type=exp_type, **kw_descr)
[docs]class Experiment(object): """ Hi-C experiment. :param name: name of the experiment :param resolution: the resolution of the experiment (size of a bin in bases) :param None identifier: some identifier relative to the Hi-C data :param None cell_type: cell type on which the experiment was done :param None enzyme: restriction enzyme used in the Hi-C experiment :param Hi-C exp_type: name of the experiment used (currently only Hi-C is supported) :param None hic_data: whether a file or a list of lists corresponding to the Hi-C data :param None tad_def: a file or a dict with precomputed TADs for this experiment :param None parser: a parser function that returns a tuple of lists representing the data matrix and the length of a row/column. With the file example.tsv: :: chrT_001 chrT_002 chrT_003 chrT_004 chrT_001 629 164 88 105 chrT_002 164 612 175 110 chrT_003 88 175 437 100 chrT_004 105 110 100 278 the output of parser('example.tsv') would be be: ``[([629, 164, 88, 105, 164, 612, 175, 110, 88, 175, 437, 100, 105, 110, 100, 278]), 4]`` :param None conditions: :py:func:`list` of experimental conditions, e.g. the cell type, the enzyme... (i.e.: ['HindIII', 'cortex', 'treatment']). This parameter may be used to compare the effect of this conditions on the TADs :param True filter_columns: filter the columns with unexpectedly high content of low values :param None kw_descr: any other argument passed would be stored as complementary descriptive field. For example:: exp = Experiment('k562_rep2', resolution=100000, identifier='SRX015263', cell_type='K562', enzyme='HindIII', cylce='synchronized') print exp # Experiment k562_rep2: # resolution : 100Kb # TADs : None # Hi-C rows : None # normalized : None # identifier : SRX015263 # cell type : K562 # restriction enzyme: HindIII # cylce : synchronized *note that these fields may appear in the header of generated out files* TODO: doc conditions TODO: normalization """ def __init__(self, name, resolution, hic_data=None, norm_data=None, tad_def=None, parser=None, no_warn=False, weights=None, conditions=None, identifier=None, cell_type=None, enzyme=None, exp_type='Hi-C', **kw_descr): = name self.resolution = resolution self.identifier = identifier self.cell_type = cell_type self.enzyme = enzyme self.description = kw_descr self.exp_type = exp_type self.crm = None self._ori_resolution = resolution self.hic_data = None self._ori_hic = None self._ori_norm = None self._ori_size = None self.conditions = sorted(conditions) if conditions else [] self.size = None self.tads = {} self.norm = None self._normalization = None self._filtered_cols = False self._zeros = {} self._zscores = {} if hic_data: self.load_hic_data(hic_data, parser, **kw_descr) if norm_data: self.load_norm_data(norm_data, parser, **kw_descr) if tad_def: self.load_tad_def(tad_def, weights=weights) elif not hic_data and not no_warn and not norm_data: stderr.write('WARNING: this is an empty shell, no data here.\n') def __repr__(self): return 'Experiment %s (resolution: %s, TADs: %s, Hi-C rows: %s, normalized: %s)' % (, nicer(self.resolution), len(self.tads) or None, self.size, self._normalization if self._normalization else 'None') def __str__(self): outstr = 'Experiment %s:\n' % ( outstr += ' resolution : %s\n' % (nicer(self.resolution)) outstr += ' TADs : %s\n' % (len(self.tads) or None) outstr += ' Hi-C rows : %s\n' % (self.size) outstr += ' normalized : %s\n' % (self._normalization or None) ukw = 'UNKNOWN' try: # new in version post-CSDM13 outstr += ' identifier : %s\n' % (self.identifier or ukw) outstr += ' cell type : %s\n' % (self.cell_type or ukw) outstr += ' restriction enzyme: %s\n' % (self.enzyme or ukw) for desc in self.description: outstr += ' %-18s: %s\n' % (desc, self.description[desc]) except AttributeError: pass return outstr def __add__(self, other, silent=False): """ sum Hi-C data of experiments into a new one. """ reso1, reso2 = self.resolution, other.resolution if self.resolution == other.resolution: resolution = self.resolution changed_reso = False else: resolution = max(reso1, reso2) self.set_resolution(resolution) other.set_resolution(resolution) if not silent: stderr.write('WARNING: experiments of different resolution, ' + 'setting both resolution of %s, and normalizing ' + 'at this resolution\n' % (resolution)) norm1 = copy(self.norm) norm2 = copy(other.norm) if self._normalization: self.normalize_hic() if other._normalization: other.normalize_hic() changed_reso = True if self.hic_data: new_hicdata = HiC_data([], size=self.size) for i in self.hic_data[0]: new_hicdata[i] = self.hic_data[0].get(i) for i in other.hic_data[0]: new_hicdata[i] += other.hic_data[0].get(i) else: new_hicdata = None xpr = Experiment(name='%s+%s' % (,, resolution=resolution, hic_data=new_hicdata, no_warn=True) # check if both experiments are normalized with the same method # and sum both normalized data if self._normalization != None and other._normalization != None: if (self._normalization.split('_factor:')[0] == other._normalization.split('_factor:')[0]): xpr.norm = [HiC_data([], size=self.size)] for i in self.norm[0]: xpr.norm[0][i] = self.norm[0].get(i) for i in other.norm[0]: xpr.norm[0][i] += other.norm[0].get(i) # The final value of the factor should be the sum of each try: xpr._normalization = ( self._normalization.split('_factor:')[0] + '_factor:' + str(int(self._normalization.split('_factor:')[1]) + int(other._normalization.split('_factor:')[1]))) except IndexError: # no factor there xpr._normalization = (self._normalization) elif self.norm or other.norm: try: if (self.norm[0] or other.norm[0]) != {}: if not silent: raise Exception('ERROR: normalization differs between' + ' each experiment\n') else: if not silent: stderr.write('WARNING: experiments should be ' + 'normalized before being summed\n') except TypeError: if not silent: stderr.write('WARNING: experiments should be normalized ' + 'before being summed\n') else: if not silent: