Source code for pytadbit.utils.three_dim_stats

30 Oct 2013


import sys

from warnings  import catch_warnings, simplefilter
from itertools import combinations
from math      import pi, sqrt, cos, sin, acos
from copy      import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import shuffle as np_shuffle
from scipy.stats  import skew, kurtosis, norm as sc_norm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib import rcParams

from pytadbit.eqv_rms_drms import rmsdRMSD_wrapper
from pytadbit.consistency import consistency_wrapper
from pytadbit.utils.extraviews import tadbit_savefig

def generate_sphere_points(n=100):
    Returns list of 3d coordinates of points on a sphere using the
    Golden Section Spiral algorithm.

    :param n: number of points in the sphere

    :returns a sphere of radius 1, centered in the origin
    points = []
    inc = pi * (3 - sqrt(5))
    offset = 2 / float(n)
    for k in range(int(n)):
        y = k * offset - 1 + (offset / 2)
        r = sqrt(1 - y*y)
        phi = k * inc
        # points.append(dict((('x', cos(phi) * r),('y', y),('z', sin(phi) * r))))
        points.append((cos(phi) * r, y, sin(phi) * r))
    return points

def get_center_of_mass(x, y, z, zeros):
    get the center of mass of a given object with list of x, y, z coordinates
    xm = ym = zm = 0.
    size = len(x)
    subsize  = 0
    for i in range(size):
        if not zeros[i]:
        subsize += 1
        xm += x[i]
        ym += y[i]
        zm += z[i]
    xm /= subsize
    ym /= subsize
    zm /= subsize
    return xm, ym, zm

def mass_center(x, y, z, zeros):
    Transforms coordinates according to the center of mass

    :param x: list of x coordinates
    :param y: list of y coordinates
    :param z: list of z coordinates
    xm, ym, zm = get_center_of_mass(x, y, z, zeros)
    for i in range(len(x)):
        x[i] -= xm
        y[i] -= ym
        z[i] -= zm

# def generate_circle_points(x, y, z, a, b, c, u, v, w, n):
#     """
#     Returns list of 3d coordinates of points on a circle using the
#     Rodrigues rotation formula.
#     see *Murray, G. (2013). Rotation About an Arbitrary Axis in 3 Dimensions*
#     for details
#     :param x: x coordinate of a point somewhere on the circle
#     :param y: y coordinate of a point somewhere on the circle
#     :param z: z coordinate of a point somewhere on the circle
#     :param a: x coordinate of the center
#     :param b: y coordinate of the center
#     :param c: z coordinate of the center
#     :param u: 1st element of a vector in the same plane as the circle
#     :param v: 2nd element of a vector in the same plane as the circle
#     :param w: 3rd element of a vector in the same plane as the circle
#     :param n: number of points in the circle
#     TODO: try simplification for a=b=c=0 (and do the translation in the main
#           function)
#     """
#     points = []
#     offset = 2 * pi / float(n)
#     u_2 = u**2
#     v_2 = v**2
#     w_2 = w**2
#     dst = u_2 + v_2 + w_2
#     sqrtdst = sqrt(dst)
#     uxvywz =  - u*x - v*y - w*z
#     b_v = b*v
#     c_w = c*w
#     a_u = a*u
#     one = (a * (v_2 + w_2) - u*(b_v + c_w + uxvywz))
#     two = (b * (u_2 + w_2) - v*(a_u + c_w + uxvywz))
#     tre = (c * (u_2 + v_2) - w*(a_u + b_v + uxvywz))
#     onep = sqrtdst * (-c*v + b*w - w*y + v*z)
#     twop = sqrtdst * ( c*u - a*w + w*x - u*z)
#     trep = sqrtdst * (-b*u + a*v - v*x + u*y)
#     for k in range(int(n)):
#         ang = k * offset
#         cosang = cos(ang)
#         dcosang = cosang * dst
#         sinang = sin(ang)
#         points.append([(one * (1 - cosang) + x * dcosang + onep * sinang) / dst,
#                        (two * (1 - cosang) + y * dcosang + twop * sinang) / dst,
#                        (tre * (1 - cosang) + z * dcosang + trep * sinang) / dst]
#                       )
#     return points

