12 nov. 2014
from warnings import warn, catch_warnings, simplefilter
from os import SEEK_END
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from itertools import zip_longest
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from numpy import nanstd, nanmean, linspace, nansum
from pytadbit.utils.file_handling import magic_open
from pytadbit.utils.extraviews import tadbit_savefig
from pytadbit.mapping.restriction_enzymes import RESTRICTION_ENZYMES, iupac2regex
from pytadbit.mapping.restriction_enzymes import religateds, repaired
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
warn('matplotlib not found\n')
except NameError:
basestring = str
[docs]def quality_plot(fnam, r_enz=None, nreads=float('inf'), axe=None, savefig=None, paired=False):
Plots the sequencing quality of a given FASTQ file. If a restrinction enzyme
(RE) name is provided, can also represent the distribution of digested and
undigested RE sites and estimate an expected proportion of dangling-ends.
Proportion of dangling-ends is inferred by counting the number of times a
dangling-end site, is found at the beginning of any of the reads (divided by
the number of reads).
:param fnam: path to FASTQ file
:param None nreads: max number of reads to read, not necesary to read all
:param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated;
if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension
of the file name will determine the desired format).
:param False paired: is input FASTQ contains both ends
:returns: the percentage of dangling-ends (sensu stricto) and the percentage of
reads with at least a ligation site.
phred = dict([(c, i) for i, c in enumerate(
if isinstance(r_enz, list):
r_enzs = r_enz
elif isinstance(r_enz, basestring):
r_enzs = [r_enz]
for k in list(RESTRICTION_ENZYMES.keys()):
for i in range(len(r_enzs)):
if k.lower() == str(r_enz[i]).lower():
r_enz[i] = k
# else let it as None
quals = []
henes = []
sites = {}
fixes = {}
liges = OrderedDict()
ligep = {}
tkw = dict(size=4, width=1.5)
fhandler = magic_open(fnam)
if len(r_enzs) == 1 and r_enzs[0] is None:
if nreads:
while True:
except EOFError:
seq = next(fhandler)
if 'N' in seq:
henes.extend([i for i, s in enumerate(seq) if s == 'N'])
line = next(fhandler)
quals.append([phred[i] for i in line.strip()])
if len(quals) > nreads:
else: # do this because it's faster
while True:
except EOFError:
seq = next(fhandler)
if 'N' in seq:
henes.extend([i for i, s in enumerate(seq) if s == 'N'])
line = next(fhandler)
quals.append([phred[i] for i in line.strip()])
r_sites = {}
d_sites = {}
for r_enz in r_enzs:
r_sites[r_enz] = RESTRICTION_ENZYMES[r_enz].replace('|', '')
d_sites[r_enz] = repaired(r_enz)
sites[r_enz] = [] # initialize dico to store undigested sites
fixes[r_enz] = [] # initialize dico to store digested sites
l_sites = religateds(r_enzs)
l_sites = OrderedDict((k,iupac2regex(l_sites[k])) for k in l_sites)
site = {}
fixe = {}
for r_enz in r_enzs:
site[r_enz] = re.compile(iupac2regex(r_sites[r_enz]))
fixe[r_enz] = re.compile(iupac2regex(d_sites[r_enz]))
# ligation sites should appear in lower case in the sequence
lige = {}
for k in l_sites:
liges[k] = [] # initialize dico to store sites
ligep[k] = 0 # initialize dico to store sites
l_sites[k] = l_sites[k].lower()
lige[k] = re.compile(l_sites[k])
callback = lambda pat: pat.group(0).lower()
while len(quals) <= nreads:
except StopIteration:
seq = next(fhandler)
# ligation sites replaced by lower case to ease the search
for lig in list(l_sites.values()):
seq = re.sub(lig.upper(), callback, seq)
for r_enz in r_enzs:
sites[r_enz].extend([m.start() for m in site[r_enz].finditer(seq)])
