Source code for pytadbit.tad_clustering.tad_cmo

23 Jan 2013

functions to align contact maps.
Algorithm based on:
Di Lena, P., Fariselli, P., Margara, L., Vassura, M., & Casadio, R. (2010). 
Fast overlapping of protein contact maps by alignment of eigenvectors. 
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England), 26(18), 2250-8. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq402

from __future__ import print_function

from numpy        import array, sqrt
from numpy        import min as npmin
from numpy        import max as npmax
from numpy        import sum as npsum
from numpy        import mean
from numpy.linalg import eigh # eigh is for symmetric matrices
from scipy.stats  import spearmanr
from itertools    import product
from itertools    import combinations_with_replacement as combinations
from copy         import deepcopy

# for aleigen:
from numpy import median

import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

def _sort_match(matches):
    return sorted([(a, b) for a, b in enumerate(matches)],
                  key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

def core_nw_long(p_scores, penalty, l_p1, l_p2):
    Core of the long Needleman-Wunsch algorithm that aligns matrices
    scores = virgin_score(penalty, l_p1 + 1, l_p2 + 1)
    ins = rmv = 0
    lpen = 4
    # pens=[penalty-penalty*(1-1/exp(i**2)) for i in xrange(0, 2 * (lpen+ 1),2)]
    pens = [penalty - penalty / (2 * lpen) * i for i in range(lpen + 1)] # BEST
    # pens = [penalty, penalty, penalty, penalty/1.2, 0]
    # pens = [penalty, penalty*1.5, penalty*2, penalty, penalty]
    for i in range(1, l_p1 + 1):
        for j in range(1, l_p2 + 1):
            mmax = max((ins, rmv))
            match  = p_scores[i - 1][j - 1] + scores[i - 1][j - 1]
            insert = scores[i - 1][j] + pens[mmax]
            delete = scores[i][j - 1] + pens[mmax]
            tmp = _sort_match((match, insert, delete))
            if tmp[0][0] == 1:
                if ins < lpen:
                    ins += 1
                rmv = 0
            elif tmp[0][0] == 2:
                if rmv < lpen:
                    rmv += 1
                ins = 0
                ins = rmv = 0
            scores[i][j] = tmp[0][1]
    align1 = []
    align2 = []
    i = l_p1 
    j = l_p2
    while i and j:
        score = scores[i][j]
        value = scores[i - 1][j - 1] + p_scores[i - 1][j - 1]
        if _equal(score, value):
            i -= 1
            j -= 1
            align1.insert(0, i)
            align2.insert(0, j)
            ins = rmv = 0
        if _equal(score, scores[i - 1][j] + pens[0]):
            i -= 1
            align1.insert(0, i)
            align2.insert(0, '-')
        if _equal(score, scores[i][j - 1] + pens[0]):
            j -= 1
            align1.insert(0, '-')
            align2.insert(0, j)
        if _equal(score, scores[i - 1][j] + pens[1]):
            i -= 1
            align1.insert(0, i)
            align2.insert(0, '-')
        if _equal(score, scores[i][j - 1] + pens[1]):
            j -= 1
            align1.insert(0, '-')
            align2.insert(0, j)
        if _equal(score, scores[i - 1][j] + pens[2]):
            i -= 1
            align1.insert(0, i)
            align2.insert(0, '-')
        if _equal(score, scores[i][j - 1] + pens[2]):
            j -= 1
            align1.insert(0, '-')
            align2.insert(0, j)
        if _equal(score, scores[i - 1][j] + pens[3]):
            i -= 1
            align1.insert(0, i)
            align2.insert(0, '-')
        if _equal(score, scores[i][j - 1] + pens[3]):
            j -= 1
            align1.insert(0, '-')
            align2.insert(0, j)
        if _equal(score, scores[i - 1][j] + pens[4]):
            i -= 1
            align1.insert(0, i)
            align2.insert(0, '-')
        if _equal(score, scores[i][j - 1] + pens[4]):
            j -= 1
            align1.insert(0, '-')
            align2.insert(0, j)
        print(penalty, ins, rmv)
        for scr in scores:
            print(' '.join(['%7s' % (round(y, 4)) for y in scr]))
        raise Exception('Something  is failing and it is my fault...')
    return align1, align2, scores[i][j]

