November 7, 2013.
from __future__ import print_function
from future import standard_library
from builtins import next
from sys import stderr, modules
from io import IOBase
from collections import OrderedDict
from warnings import warn
from math import sqrt, isnan
from pickle5 import load # python < 3.8
except ImportError:
from pickle import load
from pysam import AlignmentFile
import numpy as np
from pytadbit.parsers.gzopen import gzopen
from pytadbit import HiC_data
from pytadbit.parsers.hic_bam_parser import get_matrix
from pytadbit.parsers.cooler_parser import parse_cooler, is_cooler
except ImportError:
def is_cooler(*unused):
stderr.write('WARNING: cannot detect if input is a cooler file. Probably ' +
'you need to install h5py\n')
return False
file_types = file, IOBase
except NameError:
file_types = (IOBase,)
except NameError:
basestring = str
class AutoReadFail(Exception):
Exception to handle failed autoreader.
def is_asymmetric(matrix):
Helper functions for the autoreader.
maxn = len(matrix)
for i in range(maxn):
maxi = matrix[i] # slightly more efficient
for j in range(i+1, maxn):
if maxi[j] != matrix[j][i]:
if isnan(maxi[j]) and isnan(matrix[j][i]):
return True
return False
def is_asymmetric_dico(hic):
Helper functions for the optimal_reader
ncol = len(hic)
for i in range(ncol):
for j in range(i, ncol):
p1 = i * ncol + j
p2 = j * ncol + i
if hic.get(p1, 0) != hic.get(p2, 0):
return True
return False
def symmetrize_dico(hic):
Make an HiC_data object symmetric by summing two halves of the matrix
ncol = len(hic)
for i in range(ncol):
incol = i * ncol
for j in range(i, ncol):
p1 = incol + j
p2 = j * ncol + i
val = hic.get(p1, 0) + hic.get(p2, 0)
if val:
hic[p1] = hic[p2] = val
def symmetrize(matrix):
Make a matrix symmetric by summing two halves of the matrix
maxn = len(matrix)
for i in range(maxn):
for j in range(i, maxn):
matrix[i][j] = matrix[j][i] = matrix[i][j] + matrix[j][i]
def optimal_reader(f, normalized=False, resolution=1):
Reads a matrix generated by TADbit.
Can be slower than autoreader, but uses almost a third of the memory
:param f: an iterable (typically an open file).
:param False normalized: if the matrix is normalized
:param 1 resolution: resolution of the matrix
# get masked bins
masked = {}
pos = 0
for line in f:
if line[0] != '#':
pos += len(line)
if line.startswith('# MASKED'):
masked = dict([(int(n), True) for n in line.split()[2:]])
# super fast
header = [tuple(line.split(None, 2)[:2]) for line in f]
ncol = len(header)
# Get the numeric values and remove extra columns
num = float if normalized else int
chromosomes, sections, resolution = _header_to_section(header, resolution)
# monkey patch HiC_data to make it faster
def fast_setitem(self, key, val):
"Use directly dict setitem"
super(HiC_data, self).__setitem__(key, val)
def fast_getitem(self, key):
"Use directly dict setitem"
return super(HiC_data, self).__getitem__(key)
except KeyError:
return 0
original_setitem = HiC_data.__setitem__
original_getitem = HiC_data.__getitem__
# apply_async the patch
HiC_data.__setitem__ = fast_setitem
HiC_data.__getitem__ = fast_getitem
hic = HiC_data(((j, num(v))
for i, line in enumerate(f)
for j, v in enumerate(line.split()[2:], i * ncol)
if num(v)), size=ncol, masked=masked,
dict_sec=sections, chromosomes=chromosomes,
resolution=resolution, symmetricized=False)
# make it symmetric
if is_asymmetric_dico(hic):
hic.symmetricized = True
# undo patching
HiC_data.__setitem__ = original_setitem
HiC_data.__getitem__ = original_getitem
hic.__setitem__ = original_setitem
hic.__getitem__ = original_getitem
return hic
def __read_file_header(f):
Read file header, inside first commented lines of a file
:returns masked dict, chromsomes orderedDict, crm, beg, end, resolution:
masked = {}
chromosomes = OrderedDict()
crm, beg, end, reso = None, None, None, None
fpos = f.tell()
for line in f:
if line[0] != '#':
fpos += len(line)
if line.startswith('# MASKED'):
masked = dict([(int(n), True) for n in line.split()[-1].split(',')])
except ValueError: # nothing here
elif line.startswith('# CRM'):
_, _, crm, size = line.split()
chromosomes[crm] = int(size)
elif 'resolution:' in line:
_, coords, reso = line.split()
crm, pos = coords.split(':')
beg, end = list(map(int, pos.split('-')))
except ValueError:
crm = coords
beg, end = None, None
reso = int(reso.split(':')[1])
if crm == 'full':
crm = None
return masked, chromosomes, crm, beg, end, reso
def abc_reader(f):
Read matrix stored in 3 column format (bin1, bin2, value)
:param f: an iterable (typically an open file).