stderr.write('WARNING: experiments should be normalized ' + 'before being summed\n') if changed_reso: self.set_resolution(reso1) self.norm = norm1 other.set_resolution(reso2) other.norm = norm2 xpr.crm = self.crm if not xpr.size: xpr.size = len(xpr.norm[0]) def __merge(own, fgn): "internal function to merge descriptions" if own == fgn: return own return '%s+%s' % (own , fgn) xpr.identifier = __merge(self.identifier , other.identifier ) xpr.cell_type = __merge(self.cell_type , other.cell_type ) xpr.enzyme = __merge(self.enzyme , other.enzyme ) xpr.description = __merge(self.description, other.description) xpr.exp_type = __merge(self.exp_type , other.exp_type ) for des in self.description: if not des in other.description: continue xpr.description[des] = __merge(self.description[des], other.description[des]) return xpr def __div__(self, other, silent=False): """ sum Hi-C data of experiments into a new one. """ reso1, reso2 = self.resolution, other.resolution if self.resolution == other.resolution: resolution = self.resolution changed_reso = False else: resolution = max(reso1, reso2) self.set_resolution(resolution) other.set_resolution(resolution) if not silent: stderr.write('WARNING: experiments of different resolution, ' + 'setting both resolution of %s, and normalizing ' + 'at this resolution\n' % (resolution)) norm1 = copy(self.norm) norm2 = copy(other.norm) if self._normalization: self.normalize_hic() if other._normalization: other.normalize_hic() changed_reso = True if self.hic_data: new_hicdata = HiC_data([], size=self.size) for i in self.hic_data[0]: new_hicdata[i] = self.hic_data[0].get(i) for i in other.hic_data[0]: try: new_hicdata[i] /= other.hic_data[0].get(i) except ZeroDivisionError: new_hicdata[i] = float('NaN') else: new_hicdata = None xpr = Experiment(name='%s/%s' % (,, resolution=resolution, hic_data=new_hicdata, no_warn=True) # check if both experiments are normalized with the same method # and sum both normalized data if self._normalization != None and other._normalization != None: if (self._normalization.split('_factor:')[0] == other._normalization.split('_factor:')[0]): xpr.norm = [HiC_data([], size=self.size)] for i in self.norm[0]: xpr.norm[0][i] = self.norm[0].get(i) for i in other.norm[0]: try: xpr.norm[0][i] /= other.norm[0].get(i) except ZeroDivisionError: xpr.norm[0][i] = float('NaN') # The final value of the factor should be the same of each try: xpr._normalization = ( self._normalization.split('_factor:')[0] + '_factor:' + str(int(self._normalization.split('_factor:')[1]) + int(other._normalization.split('_factor:')[1]))) // 2 except IndexError: # no factor there xpr._normalization = (self._normalization) elif self.norm or other.norm: try: if (self.norm[0] or other.norm[0]) != {}: if not silent: raise Exception('ERROR: normalization differs between' + ' each experiment\n') except TypeError: pass if changed_reso: self.set_resolution(reso1) self.norm = norm1 other.set_resolution(reso2) other.norm = norm2 xpr.crm = self.crm if not xpr.size: xpr.size = len(xpr.norm[0]) def __merge(own, fgn): "internal function to merge descriptions" if own == fgn: return own return '%s+%s' % (own , fgn) xpr.identifier = __merge(self.identifier , other.identifier ) xpr.cell_type = __merge(self.cell_type , other.cell_type ) xpr.enzyme = __merge(self.enzyme , other.enzyme ) xpr.description = __merge(self.description, other.description) xpr.exp_type = __merge(self.exp_type , other.exp_type ) for des in self.description: if not des in other.description: continue xpr.description[des] = __merge(self.description[des], other.description[des]) return xpr
[docs] def set_resolution(self, resolution, keep_original=True): """ Set a new value for the resolution. Copy the original data into Experiment._ori_hic and replace the Experiment.hic_data with the data corresponding to new data (:func:`pytadbit.Chromosome.compare_condition`). :param resolution: an integer representing the resolution. This number must be a multiple of the original resolution, and higher than it :param True keep_original: either to keep or not the original data """ if resolution < self._ori_resolution: raise Exception('New resolution might be higher than original.') if resolution % self._ori_resolution: raise Exception('New resolution might be a multiple original.\n' + ' otherwise it is too complicated for me :P') if resolution == self.resolution: return # if we want to go back to original resolution if resolution == self._ori_resolution: self.hic_data = self._ori_hic self.norm = self._ori_norm self.size = self._ori_size self.resolution = self._ori_resolution return # if current resolution is the original one if self.resolution == self._ori_resolution: if self.hic_data: self._ori_hic = copy(self.hic_data) if self.norm: self._ori_norm = self.norm[:] # change the factor value in normalization description try: self._normalization = ( self._normalization.split('_factor:')[0] + '_factor:'+ str(int(self._normalization.split('factor:')[1]) * (resolution // self.resolution))) except IndexError: # no factor there pass self.resolution = resolution fact = self.resolution // self._ori_resolution # super for! try: size = len(self._ori_hic[0]) except TypeError: size = len(self._ori_norm[0]) self.size = size // fact rest = size % fact if rest: self.size += 1 self.hic_data = [HiC_data([], size // fact + (1 if rest else 0))] self.norm = [HiC_data([], size // fact + (1 if rest else 0))] def resize(mtrx, copee): "resize both hic_data and normalized data" for i in range(0, size, fact): for j in range(0, size, fact): val = 0 for k in range(fact): if i + k >= size: break for l in range(fact): if j + l >= size: break val += copee[(i + k) * size + j + l] if val: mtrx[i//fact * self.size + j//fact] = val try: resize(self.hic_data[0], self._ori_hic[0]) except TypeError: pass try: resize(self.norm[0], self._ori_norm[0]) except TypeError: pass # we need to recalculate zeros: if self._filtered_cols: stderr.write('WARNING: definition of filtered columns lost at ' + 'this resolution\n') self._filtered_cols = False if not keep_original: del(self._ori_hic) del(self._ori_norm)
