06 Aug 2013
from __future__ import print_function
from warnings import warn
from sys import stderr
from re import sub
from pytadbit.utils.extraviews import tadbit_savefig
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
warn('matplotlib not found\n')
def get_r2 (fun, X, Y, *args):
sstot = sum([(Y[i]-np.mean(Y))**2 for i in range(len(Y))])
sserr = sum([(Y[i] - fun(X[i], *args))**2 for i in range(len(Y))])
return 1 - sserr/sstot
def filter_by_mean(matrx, draw_hist=False, silent=False, bads=None, savefig=None):
fits the distribution of Hi-C interaction count by column in the matrix to
a polynomial. Then searches for the first possible
nbins = 100
if not bads:
bads = {}
# get sum of columns
cols = []
size = len(matrx)
for c in sorted([[matrx.get(i+j*size, 0) for j in range(size) if not j in bads]
for i in range(size) if not i in bads], key=sum):
cols = np.array(cols)
if draw_hist:
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
percentile = np.percentile(cols, 5)
except IndexError:
warn('WARNING: no columns to filter out')
return bads
# mad = np.median([abs(median - c ) for c in cols])
best =(float('-inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf'), float('-inf'))
# bin the sum of columns
xmin = min(cols)
xmax = max(cols)
y = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nbins)
hist = np.digitize(cols, y)
x = [sum(hist == i) for i in range(1, nbins + 1)]
if draw_hist:
hist = plt.hist(cols, bins=100, alpha=.3, color='grey')
xp = list(range(0, int(cols[-1])))
# check if the binning is correct
# we want at list half of the bins with some data
cnt = 0
while list(x).count(0) > len(x)/2:
cnt += 1
cols = cols[:-1]
xmin = min(cols)
xmax = max(cols)
y = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nbins)
hist = np.digitize(cols, y)
x = [sum(hist == i) for i in range(1, nbins + 1)]
if draw_hist:
hist = plt.hist(cols, bins=100, alpha=.3, color='grey')
xp = list(range(0, int(cols[-1])))
if cnt > 10000:
raise ValueError
# find best polynomial fit in a given range
for order in range(6, 18):
z = np.polyfit(y, x, order)
zp = np.polyder(z, m=1)
roots = np.roots(np.polyder(z))
# check that we are concave down, otherwise take next root
pente = np.polyval(zp, abs(roots[-2] - roots[-1]) / 2 + roots[-1])
if pente > 0:
root = roots[-1]
root = roots[-2]
# root must be higher than zero
if root <= 0:
# and lower than the median
if root >= percentile:
p = np.poly1d(z)
R2 = get_r2(p, x, y)
# try to avoid very large orders by weigthing negatively their fit
if order > 13:
R2 -= float(order)/30
if best[0] < R2:
best = (R2, order, p, z, root)
p, z, root = best[2:]
if draw_hist:
xlims = plt.xlim()
ylims = plt.ylim()
a = plt.plot(xp, p(xp), "--", color='k')
b = plt.vlines(root, 0, plt.ylim()[1], colors='r', linestyles='dashed')
# c = plt.vlines(median - mad * 1.5, 0, 110, colors='g',
# linestyles='dashed')
plt.legend(a+[b], ['polyfit \n%s' % (
''.join([sub('e([-+][0-9]+)', 'e^{\\1}',
'$%s%.1fx^%s$' % ('+' if j>0 else '', j,
'{' + str(i) + '}'))
for i, j in enumerate(list(p)[::-1])])),
'first solution of polynomial derivation'],
except TypeError:
plt.legend(a+[b], ['polyfit \n%s' % (
''.join([sub('e([-+][0-9]+)', 'e^{\\1}',
'$%s%.1fx^%s$' % ('+' if j>0 else '', j,
'{' + str(i) + '}'))
for i, j in enumerate(list(p)[::-1])])),
'first solution of polynomial derivation'])
# plt.legend(a+[b]+[c], ['polyfit \n{}'.format (
# ''.join([sub('e([-+][0-9]+)', 'e^{\\1}',
# '${}{:.1}x^{}$'.format ('+' if j>0 else '', j,
# '{' + str(i) + '}'))
# for i, j in enumerate(list(p)[::-1])])),
# 'first solution of polynomial derivation',
# 'median - (1.5 * median absolute deviation)'],
# fontsize='x-small')
plt.ylim([0, ylims[1]])
plt.xlabel('Sum of interactions')
plt.xlabel('Number of columns with a given value')
if savefig:
# label as bad the columns with sums lower than the root
for i, col in enumerate([[matrx.get(i+j*size, 0)
for j in range(size)]
for i in range(size)]):
if sum(col) < root:
bads[i] = sum(col)
# now stored in Experiment._zeros, used for getting more accurate z-scores
if bads and not silent:
stderr.write(('\nWARNING: removing columns having less than %s ' +
'counts:\n %s\n') % (
round(root, 3), ' '.join(
['%5s'%str(i + 1) + (''if (j + 1) % 20 else '\n')
for j, i in enumerate(sorted(bads.keys()))])))
if not silent:
stderr.write('WARNING: Too many zeroes to filter columns.' +
' SKIPPING...\n')
if draw_hist:
plt.xlabel('Sum of interactions')
plt.xlabel('Number of columns with a given value')
if savefig:
except ValueError:
if not silent:
stderr.write('WARNING: Too few data to filter columns based on ' +
'mean value.\n')
if draw_hist:
return bads
def filter_by_zero_count(matrx, perc_zero, min_count=None, silent=True):
:param matrx: Hi-C matrix of a given experiment
:param perc: percentage of cells with no count allowed to consider a column
as valid.