:returns: An iterator to be converted in dictionary, matrix size, raw_names
as list of tuples (chr, pos), dictionary of masked bins, and boolean
reporter of symetric transformation
masked, chroms, crm, beg, end, reso = __read_file_header(f) # TODO rest of it not used here
sections = {}
size = 0
for c in chroms:
sections[c] = size
size += chroms[c] // reso + 1
if beg:
header = [(crm, '%d-%d' % (l * reso + 1, (l + 1) * reso))
for l in range(beg, end)]
header = [(c, '%d-%d' % (l * reso + 1, (l + 1) * reso))
for c in chroms
for l in range(sections[c], sections[c] + chroms[c] // reso + 1)]
num = int if HIC_DATA else float
offset = (beg or 0) * (1 + size)
def _disect(x):
a, b, v = x.split()
return (int(a) + int(b) * size + offset, num(v))
items = tuple(_disect(line) for line in f)
return items, size, header, masked, False
def __is_abc(f):
Only works for matrices with more than 3 bins
fpos = f.tell()
count = 0
for line in f:
if line.startswith('#'):
count += 1
if len(line.split()) != 3:
return False
if count > 3:
return True
return False
def autoreader(f):
Auto-detect matrix format of HiC data file.
:param f: an iterable (typically an open file).
:returns: An iterator to be converted in dictionary, matrix size, raw_names
as list of tuples (chr, pos), dictionary of masked bins, and boolean
reporter of symetric transformation
masked = __read_file_header(f)[0] # TODO rest of it not used here
# Skip initial comment lines and read in the whole file
# as a list of lists.
line = next(f)
items = [line.split()] + [line.split() for line in f]
# Count the number of elements per line after the first.
# Wrapping in a set is a trick to make sure that every line
# has the same number of elements.
S = set([len(line) for line in items[1:]])
ncol = S.pop()
# If the set 'S' is not empty, at least two lines have a
# different number of items.
if S:
raise AutoReadFail('ERROR: unequal column number')
# free little memory
nrow = len(items)
# Auto-detect the format, there are only 4 cases.
if ncol == nrow:
_ = [float(item) for item in items[0]
if not item.lower() in ['na', 'nan']]
# Case 1: pure number matrix.
header = False
trim = 0
except ValueError:
# Case 2: matrix with row and column names.
header = True
trim = 1
warn('WARNING: found header')
if len(items[0]) == len(items[1]):
# Case 3: matrix with row information.
header = False
trim = ncol - nrow
# warn('WARNING: found %d colum(s) of row names' % trim)
# Case 4: matrix with header and row information.
header = True
trim = ncol - nrow + 1
warn('WARNING: found header and %d colum(s) of row names' % trim)
# Remove header line if needed.
if header and not trim:
header = items.pop(0)
nrow -= 1
elif not trim:
header = list(range(1, nrow + 1))
elif not header:
header = [tuple([a for a in line[:trim]]) for line in items]
nrow -= 1
header = [tuple([a for a in line[:trim]]) for line in items]
# Get the numeric values and remove extra columns
num = int if HIC_DATA else float
items = [[num(a) for a in line[trim:]] for line in items]
except ValueError:
if not HIC_DATA:
raise AutoReadFail('ERROR: non numeric values')