[docs] def filter_columns(self, silent=False, draw_hist=False, savefig=None, perc_zero=99, by_mean=True, min_count=None): """ Call filtering function, to remove artifactual columns in a given Hi-C matrix. This function will detect columns with very low interaction counts. Filtered out columns will be stored in the dictionary Experiment._zeros. :param False silent: does not warn for removed columns :param False draw_hist: shows the distribution of mean values by column the polynomial fit, and the cut applied. :param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated; if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension of the file name will determine the desired format). :param 99 perc_zero: maximum percentage of cells with no interactions allowed. :param None min_count: minimum number of reads mapped to a bin (recommended value could be 2500). If set this option overrides the perc_zero filtering... This option is slightly slower. :param True by_mean: filter columns by mean column value using :func:`pytadbit.utils.hic_filtering.filter_by_mean` function """ try: data = self.hic_data[0] except: data = self.norm[0] data.filter_columns(draw_hist=draw_hist, savefig=savefig, perc_zero=perc_zero, by_mean=by_mean, min_count=min_count, silent=silent) self._zeros = data.bads self._filtered_cols = True
[docs] def load_hic_data(self, hic_data, parser=None, wanted_resolution=None, data_resolution=None, silent=False, **kwargs): """ Add a Hi-C experiment to the Chromosome object. :param None hic_data: whether a file or a list of lists corresponding to the Hi-C data :param name: name of the experiment :param False force: overwrite the experiments loaded under the same name :param None parser: a parser function that returns a tuple of lists representing the data matrix and the length of a row/column. With the file example.tsv: :: chrT_001 chrT_002 chrT_003 chrT_004 chrT_001 629 164 88 105 chrT_002 86 612 175 110 chrT_003 159 216 437 105 chrT_004 100 111 146 278 the output of parser('example.tsv') would be: ``[([629, 86, 159, 100, 164, 612, 216, 111, 88, 175, 437, 146, 105, 110, 105, 278]), 4]`` :param None resolution: resolution of the experiment in the file; it will be adjusted to the resolution of the experiment. By default the file is expected to contain a Hi-C experiment with the same resolution as the :class:`pytadbit.Experiment` created, and no change is made :param True filter_columns: filter the columns with unexpectedly high content of low values :param False silent: does not warn for removed columns """ self.hic_data = read_matrix(hic_data, parser=parser, one=False) self._ori_size = self.size = len(self.hic_data[0]) self._ori_resolution = self.resolution = (data_resolution or self._ori_resolution) wanted_resolution = wanted_resolution or self.resolution self.set_resolution(wanted_resolution, keep_original=False) if self.hic_data[0].bads: self._zeros = self.hic_data[0].bads self._filtered_cols = True
[docs] def load_norm_data(self, norm_data, parser=None, resolution=None, normalization='visibility', **kwargs): """ Add a normalized Hi-C experiment to the Chromosome object. :param None norm_data: whether a file or a list of lists corresponding to the normalized Hi-C data :param name: name of the experiment :param False force: overwrite the experiments loaded under the same name :param None parser: a parser function that returns a tuple of lists representing the data matrix and the length of a row/column. With the file example.tsv: :: chrT_001 chrT_002 chrT_003 chrT_004 chrT_001 12.5 164 8.8 0.5 chrT_002 8.6 61.2 1.5 1.1 chrT_003 15.9 21.6 3.7 0.5 chrT_004 0.0 1.1 1.6 2.8 :param None resolution: resolution of the experiment in the file; it will be adjusted to the resolution of the experiment. By default the file is expected to contain a Hi-C experiment with the same resolution as the :class:`pytadbit.Experiment` created, and no change is made :param True filter_columns: filter the columns with unexpectedly high content of low values :param False silent: does not warn for removed columns """ self.norm = read_matrix(norm_data, parser=parser, hic=False, one=False) self._ori_size = self.size = len(self.norm[0]) self._ori_resolution = self.resolution = resolution or self._ori_resolution if not self._zeros: # in case we do not have original Hi-C data for i in range(self.size): if all([isnan(j) for j in [self.norm[0][k] for k in range(i * self.size, i * self.size + self.size)]]): self._zeros[i] = None # remove NaNs, we do not need them as we have zeroes for i in list(self.norm[0].keys()): if isnan(self.norm[0][i]): del(self.norm[0][i]) self._normalization = normalization if self.norm[0].bads: self._zeros = self.norm[0].bads self._filtered_cols = True
[docs] def load_tad_def(self, tad_def, weights=None): """ Add the Topologically Associated Domains definition detection to Slice :param None tad_def: a file or a dict with pre-computed TADs for this experiment :param None name: name of the experiment, if None f_name will be used :param None weights: Store information about the weights, corresponding to the normalization of the Hi-C data (see TADbit function documentation) """ tads, norm = parse_tads(tad_def) last = max(tads.keys()) if not self.size: self.size = tads[last]['end'] self.tads = tads if not self.norm: self.norm = weights or norm if self.norm: self._normalization = 'visibility' if self._normalization: norms = self.norm[0] elif self.hic_data: norms = self.hic_data[0] else: warn("WARNING: raw Hi-C data not available, " + "TAD's height fixed to 1") norms = None diags = [] siz = self.size sp1 = siz + 1 zeros = self._zeros or {} if norms: for k in range(1, siz): s_k = siz * k diags.append(sum([norms[i * sp1 + s_k] if not (i in zeros or (i + k) in zeros) else 1. # 1 is the mean for i in range(siz - k)]) // (siz - k)) for tad in tads: start, end = (int(tads[tad]['start']) + 1, int(tads[tad]['end']) + 1) if norms: matrix = sum([norms[i + siz * j] if not (i in zeros or j in zeros) else 1. for i in range(start - 1, end - 1) for j in range(i + 1, end - 1)]) try: if norms: height = float(matrix) / sum( [diags[i-1] * (end - start - i) for i in range(1, end - start)]) else: height = tads[tad].get('height', 1.0) except ZeroDivisionError: height = 0. tads[tad]['height'] = height