def core_nw(p_scores, penalty, l_p1, l_p2):
    Core of the fast Needleman-Wunsch algorithm that aligns matrices
    scores = virgin_score(penalty, l_p1 + 1, l_p2 + 1)
    for i in range(1, l_p1 + 1):
        for j in range(1, l_p2 + 1):
            match  = p_scores[i - 1][j - 1] + scores[i - 1][j - 1]
            insert = scores[i - 1][j] + penalty
            delete = scores[i][j - 1] + penalty
            scores[i][j] = max((match, insert, delete))
    align1 = []
    align2 = []
    i = l_p1 
    j = l_p2 
    while i and j:
        score = scores[i][j]
        value = scores[i - 1][j - 1] + p_scores[i - 1][j - 1]
        if _equal(score, value):
            i -= 1
            j -= 1
            align1.insert(0, i)
            align2.insert(0, j)
        elif _equal(score, scores[i - 1][j] + penalty):
            i -= 1
            align1.insert(0, i)
            align2.insert(0, '-')
        elif _equal(score, scores[i][j - 1] + penalty):
            j -= 1
            align1.insert(0, '-')
            align2.insert(0, j)
            for scr in scores:
                print(' '.join(['%7s' % (round(y, 4)) for y in scr]))
            raise Exception('Something  is failing and it is my fault...')
    return align1, align2, scores[i][j]

def _equal(a, b, cut_off=1e-9):
    Equality for floats
    return abs(a - b) < cut_off