:param None min_count: minimum number of reads mapped to a bin (recommended
value could be 2500). If set this option overrides the perc_zero
filtering... This option is slightly slower.
:returns: a dicitionary, which has as keys the index of the filtered out
bads = {}
size = len(matrx)
if min_count is None:
cols = [size for i in range(size)]
for k in matrx:
cols[k // size] -= 1
min_val = int(size * float(perc_zero) / 100)
if matrx.symmetricized:
stderr.write('\nWARNING: Using twice min_count as the matrix was '
'symmetricized and contains twice as many '
'interactions as the original\n')
min_count *= 2
cols = [0 for i in range(size)]
for k, v in matrx.items(): # linear representation of the matrix
cols[k // size] += v
min_val = size - min_count
if min_count is None:
check = lambda x: x > min_val
check = lambda x: x < min_count
for i, col in enumerate(cols):
if check(col):
bads[i] = True
if bads and not silent:
if min_count is None:
stderr.write(('\nWARNING: removing columns having more than %s ' +
'zeroes:\n %s\n') % (
min_val, ' '.join(
['%5s' % str(i + 1) + (''if (j + 1) % 20 else '\n')
for j, i in enumerate(sorted(bads.keys()))])))
stderr.write(('\nWARNING: removing columns having less than %s ' +
'counts:\n %s\n') % (
int(size - min_val), ' '.join(
['%5s' % str(i + 1) + (''if (j + 1) % 20 else '\n')
for j, i in enumerate(sorted(bads.keys()))])))
return bads
[docs]def hic_filtering_for_modelling(matrx, silent=False, perc_zero=90, auto=True,
min_count=None, draw_hist=False, savefig=None,
Call filtering function, to remove artifactual columns in a given Hi-C
matrix. This function will detect columns with very low interaction
counts; and columns with NaN values (in this case NaN will be replaced
by zero in the original Hi-C data matrix). Filtered out columns will be
stored in the dictionary Experiment._zeros.
:param matrx: Hi-C matrix of a given experiment
:param False silent: does not warn for removed columns
:param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated;
if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension
of the file name will determine the desired format).
:param True diagonal: remove row/columns with zero in the diagonal
:param 90 perc_zero: maximum percentage of cells with no interactions
:param None min_count: minimum number of reads mapped to a bin (recommended
value could be 2500). If set this option overrides the perc_zero
filtering... This option is slightly slower.
:param True auto: if False, only filters based on the given percentage
:returns: the indexes of the columns not to be considered for the
calculation of the z-score
bads = filter_by_zero_count(matrx, perc_zero, min_count=min_count, silent=silent)
if auto:
bads.update(filter_by_mean(matrx, draw_hist=draw_hist, silent=silent,
savefig=savefig, bads=bads))
# also removes rows or columns containing a NaN
has_nans = False
for i in range(len(matrx)):
if matrx.get(i + i * len(matrx), 0) == 0 and diagonal:
if not i in bads:
bads[i] = None
elif repr(sum([matrx.get(i + j * len(matrx), 0)
for j in range(len(matrx))])) == 'nan':
has_nans = True
if not i in bads:
bads[i] = None
return bads, has_nans
def _best_window_size(sorted_prc, size, beg, end, verbose=False):
Search for best window size.
Between given begin and end percentiles of the distribution of cis interactions
searches for a window size (number of bins) where all median values are between
median * stddev and median * stddev of the global measure.
:param sorted_prc: list of percentages of cis interactions by bins, sorted
by the total interactions in the corresponding bins.