[docs] def normalize_hic(self, factor=1, iterations=0, max_dev=0.1, silent=False): """ Normalize the Hi-C data. This normalization step does the same of the :func:`pytadbit.tadbit.tadbit` function (default parameters), It fills the Experiment.norm variable with the Hi-C values divided by the calculated weight. The weight of a given cell in column i and row j corresponds to the square root of the product of the sum of column i by the sum of row j. normalization is done according to this formula: .. math:: weight_{(I,J)} = \\frac{\\sum^N_{j=0}\\sum^N_{i=0}(matrix(i,j))} {\\sum^N_{i=0}(matrix(i,J)) \\times \\sum^N_{j=0}(matrix(I,j))} with N being the number or rows/columns of the Hi-C matrix in both cases. :param 1 factor: final mean number of normalized interactions wanted per cell :param False silent: does not warn when overwriting weights :param None rowsums: input a list of rowsums calculated elsewhere """ if not self.hic_data: raise Exception('ERROR: No Hi-C data loaded\n') if self.norm and not silent: stderr.write('WARNING: removing previous weights\n') size = self.size self.hic_data[0].normalize_hic(iterations=iterations, max_dev=max_dev, silent=silent, factor=factor) bias = self.hic_data[0].bias # faster quick ref hic_data = self.hic_data[0] self.norm = [HiC_data([(i + j * size, float(hic_data[i, j]) / bias[i] / bias[j]) for i in bias for j in bias], size)] # no need to use lists, tuples use less memory if factor: self._normalization = 'visibility_factor:' + str(factor) else: self._normalization = 'visibility'
[docs] def get_hic_zscores(self, normalized=True, zscored=True, remove_zeros=True): """ Normalize the Hi-C raw data. The result will be stored into the private Experiment._zscore list. :param True normalized: whether to normalize the result using the weights (see :func:`normalize_hic`) :param True zscored: calculate the z-score of the data :param False remove_zeros: remove null interactions. Dangerous, null interaction are informative. """ values = {} zeros = {} self._zscores = {} if normalized: for i in range(self.size): # zeros are rows or columns having a zero in the diagonal if i in self._zeros: continue for j in range(i + 1, self.size): if j in self._zeros: continue if (not self.norm[0][i * self.size + j] and remove_zeros): zeros[(i, j)] = None continue values[(i, j)] = self.norm[0][i * self.size + j] else: for i in range(self.size): if i in self._zeros: continue for j in range(i + 1, self.size): if j in self._zeros: continue values[(i, j)] = self.hic_data[0][i * self.size + j] # compute Z-score if zscored: zscore(values) for i in range(self.size): if i in self._zeros: continue for j in range(i + 1, self.size): if j in self._zeros: continue if (i, j) in zeros and remove_zeros: continue self._zscores.setdefault(str(i), {}) self._zscores[str(i)][str(j)] = values[(i, j)]
[docs] def model_region(self, start=1, end=None, n_models=5000, n_keep=1000, n_cpus=1, verbose=0, keep_all=False, close_bins=1, outfile=None, config=CONFIG, container=None, single_particle_restraints=None, use_HiC=True): """ Generates of three-dimensional models using IMP, for a given segment of chromosome. :param 1 start: first bin to model (bin number) :param None end: last bin to model (bin number). By default goes to the last bin. :param 5000 n_models: number of modes to generate :param 1000 n_keep: number of models used in the final analysis (usually the top 20% of the generated models). The models are ranked according to their objective function value (the lower the better) :param False keep_all: whether or not to keep the discarded models (if True, models will be stored under tructuralModels.bad_models) :param 1 close_bins: number of particles away (i.e. the bin number difference) a particle pair must be in order to be considered as neighbors (e.g. 1 means consecutive particles) :param n_cpus: number of CPUs to use :param 0 verbose: the information printed can be: nothing (0), the objective function value the selected models (1), the objective function value of all the models (2), all the modeling information (3) :param None container: restrains particle to be within a given object. Can only be a 'cylinder', which is, in fact a cylinder of a given height to which are added hemispherical ends. This cylinder is defined by a radius, its height (with a height of 0 the cylinder becomes a sphere) and the force applied to the restraint. E.g. for modeling E. coli genome (2 micrometers length and 0.5 micrometer of width), these values could be used: ['cylinder', 250, 1500, 50], and for a typical mammalian nuclei (6 micrometers diameter): ['cylinder', 3000, 0, 50] :param CONFIG config: a dictionary containing the standard parameters used to generate the models. The dictionary should contain the keys kforce, maxdist, upfreq and lowfreq. Examples can be seen by doing: :: from pytadbit.imp.CONFIG import CONFIG where CONFIG is a dictionarry of dictionnaries to be passed to this function: :: CONFIG = { # use these paramaters with the Hi-C data from: 'reference' : 'victor corces dataset 2013', # Force applied to the restraints inferred to neighbor particles 'kforce' : 5, # Maximum experimental contact distance 'maxdist' : 600, # OPTIMIZATION: 500-1200 # Minimum and maximum thresholds used to decide which experimental values have to be # included in the computation of restraints. Z-score values bigger than upfreq # and less that lowfreq will be include, whereas all the others will be rejected 'upfreq' : 