[docs]def optimal_cmo(hic1, hic2, num_v=None, max_num_v=None, verbose=False, method='frobenius', long_nw=True, long_dist=True): """ Calculates the optimal contact map overlap between 2 matrices TODO: make the selection of number of eigen vectors automatic or relying on the summed contribution (e.g. select the EVs that sum 80% of the info) .. note:: penalty is defined as the minimum value of the pre-scoring matrix. :param hic1: first matrix to align :param hic2: second matrix to align :param None num_v: number of eigen vectors to consider, max is: max(min(len(hic1), len(hic2))) :param None max_num_v: maximum number of eigen vectors to consider. :param score method: distance function to use as alignment score. if 'score' distance will be the result of the last value of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. If 'frobenius' a modification of the Frobenius distance will be used :returns: two lists, one per aligned matrix, plus a dict summarizing the goodness of the alignment with the distance between matrices, their Spearman correlation Rho value and pvalue. """ l_p1 = len(hic1) l_p2 = len(hic2) num_v = num_v or min(l_p1, l_p2) if max_num_v: num_v = min(max_num_v, num_v) if num_v > l_p1 or num_v > l_p2: raise Exception('\nnum_v should be at most %s\n' % (min(l_p1, l_p2))) val1, vec1 = eigh(hic1) if npsum(vec1).imag: raise Exception("ERROR: Hi-C data is not symmetric.\n" + '%s\n\n%s' % (hic1, vec1)) val2, vec2 = eigh(hic2) if npsum(vec2).imag: raise Exception("ERROR: Hi-C data is not symmetric.\n" + '%s\n\n%s' % (hic2, vec2)) # val1 = array([sqrt(abs(v)) for v in val1]) val2 = array([sqrt(abs(v)) for v in val2]) idx = val1.argsort()[::-1] val1 = val1[idx] vec1 = vec1[idx] idx = val2.argsort()[::-1] val2 = val2[idx] vec2 = vec2[idx] # vec1 = array([val1[i] * vec1[:, i] for i in range(num_v)]).transpose() vec2 = array([val2[i] * vec2[:, i] for i in range(num_v)]).transpose() nearest = float('inf') nw = core_nw_long if long_nw else core_nw dister = _get_dist_long if long_dist else _get_dist best_alis = [] for num in range(1, num_v + 1): for factors in product([1, -1], repeat=num): vec1p = factors * vec1[:, :num] vec2p = vec2[:, :num] p_scores = _prescoring(vec1p, vec2p, l_p1, l_p2) penalty = min([npmin(p_scores)] + [-npmax(p_scores)]) align1, align2, dist = nw(p_scores, penalty, l_p1, l_p2) try: if method == 'frobenius': dist = dister(align1, align2, hic1, hic2) else: dist *= -1 if dist < nearest: if not penalty: for scr in p_scores: print(' '.join(['%7s' % (round(y, 2)) for y in scr])) nearest = dist best_alis = [align1, align2] best_pen = penalty except IndexError as e: print(e) try: align1, align2 = best_alis except ValueError: pass if verbose: print('\n Alignment (score = %s):' % (nearest)) print('TADS 1: '+'|'.join(['%4s' % (str(int(x)) \ if x!='-' else '-'*3) for x in align1])) print('TADS 2: '+'|'.join(['%4s' % (str(int(x)) \ if x!='-' else '-'*3) for x in align2])) rho, pval = _get_score(align1, align2, hic1, hic2) # print best_pen if not best_pen: print('WARNING: penalty NULL!!!\n\n') return align1, align2, {'dist': nearest, 'rho': rho, 'pval': pval}
def virgin_score(penalty, l_p1, l_p2): """ Fill a matrix with zeros, except first row and first column filled with \ multiple values of penalty. """ zeros = [0.0 for _ in range(l_p2)] return [[penalty * j for j in range(l_p2)]] + \ [[penalty * i] + zeros for i in range(1, l_p1)] def _prescoring(vc1, vc2, l_p1, l_p2): """ yes... this is the bottle neck, almost 2/3 of the time spent here """ p_score = [] for i in range(l_p1): vci = vc1[i].__mul__ p_score.append([vci(vc2[j]).sum() for j in range(l_p2)]) return p_score #return [[sum(vc1[i] * vc2[j]) for j in xrange(l_p2)] for i in xrange(l_p1)] def _get_dist(align1, align2, tad1, tad2): """ Frobenius norm """ map1 = [] map2 = [] for i, j in zip(align1, align2): if i != '-' and j != '-': map1.append(i) map2.append(j) pp1 = [tad1[i][j] for i, j in combinations(map1, 2)] pp2 = [tad2[i][j] for i, j in combinations(map2, 2)] return float(sum([(pp-pp2[p])**2 for p, pp in enumerate(pp1)]))\ / (len(pp1)+1) def _get_dist_long(align1, align2, tad1, tad2): """ Frobenius norm """ map1 = [] map2 = [] pen = ((float(mean(tad2)) + mean(tad1)) / 2) * len(align1) xpen = 0 exti = extd = 1 for i, j in zip(align1, align2): if i != '-' and j != '-': map1.append(i) map2.append(j) exti = extd = 1 elif i == '-': # favour long gaps: stop penalizing if GAP lon enough xpen += pen / exti exti += 1 extd = 1 else: xpen += pen / extd extd += 1 exti = 1 pp1 = [tad1[i][j] for i, j in combinations(map1, 2)] pp2 = [tad2[i][j] for i, j in combinations(map2, 2)] return float(sum([(pp-pp2[p])**2 for p, pp in enumerate(pp1)]))\ / (len(pp1)+1) + xpen def _get_score(align1, align2, tad1, tad2): """ Using Spearman Rho correation value, between matrices. Computed only in half of the matrix, and without the diagonal """ map1 = [] map2 = [] for i, j in zip(align1, align2): if j != '-' and i != '-': map1.append(i) map2.append(j) pp1 = [[tad1[i][j] for j in map1] for i in map1] # do not use pp2 = [[tad2[i][j] for j in map2] for i in map2] # diagonal? return spearmanr(pp1, pp2, axis=None) def _get_OLD_score(align1, align2, p1, p2): """ Original scoring function, based on contact map overlap. """ map1 = [] map2 = [] for i, j in zip(align1, align2): if j != '-' and i != '-': map1.append(i) map2.append(j) com = len(map1) pp1 = [[p1[i][j] for j in map1] for i in map1] pp2 = [[p2[i][j] for j in map2] for i in map2] cm1 = sum([pp1[i][j] for i in range(com) for j in range(i + 1, com)]) cm2 = sum([pp2[i][j] for i in range(com) for j in range(i + 1, com)]) cmo = sum([1 - abs(pp2[i][j] - pp1[i][j]) \ for i in range(com) for j in range(i + 1, com)]) return float(2 * cmo)/(cm1+cm2) ### # Following is for aleigen def matrix2binnary_contacts(tad1, tad2): cutoff = median(tad1) contacts1 = [] contacts2 = [] for i in range(len(tad1)): for j in range(i, len(tad1)): if tad1[i][j] > cutoff: contacts1.append((i, j)) cutoff = median(tad2) for i in range(len(tad2)): for j in range(i, len(tad2)): if tad2[i][j] > cutoff: contacts2.append((i, j)) return contacts1, contacts2 def _run_aleigen(contacts1, contacts2, num_v): """ - c1, c2 = number of contacts of the first and second contact map (after removing non-matching columns/rows) - cmo = total number of matching contacts (above the first diagonal) of the computed overlap - score = 2*CMO/(C1+C2) """ f_string = '/tmp/lala%s.txt' f_name1 = f_string % (1) f_name2 = f_string % (2) write_contacts(contacts1, contacts2, f_string) sc_str = re.compile('Score\s+C1\s+C2\s+CMO\n([0-9.]+)\s+[0-9]+\s+.*') out = Popen('aleigen %s %s %s' % (f_name1, f_name2, num_v), shell=True, stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True).communicate()[0] score = [float(c) for c in re.findall(sc_str, out)] print(out) align1 = [] align2 = [] for line in out.split('\n')[2:]: if not re.match('[0-9]+\s+[0-9]+', line): continue el1, el2 = [int(c) for c in line.split()] align1.append(el1) align2.append(el2) return align1, align2, score def write_contacts(contacts1, contacts2, f_string): for i, contacts in enumerate([contacts1, contacts2]): out = open(f_string % (i+1), 'w') out.write(str(max([max(c) for c in contacts])+1) + '\n') out.write('\n'.join([str(c1) + ' ' + str(c2) for c1, c2 in contacts])) out.write('\n') out.close() def merge_tads(tad1, tad2, ali1, ali2): ali = [] ali.append(deepcopy(ali1)) ali.append(deepcopy(ali2)) for i in range(max(ali1[0], ali2[0]) - 1, -1, -1): if ali[0][0]: ali1.insert(0, i) ali2.insert(0, '-') elif ali[1][0]: ali1.insert(0, '-') ali2.insert(0, i) size = len(ali1) matrix1 = [[0.1 for _ in range(size)] for _ in range(size)] matrix2 = [[0.1 for _ in range(size)] for _ in range(size)] matrixm = [[0.1 for _ in range(size)] for _ in range(size)] for i in range(size): if ali1[i] == '-' or ali2[i] == '-': matrixm[i] = [float('nan') for _ in range(size)] if ali1[i] == '-': matrix1[i] = [float('nan') for _ in range(size)] matrix2[i] = [tad2[ali2[i]][ali2[j]] \ if ali2[j] != '-' else float('nan')\ for j in range(size)] elif ali2[i] == '-': matrix2[i] = [float('nan') for _ in range(size)] matrix1[i] = [tad1[ali1[i]][ali1[j]] \ if ali1[j] != '-' else float('nan')\ for j in range(size)] continue for j in range(size): if ali1[j] == '-' or ali2[j] == '-': matrixm[i][j] = float('nan') if ali1[j] == '-': matrix1[i][j] = float('nan') matrix2[i][j] = tad2[ali2[i]][ali2[j]] elif ali2[j] == '-': matrix2[i][j] = float('nan') matrix1[i][j] = tad1[ali1[i]][ali1[j]] continue matrix1[i][j] = tad1[ali1[i]][ali1[j]] matrix2[i][j] = tad2[ali2[i]][ali2[j]] matrixm[i][j] = tad1[ali1[i]][ali1[j]] matrixm[i][j] += tad2[ali2[i]][ali2[j]] matrixm[i][j] /= 2 return matrix1, matrix2, matrixm