# TODO: you cannot have a repaired/fixed site in the middle of
# the sequence, this could be only checked at the beginning
fixes[r_enz].extend([m.start() for m in fixe[r_enz].finditer(seq)])
for k in lige: # for each paired of cut-site
liges[k].extend([m.start() for m in lige[k].finditer(seq)])
if lige[k].search(seq):
ligep[k] += 1
# store the number of Ns found in the sequences
if 'N' in seq:
henes.extend([i for i, s in enumerate(seq) if s == 'N'])
line = next(fhandler)
quals.append([phred[i] for i in line.strip()])
if not nreads:
nreads = len(quals)
quals = zip_longest(*quals, fillvalue=float('nan'))
meanquals, errorquals = list(zip(*[(nanmean(q), nanstd(q)) for q in quals]))
max_seq_len = len(meanquals)
if axe:
ax = axe
fig = axe.get_figure()
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
else: # configure plot
if len(r_enzs) == 1 and r_enzs[0] is None: # do both plots
_, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 6))
else: # only do the quality_plot plot
_, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 12))
ax.grid(ls='-', color='w', lw=1.5, alpha=0.6, which='major')
ax.grid(ls='-', color='w', lw=1, alpha=0.3, which='minor')
# remove tick marks
ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='out', top=False, right=False,
left=False, bottom=False)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', direction='out', top=False, right=False,
left=False, bottom=False, which='minor')
ax.errorbar(list(range(max_seq_len)), meanquals,
linewidth=1, elinewidth=1, color='darkblue',
yerr=errorquals, ecolor='orange')
ax.set_xlim((0, max_seq_len))
ax.set_xlabel('Nucleotidic position')
ax.set_ylabel('PHRED score')
ax.set_title('Sequencing Quality (%d reads)' % (nreads))
ax.tick_params(axis='y', colors='darkblue', **tkw)
axb = ax.twinx()
# quality_plot plot
axb.plot([henes.count(i) for i in range(max_seq_len)], linewidth=1,
color='black', linestyle='--')
axb.tick_params(axis='y', colors='black', **tkw)
axb.set_ylabel('Number of "N" per position')
try: # no Ns found (yes... it happens)
with catch_warnings():
axb.set_ylim((0, axb.get_ylim()[1] * 1000))
except ValueError:
ax.set_ylim((0, ax.get_ylim()[1]))
ax.set_xlim((0, max_seq_len))
# Hi-C plot
if not (len(r_enzs) == 1 and r_enzs[0] is None):
ax.set_title('Sequencing Quality and deconvolution (%s %d reads)' % (
', '.join(map(str, r_enzs)), nreads))
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
ax2.grid(ls='-', color='w', lw=1.5, alpha=0.6, which='major')
ax2.grid(ls='-', color='w', lw=1, alpha=0.3, which='minor')
ax2.set_xlabel('Nucleotidic position')
# seq_len is the length of the line to plot. we don't want to plot
# if there is no room for the cut-site, or ligation site.
site_len = max((max([len(r_sites[k]) for k in r_sites]),
max([len(l_sites[k]) for k in l_sites]),
max([len(d_sites[k]) for k in d_sites])))
seq_len = max_seq_len - site_len
# transform dictionaries of positions into dictionaries of counts
for r_enz in sites:
sites[r_enz] = [sites[r_enz].count(k) for k in range(seq_len)] # Undigested
fixes[r_enz] = [fixes[r_enz].count(k) for k in range(seq_len)] # DE
for r1, r2 in liges:
liges[(r1, r2)] = [liges[(r1, r2)].count(k) for k in range(seq_len)] # OK
# in case the pattern of the repaired cut-site contains the target
# cut-site pattern. These sites were counted twice, once in the
# undigested, and once in the repaired. We remove them from the
# repaired:
for r_enz in r_enzs:
if d_sites[r_enz] in r_sites[r_enz]:
pos = r_sites[r_enz].find(d_sites[r_enz])
fixes[r_enz] = (fixes[r_enz][:pos] +
[fixes[r_enz][k] - sites[r_enz][k-pos]
for k in range(pos, seq_len)])
# same for ligated sites
for r_enz1 in r_enzs:
for r_enz2 in r_enzs:
if d_sites[r_enz1] not in l_sites[(r_enz1, r_enz2)]:
pos = l_sites[(r_enz1, r_enz2)].find(d_sites[r_enz1])
fixes[r_enz1] = (fixes[r_enz1][:pos] +
[fixes[r_enz1][k] - liges[(r_enz1, r_enz2)][k - pos]
for k in range(pos, seq_len)])
# remove anything that could be in between the two read ends
if paired:
for k in sites:
sites[k][max_seq_len // 2 - site_len:
max_seq_len // 2] = [float('nan')] * site_len
fixes[k][max_seq_len // 2 - site_len:
max_seq_len // 2] = [float('nan')] * site_len
for k in liges:
liges[k][max_seq_len // 2 - site_len:
max_seq_len // 2] = [float('nan')] * site_len
# plot undigested cut-sites
color = iter(plt.cm.Reds(linspace(0.3, 0.95, len(r_enzs))))
for r_enz in sites:
# print 'undigested', r_enz
# print sites[r_enz][:20]
ax2.plot(sites[r_enz], linewidth=2, color=next(color),
label='Undigested RE site (%s: %s)' % (r_enz, r_sites[r_enz])
if any([f > 0 for f in fixes[r_enz]])
else 'Undigested & Dangling-Ends (%s: %s)' % (r_enz, r_sites[r_enz]))
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', colors='darkred', **tkw)
lines, labels = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax3 = ax2.twinx()
color = iter(plt.cm.Blues(linspace(0.3, 0.95, len(liges))))
for r1, r2 in liges:
# print 'ligated', r1, r2
# print liges[(r1, r2)][:20]
ax3.plot(liges[(r1, r2)], linewidth=2, color=next(color),
label = 'Ligated (%s-%s: %s)' % (r1, r2, l_sites[(r1, r2)].upper()))
ax3.tick_params(axis='y', colors='darkblue', **tkw)
tmp_lines, tmp_labels = ax3.get_legend_handles_labels()
color = iter(plt.cm.Greens(linspace(0.3, 0.95, len(r_enzs))))
for i, r_enz in enumerate(r_enzs):
if any([f > 0 for f in fixes[r_enz]]):
ax4 = ax2.twinx()
ax4.spines["right"].set_position(("axes", 1.07))
# print 'repaired', r_enz
# print fixes[r_enz][:20]
ax4.plot(fixes[r_enz], linewidth=2, color=next(color),
label='Dangling-ends (%s: %s)' % (r_enz, d_sites[r_enz]))
ax4.tick_params(axis='y', colors='darkgreen', **tkw)
tmp_lines, tmp_labels = ax4.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax2.set_ylabel('Undigested & Dangling-ends')
ax2.set_xlim((0, max_seq_len))
# Count ligation sites
lig_cnt = {}
for k in liges:
lig_cnt[k] = (nansum(liges[k]) - liges[k][0] -
liges[k][max_seq_len // 2])
# Count undigested sites
sit_cnt = {}
for r_enz in r_enzs:
sit_cnt[r_enz] = (nansum(sites[r_enz]) - sites[r_enz][0] -
sites[r_enz][max_seq_len // 2])
# Count Dangling-Ends
des = {}
for r_enz in r_enzs:
if any([f > 0 for f in fixes[r_enz]]):
des[r_enz] = ((100. * (fixes[r_enz][0] + (fixes[r_enz][(max_seq_len // 2)]
if paired else 0))) / nreads)
des[r_enz] = (100. * (sites[r_enz][0] + (sites[r_enz][(max_seq_len // 2)]
if paired else 0))) / nreads
# Decorate plot
title = ''
for r_enz in r_enzs:
lcnt = float(sum([lig_cnt[(r_enz1, r_enz2)] * (2 if r_enz1 == r_enz2 else 1)
for r_enz1 in r_enzs for r_enz2 in r_enzs
if r_enz1 == r_enz or r_enz2 == r_enz]))
title += ('Percentage of digested sites (not considering Dangling-Ends) '
'%s: %.1f%%\n' % (r_enz,
100. * float(lcnt) / (lcnt + sit_cnt[r_enz])))
for r_enz in r_enzs:
title += 'Percentage of dangling-ends %s: %.1f%%\n' % (r_enz, des[r_enz])
for r_enz1 in r_enzs:
for r_enz2 in r_enzs:
title += ('Percentage of reads with ligation site (%s-%s): %.1f%% \n' %
(r_enz1, r_enz2, (ligep[(r_enz1, r_enz2)] * 100.) / nreads))
plt.title(title.strip(), size=10, ha='left', x=0)
ax2.legend(lines, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(0.75, 1.0),
loc=3, borderaxespad=0., frameon=False, fontsize=9)
if savefig:
elif not axe:
for k in ligep:
ligep[k] = (ligep[k] * 100.) / nreads
if len(r_enzs) == 1 and r_enzs[0] is None:
return {}, {}
return des, ligep
def make_patch_spines_invisible(ax):
for sp in ax.spines.values():