0.3, # OPTIMIZATION: min/max Z-score 'lowfreq' : -0.7, # OPTIMIZATION: min/max Z-score # How much space (radius in nm) ocupies a nucleotide 'scale' : 0.005 } :param True use_HiC: apply hic data restraints to the model :param: None single_particle_restraints: a list containing restraints to single particles. Each restraint in the list is itself a list with the following information: [bin, [position_x, position_y, position_z], type, kforce, radius] bin: bin number of the particle to restraint [position_x, position_y, position_z](nm): center of the sphere of the restraint. The center of the coordinate system is the center of the base of the cylinder defined as the container. type: 'Harmonic', 'HarmonicLowerBound', 'HarmonicUpperBound' kforce: weigth of the restraint radius (nm): radius of the sphere :returns: a :class:`pytadbit.imp.structuralmodels.StructuralModels` object. """ if not self._normalization: stderr.write('WARNING: not normalized data, should run ' + 'Experiment.normalize_hic()\n') if not end: end = self.size zscores, values, zeros = self._sub_experiment_zscore(start, end) if self.hic_data and self.hic_data[0].chromosomes: coords = [] tot = 0 chrs = [] chrom_offset_start = start chrom_offset_end = 0 for k, v in self.hic_data[0].chromosomes.items(): tot += v if start > tot: chrom_offset_start = start - tot if end <= tot: chrom_offset_end = tot - end chrs.append(k) break if start < tot and end >= tot: chrs.append(k) for k in chrs: coords.append({'crm' : k, 'start': 1, 'end' : self.hic_data[0].chromosomes[k]}) coords[0]['start'] = chrom_offset_start coords[-1]['end'] -= chrom_offset_end else: coords = {'crm' :, 'start': start, 'end' : end} zeros = tuple([i not in zeros for i in range(end - start + 1)]) nloci = end - start + 1 if verbose: stderr.write('Preparing to model %s particles\n' % nloci) return generate_3d_models(zscores, self.resolution, nloci, values=values, n_models=n_models, outfile=outfile, n_keep=n_keep, n_cpus=n_cpus, verbose=verbose, keep_all=keep_all, first=0, close_bins=close_bins, config=config, container=container, experiment=self, coords=coords, zeros=zeros, single_particle_restraints=single_particle_restraints, use_HiC=use_HiC)
[docs] def optimal_imp_parameters(self, start=1, end=None, n_models=500, n_keep=100, n_cpus=1, upfreq_range=(0, 1, 0.1), close_bins=1, kbending_range=0.0, lowfreq_range=(-1, 0, 0.1), scale_range=[0.01][:], maxdist_range=(400, 1400, 100), dcutoff_range=[2][:], outfile=None, verbose=True, corr='spearman', off_diag=1, savedata=None, container=None): """ Find the optimal set of parameters to be used for the 3D modeling in IMP. :param 1 start: first bin to model (bin number) :param None end: last bin to model (bin number). By default goes to the last bin. :param 500 n_models: number of modes to generate :param 100 n_keep: number of models used in the final analysis (usually the top 20% of the generated models). The models are ranked according to their objective function value (the lower the better) :param 1 close_bins: number of particles away (i.e. the bin number difference) a particle pair must be in order to be considered as neighbors (e.g. 1 means consecutive particles) :param n_cpus: number of CPUs to use :param False verbose: if set to True, information about the distance, force and Z-score between particles will be printed :param (-1,0,0.1) lowfreq_range: range of lowfreq values to be optimized. The last value of the input tuple is the incremental step for the lowfreq values :param (0,1,0.1,0.1) upfreq_range: range of upfreq values to be optimized. The last value of the input tuple is the incremental step for the upfreq values :param (400,1400,100) maxdist_range: upper and lower bounds used to search for the optimal maximum experimental distance. The last value of the input tuple is the incremental step for maxdist values :param [0.01] scale_range: upper and lower bounds used to search for the optimal scale parameter (nm per nucleotide). The last value of the input tuple is the incremental step for scale parameter values :param [2] dcutoff_range: upper and lower bounds used to search for the optimal distance cutoff parameter (distance, in number of beads, from which to consider 2 beads as being close). The last value of the input tuple is the incremental step for scale parameter values :param None container: restrains particle to be within a given object. Can only be a 'cylinder', which is, in fact a cylinder of a given height to which are added hemispherical ends. This cylinder is defined by a radius, its height (with a height of 0 the cylinder becomes a sphere) and the force applied to the restraint. E.g. for modeling E. coli genome (2 micrometers length and 0.5 micrometer of width), these values could be used: ['cylinder', 250, 1500, 50], and for a typical mammalian nuclei (6 micrometers diameter): ['cylinder', 3000, 0, 50] :param True verbose: print the results to the standard output .. note:: Each of the *_range* parameters accept tuples in the form *(start, end, step)*, or a list with the list of values to test. E.g.: * scale_range=[0.001, 0.005, 0.006] will test these three values. * scale_range=(0.001, 0.005, 0.001) will test the values 0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004 and 0.005 :returns: an :class:`pytadbit.imp.impoptimizer.IMPoptimizer` object """ if not self._normalization: stderr.write('WARNING: not normalized data, should run ' + 'Experiment.normalize_hic()\n') if not end: end = self.size optimizer = IMPoptimizer(self, start, end, n_keep=n_keep, n_models=n_models, close_bins=close_bins, container=container) optimizer.run_grid_search(maxdist_range=maxdist_range, kbending_range=kbending_range, upfreq_range=upfreq_range, lowfreq_range=lowfreq_range, scale_range=scale_range, dcutoff_range=dcutoff_range, corr=corr, n_cpus=n_cpus, verbose=verbose, off_diag=off_diag, savedata=savedata) if outfile: optimizer.write_result(outfile) return optimizer