def rotate_among_y_axis(x, y, z, angle):
    Rotate and object with a list of x, y, z coordinates among its center of
    xj = []
    yj = []
    zj = []
    for xi, yi, zi in zip(*(x, y, z)):
        #dist = square_distance((xi, yi, zi), center_of_mass)
        xj.append(xi*cos(angle) + zi*sin(angle))
    return xj, yj, zj

def find_angle_rotation_improve_x(x, y, z, center_of_mass):
    Finds the rotation angle needed to face the longest edge of the molecule
    # find most distant point from center of mass:
    coords = list(zip(*(x, y, z)))
    xdst, ydst, zdst = max(coords, key=lambda i: square_distance(i, center_of_mass))
    dist = distance((xdst, ydst, zdst), center_of_mass)
    angle = acos((-xdst**2 - (dist + sqrt(dist**2 - xdst**2))) /
                 (2 * dist**2) + 1)
    return angle

[docs]def generate_circle_points(x, y, z, u, v, w, n): """ Returns list of 3d coordinates of points on a circle using the Rodrigues rotation formula. see *Murray, G. (2013). Rotation About an Arbitrary Axis in 3 Dimensions* for details :param x: x coordinate of a point somewhere on the circle :param y: y coordinate of a point somewhere on the circle :param z: z coordinate of a point somewhere on the circle :param a: x coordinate of the center :param b: y coordinate of the center :param c: z coordinate of the center :param u: 1st element of a vector in the same plane as the circle :param v: 2nd element of a vector in the same plane as the circle :param w: 3rd element of a vector in the same plane as the circle :param n: number of points in the circle TODO: try simplification for a=b=c=0 (and do the translation in the main function) """ points = [] offset = 2 * pi / float(n) u_2 = u**2 v_2 = v**2 w_2 = w**2 dst = u_2 + v_2 + w_2 sqrtdst = sqrt(dst) uxvywz = - u*x - v*y - w*z one = (-u * (uxvywz)) two = (-v * (uxvywz)) tre = (-w * (uxvywz)) onep = sqrtdst * (- w*y + v*z) twop = sqrtdst * (+ w*x - u*z) trep = sqrtdst * (- v*x + u*y) for k in range(int(n)): ang = k * offset cosang = cos(ang) dcosang = cosang * dst sinang = sin(ang) points.append([(one * (1 - cosang) + x * dcosang + onep * sinang) / dst, (two * (1 - cosang) + y * dcosang + twop * sinang) / dst, (tre * (1 - cosang) + z * dcosang + trep * sinang) / dst] ) return points
[docs]def square_distance(part1, part2): """ Calculates the square distance between two particles. :param part1: coordinate (dict format with x, y, z keys) :param part2: coordinate (dict format with x, y, z keys) :returns: square distance between two points in space """ return ((part1[0] - part2[0])**2 + (part1[1] - part2[1])**2 + (part1[2] - part2[2])**2)
def fast_square_distance(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2): """ Calculates the square distance between two coordinates. :param part1: coordinate (dict format with x, y, z keys) :param part2: coordinate (dict format with x, y, z keys) :returns: square distance between two points in space """ return ((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2 + (z1 - z2)**2)
[docs]def distance(part1, part2): """ Calculates the distance between two particles. :param part1: coordinate in list format (x, y, z) :param part2: coordinate in list format (x, y, z) :returns: distance between two points in space """ return sqrt((part1[0] - part2[0])**2 + (part1[1] - part2[1])**2 + (part1[2] - part2[2])**2)
[docs]def angle_between_3_points(point1, point2, point3): """ Calculates the angle between 3 particles Given three particles A, B and C, the angle g (angle ACB, shown below): :: A /| /i| c/ | / | / | B )g |b \ | \ | a\ | \h| \| C is given by the theorem of Al-Kashi: .. math:: b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2ac\cos(g) :param point1: list of 3 coordinate for x, y and z :param point2: list of 3 coordinate for x, y and z :param point3: list of 3 coordinate for x, y and z :returns: angle in radians """ a = distance(point2, point3) c = distance(point1, point2) b = distance(point1, point3) try: g = acos((a**2 - b**2 + c**2) / (2 * a * c)) except ValueError: g = 0. return g