:param size: total number of bins
:param beg: starting position of the region with expected 'normal' behavior
of the cis-percentage
:param end: last position of the region with expected 'normal' behavior
of the cis-percentage
:param False verbose: print running information
:returns: window size
if verbose:
print (' -> defining window in number of bins to average values of\n'
' percentage of cis interactions')
nwins = min((1000, size // 10))
if nwins < 100:
warn('WARNING: matrix probably too small to automatically filter out bins\n')
win_size = 1
prevn = 0
count = 0
# iterate over possible window sizes (use logspace to gain some time)
for n in np.logspace(1, 4, num=100):
n = int(n)
if n == prevn:
prevn = n
tmp_std = []
tmp_med = []
for k in range(int(size * beg), int(size * end),
(int(size * end) - int(size * beg)) // nwins):
vals = sorted_prc[k:k + n]
med_mid = np.median([tmp_med[i] for i in range(nwins)])
results = [m - s < med_mid < m + s
for m, s in zip(tmp_med, tmp_std)]
# if verbose:
# print ' -', n, med_mid, sum(results)
if all(results):
if not count:
win_size = n
count += 1
if count == 10:
count = 0
if verbose:
print(' * first window size with stable median of cis-percentage: %d' % (win_size))
return win_size
def filter_by_cis_percentage(cisprc, beg=0.3, end=0.8, sigma=2, verbose=False,
size=None, min_perc=None, max_perc=None, savefig=None):
Define artifactual columns with either too low or too high counts of
interactions by compraing their percentage of cis interactions
:param cisprc: dictionary with counts of cis-percentage by bin number.
Values of the dictionary are tuple with,m as first element the number
of cis interactions and as second element the total number of
:param 0.3 beg: proportion of bins to be considered as possibly having low
:param 0.8 end: proportion of bins to be considered as possibly having high
:param 2 sigma: number of standard deviations used to define lower and upper
ranges in the varaition of the percentage of cis interactions
:param None size: size of the genome, inumber of bins (otherwise inferred
from cisprc dictionary)
:param None sevefig: path to save image of the distribution of cis
percentages and total counts by bin.
:returns: dictionary of bins to be filtered out (with either too low or too
high counts of interactions).
sorted_sum, indices = list(zip(*sorted((cisprc[i][1], i) for i in cisprc)))
sorted_prc = [float(cisprc[i][0]) / cisprc[i][1] for i in indices]
size = (max(indices) + 1) if not size else size
win_size = _best_window_size(sorted_prc, size, beg, end, verbose=verbose)
# define confidance bands, compute median plus/minus one standard deviation
errors_pos = []
errors_neg = []
for k in range(0, size, 1):
vals = sorted_prc[k:k+win_size]
std = np.std(vals)
med = np.median(vals)
errors_pos.append(med + std * sigma)
errors_neg.append(med - std * sigma)
# calculate median and variation of median plus/minus one standard deviation
# for values between percentile 10 and 90 of the distribution of the
# percentage of cis interactions
# - for median plus one standard deviation
std_err_pos = np.std (errors_pos[int(size * beg):int(size * end)])
med_err_pos = np.median(errors_pos[int(size * beg):int(size * end)])
# - for median minus one standard deviation
std_err_neg = np.std (errors_neg[int(size * beg):int(size * end)])
med_err_neg = np.median(errors_neg[int(size * beg):int(size * end)])
# define cutoffs, values of cis percentage plus 1 stddev should be between
# the general median +/- 2 stddev of the distribution of the cis percentage
# plus 1 stddev. Same on the side of median cis percentage minus 1 stddev
beg_pos = med_err_pos - std_err_pos * sigma
end_pos = med_err_pos + std_err_pos * sigma
beg_neg = med_err_neg - std_err_neg * sigma
end_neg = med_err_neg + std_err_neg * sigma
cutoffL = None
passed = 0
consecutive = 10
for cutoffL, (p, n) in enumerate(zip(errors_pos, errors_neg)):
# print '%6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f' % (beg_pos, p, end_pos, beg_neg, n, end_neg)
if (beg_pos < p < end_pos) and (beg_neg < n < end_neg):
if passed >= consecutive:
passed += 1
passed = 0
if min_perc is None:
raise Exception('ERROR: left cutoff not found!!!\n'
' define it by hand with min_perc')
cutoffL = min_perc / 100. * size + consecutive
cutoffL -= consecutive # rescale, we asked for XX consecutive
# right
cutoffR = None
passed = 0