def _sub_experiment_zscore(self, start, end): """ Get the z-score of a sub-region of an experiment. :param start: first bin to model (bin number) :param end: first bin to model (bin number) :returns: 1- z-score, 2- matrix of values with NaNs in the diagonal and in bad columns and 3- actual position of bad columns """ if not self._normalization or not self._normalization.startswith('visibility'): stderr.write('WARNING: normalizing according to visibility method\n') self.normalize_hic() from pytadbit import Chromosome if start < 1: raise ValueError('ERROR: start should be higher than 0\n') start -= 1 # things starts at 0 for python. we keep the end coordinate # at its original value because it is inclusive siz = self.size try: matrix = self.get_hic_matrix() new_matrix = [[matrix[i][j] for i in range(start, end)] for j in range(start, end)] tmp = Chromosome('tmp') tmp.add_experiment('exp1', hic_data=[new_matrix], resolution=self.resolution, filter_columns=False) exp = tmp.experiments[0] # We want the weights and zeros calculated in the full chromosome exp.norm = [[self.norm[0][i + siz * j] for i in range(start, end) for j in range(start, end)]] except TypeError: # no Hi-C data provided matrix = self.get_hic_matrix(normalized=True) new_matrix = [[matrix[i][j] for i in range(start, end)] for j in range(start, end)] tmp = Chromosome('tmp') tmp.add_experiment('exp1', norm_data=[new_matrix], resolution=self.resolution, filter_columns=False) exp = tmp.experiments[0] exp._zeros = dict([(z - start, None) for z in self._zeros if start <= z <= end - 1]) if len(exp._zeros) == (end - start): raise Exception('ERROR: no interaction found in selected regions') # ... but the z-scores in this particular region exp.get_hic_zscores() values = [[float('nan') for _ in range(exp.size)] for _ in range(exp.size)] for i in range(exp.size): # zeros are rows or columns having a zero in the diagonal if i in exp._zeros: continue for j in range(i + 1, exp.size): # NaNs kept in the diagonal if j in exp._zeros: continue val = exp.norm[0][i * exp.size + j] values[i][j] = val values[j][i] = val return exp._zscores, values, exp._zeros
[docs] def write_interaction_pairs(self, fname, normalized=True, zscored=True, diagonal=False, cutoff=None, header=False, true_position=False, uniq=True, remove_zeros=False, focus=None, format='tsv'): """ Creates a tab separated file with all the pairwise interactions. :param fname: file name where to write the pairwise interactions :param True zscored: computes the z-score of the log10(data) :param True normalized: use the weights to normalize the data :param None cutoff: if defined, only the zscores above the cutoff will be writen to the file :param False uniq: only writes one representent per interacting pair :param False true_position: if, true writes genomic coordinates, otherwise, genomic bin. :param None focus: writes interactions between the start and stop bin passed to this parameter. :param 'tsv' format: in which to write the file, can be tab separated (tsv) or JSON (json) """ cutoff = cutoff or float('-inf') if not self._zscores and zscored: self.get_hic_zscores() if not self.norm and normalized: raise Exception('Experiment not normalized.') # write to file if isinstance(fname, basestring): out = open(fname, 'w') elif isinstance(fname, file_types): out = fname else: raise Exception('Not recognize file type\n') if header: if format == 'tsv': out.write('elt1\telt2\t%s\n' % ('zscore' if zscored else 'normalized hi-c' if normalized else 'raw hi-c')) elif format == 'json': out.write(''' { "metadata": { "formatVersion" : 3, %s "species" : "%s", "cellType" : "%s", "experimentType" : "%s", "identifier" : "%s", "resolution" : %s, "chromosome" : "%s", "start" : %s, "end" : %s }, "interactions": [ ''' % ('\n'.join(['"%s": "%s",' % (k, self.description[k]) for k in self.description]), self.description.get('species', ''), self.cell_type, self.exp_type, self.identifier, self.resolution,, focus[0] * self.resolution if focus else 1, (focus[1] * self.resolution if focus else self.resolution * self.size))) if focus: start, end = focus[0], focus[1] + 1 else: start, end = 0, self.size for i in range(start, end): if i in self._zeros: continue newstart = i if uniq else 0 for j in range(newstart, end): if j in self._zeros: continue if not diagonal and i == j: continue if zscored: try: if self._zscores[str(i)][str(j)] < cutoff: continue if self._zscores[str(i)][str(j)] == -99: continue except KeyError: continue val = self._zscores[str(i)][str(j)] elif normalized: val = self.norm[0][self.size*i+j] else: val = self.hic_data[0][self.size*i+j] if remove_zeros and not val: continue if true_position: if format == 'tsv': out.write('%s\t%s\t%s\n' % ( self.resolution * (i + 1), self.resolution * (j + 1), val)) elif format == 'json': out.write('%s,%s,%s,\n' % ( self.resolution * (i + 1), self.resolution * (j + 1), val)) else: if format == 'tsv': out.write('%s\t%s\t%s\n' % ( i + 1 - start, j + 1 - start, val)) elif format == 'json': out.write('%s,%s,%s\n' % ( i + 1 - start, j + 1 - start, val)) if format == 'json': out.write(']}\n') out.close()
[docs] def get_hic_matrix(self, focus=None, diagonal=True, normalized=False): """ Return the Hi-C matrix. :param None focus: if a tuple is passed (start, end), wil return a Hi-C matrix starting at start, and ending at end (all inclusive). :param True diagonal: replace the values in the diagonal by one. Used for the filtering in order to smooth the distribution of mean values :para False normalized: returns normalized data instead of raw Hi-C :returns: list of lists representing the Hi-C data matrix of the current experiment """ siz = self.size if normalized: try: hic = self.norm[0] except TypeError: raise Exception('ERROR: experiment not normalized yet') else: hic = self.hic_data[0] if focus: start, end = focus start -= 1 else: start = 0 end = siz if diagonal: return [[hic[i + siz * j] for i in range(start, end)] for j in range(start, end)] else: mtrx = [[hic[i + siz * j] for i in range(start, end)] for j in range(start, end)] for i in range(start, end): mtrx[i][i] = 1 if mtrx[i][i] else 0 return mtrx