def calc_consistency(models, nloci, zeros, dcutoff=200): combines = list(combinations(models, 2)) parts = [0 for _ in range(nloci)] for pm in consistency_wrapper([model['x'] for model in models], [model['y'] for model in models], [model['z'] for model in models], zeros, nloci, dcutoff, list(range(len(models))), len(models)): for i, p in enumerate(pm): parts[i] += p return [float(p)/len(combines) * 100 for p in parts]
[docs]def calc_eqv_rmsd(models, beg, end, zeros, dcutoff=200, one=False, what='score', normed=True): """ Calculates the RMSD, dRMSD, the number of equivalent positions and a score combining these three measures. The measure are done between a group of models in a one against all manner. :param beg: start particle number of the region to compare :param end: end particle number of the region to compare :param zeros: list of True/False representing particles to skip :param 200 dcutoff: distance in nanometer from which it is considered that two particles are separated. :param 0.75 fact: Factor for equivalent positions :param False one: if True assumes that only two models are passed, and returns the rmsd of their comparison :param 'score' what: values to return. Can be one of 'score', 'rmsd', 'drmsd' or 'eqv' :param True normed: normalize result by maximum value (only applies to rmsd and drmsd) :returns: a score of each pairwise comparison according to: .. math:: score_i = eqvs_i \\times \\frac{dRMSD_i / max(dRMSD)} {RMSD_i / max(RMSD)} where :math:`eqvs_i` is the number of equivalent position for the ith pairwise model comparison. """ what = what.lower() if not what in ['score', 'rmsd', 'drmsd', 'eqv']: raise NotImplementedError("Only 'score', 'rmsd', 'drmsd' or 'eqv' " + "features are available\n") # remove particles with zeros from calculation x = [] y = [] z = [] for m in range(len(models)): x.append([models[m]['x'][i] for i in range(beg, end) if zeros[i]]) y.append([models[m]['y'][i] for i in range(beg, end) if zeros[i]]) z.append([models[m]['z'][i] for i in range(beg, end) if zeros[i]]) zeros = tuple([True for _ in range(len(x[0]))]) scores = rmsdRMSD_wrapper(x, y, z, zeros, len(zeros), dcutoff, list(range(len(models))), len(models), int(one), what, int(normed)) return scores
[docs]def dihedral(a, b, c, d, e): """ Calculates dihedral angle between 4 points in 3D (array with x,y,z) """ v1 = getNormedVector(b - a) v2 = getNormedVector(b - c) v4 = getNormedVector(d - c) v3 = getNormedVector(c - e) v1v2 = np.cross(v1, v2) v3v4 = np.cross(v3, v4) sign = 1 if np.linalg.det([v2, v1v2, v3v4]) < 0 else -1 angle = getAngle(v1v2, v3v4) return sign * angle
def getNormedVector(dif): return (dif) / np.linalg.norm(dif) def getAngle(v1v2, v2v3): return np.rad2deg( np.arccos( v1v2 / np.linalg.norm(v1v2), v2v3.T / np.linalg.norm(v2v3))) ) def build_mesh(xis, yis, zis, nloci, nump, radius, superradius, include_edges): """ Main function for the calculation of the accessibility of a model. """ superradius = superradius or 1 # number of dots in a circle is dependent the ones in a sphere numc = sqrt(nump) * sqrt(pi) right_angle = pi / 2 - pi / numc # keeps the remaining of integer conversion, to correct remaining = int(100*(numc - int(numc)) + 0.5) c_count = 0 # number of circles per sphere needed to get previous equality are # dependent of: fact = float(nump)/numc/(2*radius) # starts big loop points = [] # stores the particle coordinates and, # if include_edges is True, the edge segments subpoints = [] # store the coordinates of each dot in the mesh supersubpoints = [] # store the coordinates of each dot in the mesh positions = {} # a dict to get dots belonging to a given point sphere = generate_sphere_points(nump) i = 0 for