for cutoffR, (p, n) in enumerate(list(zip(errors_pos, errors_neg))[::-1]):
cutoffR = size - cutoffR
# print '%6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f' % (beg_pos, p, end_pos, beg_neg, n, end_neg)
if (beg_pos < p < end_pos) and (beg_neg < n < end_neg):
if passed >= consecutive:
passed += 1
passed = 0
if max_perc is None:
raise Exception('ERROR: right cutoff not found!!!\n'
' define it by hand with max_perc')
cutoffR = max_perc / 100. * size - consecutive
cutoffR += consecutive # rescale, we asked for XX consecutive
if min_perc:
cutoffL = min_perc / 100. * size
if max_perc:
cutoffR = max_perc / 100. * size
min_count = sorted_sum[int(cutoffL)]
max_count = sorted_sum[int(cutoffR)]
except IndexError: # all good
max_count = sorted_sum[-1] + 1
if verbose:
print(' * Lower cutoff applied until bin number: %d' % (cutoffL))
print(' * too few interactions defined as less than %9d interactions' % (
print(' * Upper cutoff applied until bin number: %d' % (cutoffR))
print(' * too much interactions defined as more than %9d interactions' % (
# plot
if savefig:
if verbose:
print(' -> Making plot...')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,11))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.2)
line1 = ax1.plot(
[float(cisprc.get(i, [0, 0])[0]) / cisprc.get(i, [1, 1])[1]
for i in indices],
'.', color='grey', alpha=0.2,
label='cis interactions ratio by bin', zorder=1)
line2 = ax1.plot(
list(range(0, len(indices), 20)),
[sum(float(cisprc.get(j, [0, 0])[0]) / cisprc.get(j, [1, 1])[1]
for j in indices[k:k+win_size]) / win_size
for k in range(0, len(indices), 20)],
'.', color='k', alpha=0.3,
label='cis interactions ratio by %d bin' % win_size, zorder=1)
for k, (p, n) in enumerate(zip(errors_pos[::size // 100], errors_neg[::size // 100])):
ax1.vlines(k * (size // 100), (p + n) // 2, p, color='red', alpha=0.6)
ax1.vlines(k * (size // 100), n, (p + n) // 2, color='blue', alpha=0.6)
ax1.plot(list(range(0, size, size // 100)), errors_neg[::size//100], 'b^', mec='blue', alpha=0.5)
ax1.plot(list(range(0, size, size // 100)), errors_pos[::size//100], 'rv', mec='red', alpha=0.5)
ax1.fill_between([0, size], beg_pos, end_pos, color='red', alpha=0.3, zorder=2)
ax1.text(-size/15., (end_pos + beg_pos) / 2, 'Confidance band for\nupper stddev of median',
color='red', ha='right', va='center')
ax1.fill_between([0, size], beg_neg, end_neg, color='blue', alpha=0.3, zorder=2)
ax1.text(-size/15., (end_neg + beg_neg) / 2, 'Confidance band for\nlower stddev of median',
color='blue', ha='right', va='center')
ax1.set_ylabel('Ratio of cis interactions ratio')
ax1.fill_betweenx([0, 1.1], cutoffL, cutoffR, color='green', alpha=0.2)
ax1.text((cutoffR + cutoffL) / 2, -0.1,
('Kept bins, top and bottom deviations from median cis-ratio\n' +
'should be inside their respective confidance bands'),
ha='center', color='green')
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111, sharex=ax1, frameon=False)
line3 = ax2.plot(sorted_sum, 'rx', alpha=0.4, label='Log sum of interactions by bin')
ax2.set_ylabel('Log interaction counts')
lns = line1 + line2 + line3
labs = [l.get_label() for l in lns]
ax2.legend(lns, labs, loc=0, bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0), frameon=False)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)
ax3.set_xticks(list(range(100)), minor=True)
ax3.set_xticks(list(range(0, 100, 5)), minor=False)
for p in range(5, 100, 5):
ax3.text(p, 99, '%d%%' % p, va='top', ha='left', size=9)
ax3.tick_params(direction='in', axis='x', which='both')
ax3.set_xlim(0, 100)
ax3.set_ylim(0, 100)
ax3.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.5)
if min_perc:
plt.title('Setting from %.2f%% to %.2f%%' % (100 * float(cutoffL) / len(indices),
100 * float(cutoffR) / len(indices)))
plt.title('Keeping from %.2f%% to %.2f%%' % (100 * float(cutoffL) / len(indices),
100 * float(cutoffR) / len(indices)))
ax1.set_xlim((0, len(indices)))
badcol = {}
countL = 0
countZ = 0
countU = 0
for c in range(size):
if cisprc.get(c, [0, 0])[1] < min_count:
badcol[c] = cisprc.get(c, [0, 0])[1]
countL += 1
if not c in cisprc:
countZ += 1
elif cisprc[c][1] > max_count: # don't need get here, already cought in previous condition
badcol[c] = cisprc.get(c, [0, 0])[1]
countU += 1
print(' => %d BAD bins (%d/%d/%d null/low/high counts) of %d (%.1f%%)' % (
len(badcol), countZ, countL, countU, size, float(len(badcol)) / size * 100))
return badcol