[docs] def print_hic_matrix(self, print_it=True, normalized=False, zeros=False): """ Return the Hi-C matrix as string :param True print_it: Otherwise, returns the string :param False normalized: returns normalized data, instead of raw Hi-C :param False zeros: take into account filtered columns :returns: list of lists representing the Hi-C data matrix of the current experiment """ siz = self.size if normalized: hic = self.norm[0] else: hic = self.hic_data[0] if zeros: out = '\n'.join(['\t'.join( ['nan' if (i in self._zeros or j in self._zeros) else str(hic[i+siz * j]) for i in range(siz)]) for j in range(siz)]) else: out = '\n'.join(['\t'.join([str(hic[i+siz * j]) for i in range(siz)]) for j in range(siz)]) if print_it: print(out) else: return out + '\n'
[docs] def view(self, tad=None, focus=None, paint_tads=False, axe=None, show=True, logarithm=True, normalized=False, relative=True, decorate=True, savefig=None, where='both', clim=None, cmap='jet'): """ Visualize the matrix of Hi-C interactions :param None tad: a given TAD in the form: :: {'start': start, 'end' : end, 'brk' : end, 'score': score} **Alternatively** a list of the TADs can be passed (all the TADs between the first and last one passed will be showed. Thus, passing more than two TADs might be superfluous) :param None focus: a tuple with the start and end positions of the region to visualize :param False paint_tads: draw a box around the TADs defined for this experiment :param None axe: an axe object from matplotlib can be passed in order to customize the picture :param True show: either to pop-up matplotlib image or not :param True logarithm: show the logarithm values :param True normalized: show the normalized data (weights might have been calculated previously). *Note: white rows/columns may appear in the matrix displayed; these rows correspond to filtered rows (see* :func:`pytadbit.utils.hic_filtering.hic_filtering_for_modelling` *)* :param True relative: color scale is relative to the whole matrix of data, not only to the region displayed :param True decorate: draws color bar, title and axes labels :param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated; if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension of the file name will determine the desired format). :param None clim: tuple with minimum and maximum value range for color scale. I.e. clim=(-4, 10) :param 'jet' cmap: color map from matplotlib. Can also be a preconfigured cmap object. """ if logarithm==True: fun = log2 elif logarithm: fun = logarithm else: fun = lambda x: x size = self.size if normalized and not self.norm: raise Exception('ERROR: weights not calculated for this ' + 'experiment. Run Experiment.normalize_hic\n') if tad and focus: raise Exception('ERROR: only one of "tad" or "focus" might be set') start = end = None if focus: start, end = focus if start == 0: stderr.write('WARNING: Hi-C matrix starts at 1, setting ' + 'starting point to 1.\n') start = 1 elif isinstance(tad, dict): start = int(tad['start']) end = int(tad['end']) elif isinstance(tad, list): if isinstance(tad[0], dict): start = int(sorted(tad, key=lambda x: int(x['start']))[0 ]['start']) end = int(sorted(tad, key=lambda x: int(x['end' ]))[-1]['end' ]) elif self.tads: start = self.tads[min(self.tads)]['start'] + 1 end = self.tads[max(self.tads)]['end' ] + 1 else: start = 1 end = size if normalized: norm_data = self.norm else: hic_data = self.hic_data if relative and not clim: if normalized: # find minimum, if value is non-zero... for logarithm mini = min([i for i in list(norm_data[0].values()) if i]) if mini == int(mini): vmin = min(norm_data[0].values()) else: vmin = mini vmin = fun(vmin or (1 if logarithm else 0)) vmax = fun(max(norm_data[0].values())) else: vmin = fun(min(hic_data[0].values()) or (1 if logarithm else 0)) vmax = fun(max(hic_data[0].values())) elif clim: vmin, vmax = clim if axe is None: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) axe = plt.subplot(111) if tad or focus: if start > -1: if normalized: matrix = [ [norm_data[0][i+size*j] if (not i in self._zeros and not j in self._zeros) else float('nan') for i in range(int(start) - 1, int(end))] for j in range(int(start) - 1, int(end))] else: matrix = [ [hic_data[0][i+size*j] for i in range(int(start) - 1, int(end))] for j in range(int(start) - 1, int(end))] elif isinstance(tad, list): if normalized: stderr.write('WARNING: List passed, not going to be ' + 'normalized.\n') matrix = tad else: # TODO: something... matrix not declared... pass else: if normalized: matrix = [[norm_data[0][i+size*j] if (not i in self._zeros and not j in self._zeros) else float('nan') for i in range(size)] for j in range(size)] else: matrix = [[hic_data[0][i+size*j]\ for i in range(size)] \ for j in range(size)] if isinstance(cmap, basestring): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap).copy() cmap.set_bad('darkgrey', 0) matrix = np.array(matrix) if where == 'up': for i in range(int(end - start)): for j in range(i, int(end - start)): matrix[i][j] = np.nan if normalized else 0 elif where == 'down': for i in range(int(end - start)): for j in range(i + 1): matrix[i][j] = np.nan if normalized else 0 with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): matrix =, fun(matrix)) if relative: img = axe.imshow(matrix, origin='lower', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation="nearest", cmap=cmap, extent=(int(start or 1) - 0.5, int(start or 1) + len(matrix) - 0.5, int(start or 1) - 0.5, int(start or 1) + len(matrix) - 0.5)) else: img = axe.imshow(matrix, origin='lower', interpolation="nearest", cmap=cmap, extent=(int(start or 1) - 0.5, int(start or 1) + len(matrix) - 0.5, int(start or 1) - 0.5, int(start or 1) + len(matrix) - 0.5)) if decorate: cbar = axe.figure.colorbar(img)'%sHi-C %sinteraction count' % ( 'Log2 ' * (logarithm==True), 