i in range(nloci - 1): modelx = xis[i] modely = yis[i] modelz = zis[i] modelx1 = xis[i+1] modely1 = yis[i+1] modelz1 = zis[i+1] if i < nloci - 2: modelx2 = xis[i+2] modely2 = yis[i+2] modelz2 = zis[i+2] if i: modelx_1 = xis[i-1] modely_1 = yis[i-1] modelz_1 = zis[i-1] point = [modelx, modely, modelz] points.append(point) # get minimum length from next particle to display the sphere dot adj1 = distance(point, [modelx1, modely1, modelz1]) # find a vector orthogonal to the axe between particle i and i+1 difx = modelx - modelx1 dify = modely - modely1 difz = modelz - modelz1 try: orthox = 1. orthoy = 1. orthoz = -(difx + dify) / difz #normer = sqrt(orthox**2 + orthoy**2 + orthoz**2) / radius normer = sqrt(2. + orthoz**2)# / radius except ZeroDivisionError: try: orthox = 1. orthoy = -(difx + difz) / dify orthoz = 1. #normer = sqrt(orthox**2 + orthoy**2 + orthoz**2) / radius normer = sqrt(2. + orthoz**2)# / radius except ZeroDivisionError: try: orthox = 1. orthoy = -(difx + difz) / dify orthoz = 1. #normer = sqrt(orthox**2 + orthoy**2 + orthoz**2) / radius normer = sqrt(2. + orthoz**2)# / radius except ZeroDivisionError: orthox = 1. orthoy = 1. orthoz = 1. orthox /= normer orthoy /= normer orthoz /= normer # define the number of circle to draw in this section between = int(fact * adj1 + 0.5) try: stepx = difx / between stepy = dify / between stepz = difz / between except ZeroDivisionError: stepx = stepy = stepz = 0 hyp1 = sqrt(adj1**2 + radius**2) # this is an attempt of correction for the integrity of dots # uses intercept theorem hyp1 = (hyp1 - hyp1 / (2 * (1 + between)))**2 # get minimum length from prev particle to display the sphere dot if i: adj2 = distance(point, [modelx_1, modely_1, modelz_1]) hyp2 = sqrt(adj2**2 + radius**2) # this is an attempt of correction for the integrity of dots hyp2 = (hyp2 - hyp2 / (2 * (1 + between)))**2 # set sphere around each particle for xxx, yyy, zzz in sphere: thing = [xxx * radius + modelx, yyy * radius + modely, zzz * radius + modelz] # same for super mesh superthing = [xxx * superradius + modelx, yyy * superradius + modely, zzz * superradius + modelz] # only place mesh outside torsion angle if fast_square_distance(modelx1, modely1, modelz1, thing[0], thing[1], thing[2]) > hyp1: if not i: subpoints.append(thing) supersubpoints.append(superthing) elif fast_square_distance(modelx_1, modely_1, modelz_1, thing[0], thing[1], thing[2]) > hyp2: subpoints.append(thing) supersubpoints.append(superthing) else: continue positions.setdefault(i, []).append(len(subpoints)-1) def _add_circle(k, ptx, pty, ptz): for spoint in generate_circle_points( orthox, orthoy, orthoz, difx ,dify, difz, # correction for integer of numc numc + (1 if c_count%100 < remaining else 0)): dot = [spoint[0] * radius + ptx, spoint[1] * radius + pty, spoint[2] * radius + ptz] superdot = [spoint[0] * superradius + ptx, spoint[1] * superradius + pty, spoint[2] * superradius + ptz] # check that dot in circle is not too close from next edge if i < nloci - 2: hyp = distance((modelx1, modely1, modelz1), dot) ang = angle_between_3_points(dot, (modelx1, modely1, modelz1), (modelx2, modely2, modelz2)) if ang < right_angle: if sin(ang) * hyp < radius: continue # check that dot in circle is not too close from previous edge if i: hyp = distance((modelx, modely, modelz), dot) ang = angle_between_3_points(dot, (modelx, modely, modelz), (modelx_1, modely_1, modelz_1)) if ang < right_angle: if sin(ang) * hyp < radius: continue # print 'here' subpoints.append([dot[0], dot[1], dot[2]]) supersubpoints.append([superdot[0], superdot[1], superdot[2]]) positions.setdefault(i + float(k)/between, []).append( len(subpoints) - 1) # define slices for k in range(between - 1, 0, -1): point = [modelx - k * stepx, modely - k * stepy, modelz - k * stepz] points.append(point) pointx, pointy, pointz = point if not include_edges: continue # define circles _add_circle(k, pointx, pointy, pointz) c_count += 1 # add last point!! point = [xis[i+1], yis[i+1], zis[i+1]] points.append(point) # and its sphere adj = distance(point, [modelx, modely, modelz]) hyp2 = sqrt(adj**2 + radius**2) hyp2 = (hyp2 - hyp2 / (2 * (1 + between)))**2 for xxx, yyy, zzz in sphere: thing = [xxx * radius + modelx1, yyy * radius + modely1, zzz * radius + modelz1] superthing = [xxx * superradius + modelx1, yyy * superradius + modely1, zzz * superradius + modelz1] if fast_square_distance(modelx, modely, modelz, thing[0], thing[1], thing[2]) > hyp2: subpoints.append(thing) supersubpoints.append(superthing) positions.setdefault(i+1, []).append(len(subpoints)-1) return points, subpoints, supersubpoints, positions def randomize_matrix(data, savefig=None): size = len(data) rand_data = deepcopy(data) for d in range(size): diag = list(zip(*[list(range(d, size)), list(range(size - d))])) rdiag = diag[:] np_shuffle(rdiag) for v in range(len(diag)): val = data[diag[v][0]][diag[v][1]] a, b = rdiag[v][0], rdiag[v][1] rand_data[b][a] = rand_data[a][b] = val if savefig: plt.subplot(211) plt.imshow(np.log2(data), interpolation='none') plt.subplot(212) plt.imshow(np.log2(rand_data), interpolation='none') plt.savefig(savefig, format='pdf') plt.close('all') return rand_data def mmp_score(matrix, nrand=10, verbose=False, savefig=None): """ :param matrix: list of lists :param 10 nrand: number of randomizations :param None savefig: path where to save figure :returns: 1- MMP score which ranges from 0 (bad) to 1 (good), and 2- the expected correlation of the contact matrices of the modeled chromatin with the original Hi-C data (plus the 3- lower and 4- upper values expected in 95% of the cases) """ data = np.array([np.array([v for v in l]) for l in matrix]) if verbose: sys.stdout.write(' - getting EigenVectors\n') egval, _ = np.linalg.eigh(data) # sort eigenvalues/vectors idx = (-egval).argsort() egval = egval[idx] regvals = [] if verbose: sys.stdout.write(' - randomization\n') for i in range(int(nrand)): if verbose: sys.stdout.write('\r ' + str(i + 1) + ' / ' + str(nrand)) sys.stdout.flush() regval, _ = np.linalg.eigh(randomize_matrix(data)) regval = [abs(j) for j in regval] regval.sort(reverse=True) regvals.append( regval) if verbose: sys.stdout.write('\n') regvals = list(zip(*regvals)) rvmean = [] for rv in regvals: rvmean.append(np.mean(rv)) total = sum(rvmean)/100 rvmean = [i/total for i in rvmean] err = [] for rv in regvals: rvstd = np.std(rv/total) err.append(2 * rvstd) zdata = sorted(np.log2([data[i][j] for i in range(len(data)) for j in range(i, len(data)) if data[i][j]])) skewness = skew(zdata) kurtness = kurtosis(zdata) if savefig: _ = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(7, 5, wspace=0.5, hspace=1.5) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[: , 0:3]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1:5 , 3: ]) ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[5:7 , 3: ]) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): img = ax2.imshow(np.log2(data), interpolation='none') plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax2) if savefig: ax2.set_title('Original matrix', size=12) ax2.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) ax2.set_xlabel('Bin') ax2.set_ylabel('Bin') normfit = sc_norm.pdf(zdata, np.mean(zdata), np.std(zdata)) _ = ax3.plot(zdata, normfit, ':o', color='grey', alpha=.4, markersize=.5) ax3.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) ax3.hist(zdata, bins=20, density=True, alpha=0.7, color='r') ax3.set_xlabel('Z-score') ax3.set_ylabel('Frequency') rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out' rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out' rcParams['axes.axisbelow'] = True rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out' rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out' rcParams['axes.axisbelow'] = True rcParams['axes.grid'] = True rcParams['grid.color'] = 'w' rcParams['grid.linestyle'] = '-' rcParams['grid.linewidth'] = 2 # rcParams['grid.alpha'] = .3 ax1.minorticks_on() ax1.grid(ls='-', color='w', alpha=.3, lw=2, which='major') ax1.grid(ls='-', b=True, color='w', alpha=.3, lw=1, which='minor') ax1.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax1.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax1.spines['bottom'].set_color('none') ax1.spines['left'].set_color('none') ax1.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax1.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax1.set_xscale('log') try: ax1.set_axis_bgcolor((.9,.9,.9)) except AttributeError: ax1.set_facecolor((.9,.9,.9)) ax1.errorbar(list(range(1, 1 + len(rvmean))), rvmean, yerr=err, ecolor='red', color='orange', lw=2, label='%s randomizations' % (nrand)) total = sum(abs(egval)) / 100 egval = np.array(sorted([e/total for e in abs(egval)], reverse=True)) for i in range(len(rvmean)): if rvmean[i] + err[i] > egval[i]: break signifidx = i size = len(data) sev = sum(egval[:signifidx]-rvmean[:signifidx]) if savefig: ax1.plot(list(range(1, 1 + len(rvmean))), egval, color='green', lw=2, label='Observed data') ax1.fill_between(list(range(1, 1 + len(rvmean))), rvmean, egval, where=(np.array(rvmean) + np.array(err))<egval, facecolor='green', interpolate=True, alpha=0.2) ax1.fill_between(list(range(1, 1 + len(rvmean))), rvmean, egval, where=(np.array(rvmean) + np.array(err))>egval, facecolor='red' , interpolate=True, alpha=0.2) with catch_warnings(): simplefilter("ignore") ax1.set_xlim((0,len(rvmean))) ax1.set_ylim((0, max(max(rvmean), max(egval)))) ax1.legend(frameon=False, loc='upper right', prop={'size': 10}) ax1.set_xlabel('Log indexes of Eigenvalues') ax1.set_ylabel('Eigenvalues (percentage of total)') #plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.6) #img = + '/matrix_small.png') #fig.figimage(img, 640, -160) minv = float(min([i for d in data for i in d if i])) / 2 if minv == 0.5: minv = 1./(len(data)**2) mmp = -0.0002 * size + 0.0335 * skewness - 0.0229 * kurtness + 0.0069 * sev + 0.8126 if verbose: sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.write('\n Results\n') sys.stdout.write(' -------\n\n') if verbose: sys.stdout.write(' MMP score: %.4f\n\n' % mmp) ex_a1, ex_b1 = [0.6975926, 0.2548171] supa1, supb1 = [0.69300732000423904, 0.29858572176099613] lowa1, lowb1 = [0.70217788900976075, 0.211048473299004] scc = (mmp - ex_b1 ) / ex_a1 scc_up1 = (mmp - supb1 ) / supa1 scc_lw1 = (mmp - lowb1 ) / lowa1 if verbose: sys.stdout.write((' predicted dSCC is %.3f (%.3f-%.3f ' '68%% confidence)\n') % (scc , scc_up1 , scc_lw1 )) supa75, supb75 = [0.69230778430383244, 0.30526310790548261] lowa75, lowb75 = [0.70287742471016734, 0.20437108715451746] scc_up75 = (mmp - supb75 ) / supa75 scc_lw75 = (mmp - lowb75 ) / lowa75 if verbose: sys.stdout.write((' (%.3f-%.3f ' '75%% confidence)\n') % (scc_up75 , scc_lw75 )) supa2, supb2 = [0.68855373600821357, 0.34109720480765293] lowa2, lowb2 = [0.70663147300578644, 0.16853699025234709] scc_up2 = (mmp - supb2 ) / supa2 scc_lw2 = (mmp - lowb2 ) / lowa2 if verbose: sys.stdout.write((' (%.3f-%.3f ' '95%% confidence)\n') % (scc_up2 , scc_lw2 )) if savefig: # write the log log = '' log += ' 1- Matrix size (number of eigenvalues): %s\n' % (len(egval)) log += " 2- Skewness of the distribution: %0.3f\n" % (skewness) log += " 3- Kurtosis of the distribution: %0.3f\n" % (kurtness) log += " 4- Sum of differences signif EV real-rand: %0.3f\n\n" % (sev) plt.figtext(0.62, 0.77, log, size='small') log = "MMP score: %.3f\n" % (mmp) log += "Predicted dSCC: %.3f (%.3f-%.3f at 95%% conf)\n" % (scc, scc_up2, scc_lw2) plt.figtext(0.61, 0.87, log, size=12) tadbit_savefig(savefig) plt.close('all') return mmp, scc, scc_up2 , scc_lw2