'normalized ' * normalized), rotation=-90) axe.set_title(('Chromosome %s experiment %s %s') % (,, 'focus: %s-%s' % (start, end) if tad else '')) axe.set_xlabel('Genomic bin (resolution: %s)' % (self.resolution)) if paint_tads: axe.set_ylabel('TAD number') else: axe.set_ylabel('Genomic bin (resolution: %s)' % ( self.resolution)) if not paint_tads: axe.set_ylim(int(start or 1) - 0.5, int(start or 1) + len(matrix) - 0.5) axe.set_xlim(int(start or 1) - 0.5, int(start or 1) + len(matrix) - 0.5) if show: if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) return img pwidth = 1 tads = dict([(t, self.tads[t]) for t in self.tads if ((int(self.tads[t]['start']) + 1 >= start and int(self.tads[t]['end' ]) + 1 <= end) or not start)]) for i, tad in tads.items(): t_start = int(tad['start']) + .5 t_end = int(tad['end']) + 1.5 nwidth = float(abs(tad['score'])) / 4 if where in ['down', 'both']: axe.hlines(t_start, t_start, t_end, colors='k', lw=pwidth) if where in ['up', 'both']: axe.hlines(t_end , t_start, t_end, colors='k', lw=nwidth) if where in ['up', 'both']: axe.vlines(t_start, t_start, t_end, colors='k', lw=pwidth) if where in ['down', 'both']: axe.vlines(t_end , t_start, t_end, colors='k', lw=nwidth) pwidth = nwidth if tad['score'] < 0: for j in range(0, int(t_end) - int(t_start), 2): axe.plot((t_start , t_start + j), (t_end - j, t_end ), color='k') axe.plot((t_end , t_end - j), (t_start + j, t_start ), color='k') axe.set_ylim(int(start or 1) - 0.5, int(start or 1) + len(matrix) - 0.5) axe.set_xlim(int(start or 1) - 0.5, int(start or 1) + len(matrix) - 0.5) if paint_tads: ticks = [] labels = [] for tad, tick in [(t, tads[t]['start'] + (tads[t]['end'] - tads[t]['start'] - 1)) for t in list(tads.keys())[::(len(tads)//11 + 1)]]: ticks.append(tick) labels.append(tad + 1) axe.set_yticks(ticks) axe.set_yticklabels(labels) if show: if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) return img
[docs] def write_tad_borders(self, density=False, savedata=None, normalized=False): """ Print a table summarizing the TADs found by tadbit. This function outputs something similar to the R function. :param False density: if True, adds a column with the relative interaction frequency measured within each TAD (value of 1 means an interaction frequency equal to the expectation in the experiment) :param None savedata: path to a file where to save the density data generated (1 column per step + 1 for particle number). If None, print a table. :param False normalized: uses normalized data to calculate the density """ if normalized and self.norm: norms = self.norm[0] elif self.hic_data: if normalized: warn("WARNING: weights not available, using raw data") norms = self.hic_data[0] else: warn("WARNING: raw Hi-C data not available, " + "TAD's height fixed to 1") norms = None zeros = self._zeros or {} table = '' table += '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s%s\n' % ('#', 'start', 'end', 'score', '' if not density else '\tdensity') tads = self.tads sp1 = self.size + 1 diags = [] if norms: for k in range(1, self.size): s_k = self.size * k diags.append(sum([norms[i * sp1 + s_k] if not (i in zeros or (i + k) in zeros) else 0. for i in range( self.size - k)]) // (self.size - k)) for tad in tads: table += '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s%s\n' % ( tad, int(tads[tad]['start'] + 1), int(tads[tad]['end'] + 1), abs(tads[tad]['score']), '' if not density else '\t%s' % (round(float(tads[tad]['height']), 3))) if not savedata: print(table) return if isinstance(savedata, file_types): out = savedata else: out = open(savedata, 'w') out.write(table)
[docs] def write_json(self, filename, focus=None, normalized=False): """ Save hic matrix in the json format, read by TADkit. :param filename: location where the file will be written :param None focus: if a tuple is passed (start, end), json will contain a Hi-C matrix starting at start, and ending at end (all inclusive). :para False normalized: use normalized data instead of raw Hi-C """ if not self.crm.species: warn("WARNING: no species specified in chromosome. TADkit will not be able to interpret the file") if not warn("WARNING: no name specified in chromosome. TADkit will not be able to interpret the file") if focus: start, end = focus size = end-start+1 else: start = 0 end = size = self.size if size > 1200: warn("WARNING: this is a very big matrix, consider using focus. TADkit will not be able to render the file") new_hic_data = self.get_hic_matrix(focus=focus, normalized=normalized) chrom_start = [] chrom_end = [] chrom = [] if self.hic_data and self.hic_data[0].chromosomes: tot = 0 chrs = [] chrom_offset_start = start chrom_offset_end = 0 for k, v in self.hic_data[0].chromosomes.items(): tot += v if start > tot: chrom_offset_start = start - tot if end <= tot: chrom_offset_end = tot - end chrs.append((k,v)) break if start < tot and end >= tot: chrs.append((k,v)) for k, v in chrs: chrom.append(k) chrom_start.append(0) chrom_end.append(v * self.resolution) chrom_start[0] = chrom_offset_start * self.resolution chrom_end[-1] -= chrom_offset_end * self.resolution else: chrom.append( chrom_start.append(start * self.resolution) chrom_end.append(end * self.resolution) descr = {'chromosome' : chrom, 'species' : self.crm.species, 'resolution' : self.resolution, 'chrom_start' : chrom_start, 'chrom_end' : chrom_end, 'start' : self.resolution, 'end' : size * self.resolution} # Fake structural models object to produce json sm = StructuralModels(nloci=size, models = [], bad_models = [], experiment=self, resolution=self.resolution, original_data=new_hic_data, description=descr, config={'scale':0.01}) sm.write_json(filename=filename)
# def generate_densities(self): # """ # Related to the generation of 3D models. # In the case of Hi-C data, the density is equal to the number of # nucleotides in a bin, which is equal to the experiment resolution. # """ # dens = {} # for i in self.size: # dens[i] = self.resolution # return dens