# Dekker data 2009, uses integer but puts a comma...
items = [[int(float(a)+.5) for a in line[trim:]] for line in items]
warn('WARNING: non integer values')
except ValueError:
# Some data may contain 'NaN' or 'NA'
items = [
[0 if a.lower() in ['na', 'nan']
else int(float(a)+.5) for a in line[trim:]]
for line in items]
warn('WARNING: NA or NaN founds, set to zero')
except ValueError:
raise AutoReadFail('ERROR: non numeric values')
# Check that the matrix is square.
ncol -= trim
if ncol != nrow:
raise AutoReadFail('ERROR: non square matrix')
symmetricized = False
if is_asymmetric(items):
warn('WARNING: matrix not symmetric: summing cell_ij with cell_ji')
symmetricized = True
return (((i + j * ncol, a) for i, line in enumerate(items)
for j, a in enumerate(line) if a),
ncol, header, masked, symmetricized)
def _header_to_section(header, resolution):
converts row-names of the form 'chr12\t1000-2000' into sections, suitable
to create HiC_data objects. Also creates chromosomes, from the reads
sections = {}
chromosomes = None
if (isinstance(header, list)
and isinstance(header[0], tuple)
and len(header[0]) > 1):
chromosomes = OrderedDict()
for i, h in enumerate(header):
if '-' in h[1]:
a, b = list(map(int, h[1].split('-')))
if resolution==1:
resolution = abs(b - a) + 1
elif resolution != abs(b - a) + 1:
raise Exception('ERROR: found different resolution, ' +
'check headers')
a = int(h[1])
if resolution==1 and i:
resolution = abs(a - b) + 1
elif resolution == 1:
b = a
sections[(h[0], a // resolution)] = i
chromosomes.setdefault(h[0], 0)
chromosomes[h[0]] += 1
return chromosomes, sections, resolution
[docs]def read_matrix(things, parser=None, hic=True, resolution=1, **kwargs):
Read and checks a matrix from a file (using
:func:`pytadbit.parser.hic_parser.autoreader`) or a list.
:param things: might be either a file name, a file handler or a list of
list (all with same length)
:param None parser: a parser function that returns a tuple of lists
representing the data matrix,
with this file example.tsv:
chrT_001 chrT_002 chrT_003 chrT_004
chrT_001 629 164 88 105
chrT_002 86 612 175 110
chrT_003 159 216 437 105
chrT_004 100 111 146 278
the output of parser('example.tsv') might be:
``([629, 86, 159, 100, 164, 612, 216, 111, 88, 175, 437, 146, 105, 110,
105, 278])``
:param 1 resolution: resolution of the matrix
:param True hic: if False, TADbit assumes that files contains normalized
:returns: the corresponding matrix concatenated into a huge list, also
returns number or rows
one = kwargs.get('one', True)
global HIC_DATA
HIC_DATA = hic
if not isinstance(things, list):
things = [things]
matrices = []
for thing in things:
if isinstance(thing, HiC_data):
elif isinstance(thing, file_types):
parser = parser or (abc_reader if __is_abc(thing) else autoreader)
matrix, size, header, masked, sym = parser(thing)
chromosomes, sections, resolution = _header_to_section(header,
matrices.append(HiC_data(matrix, size, dict_sec=sections,
symmetricized=sym, masked=masked))
elif isinstance(thing, basestring):
if is_cooler(thing, resolution if resolution > 1 else None):
matrix, size, header, masked, sym = parse_cooler(thing,
resolution if resolution > 1 else None,
not hic)
with gzopen(thing) as f_thing:
parser = parser or (abc_reader if __is_abc(f_thing) else autoreader)
matrix, size, header, masked, sym = parser(f_thing)
except IOError:
if len(thing.split('\n')) > 1:
parser = parser or (abc_reader if __is_abc(thing.split('\n')) else autoreader)
matrix, size, header, masked, sym = parser(thing.split('\n'))
raise IOError('\n ERROR: file %s not found\n' % thing)
sections = dict([(h, i) for i, h in enumerate(header)])
chromosomes, sections, resolution = _header_to_section(header,
matrices.append(HiC_data(matrix, size, dict_sec=sections,
chromosomes=chromosomes, masked=masked,
elif isinstance(thing, list):
if all([len(thing)==len(l) for l in thing]):
size = len(thing)
matrix = [(i + j * size, v) for i, l in enumerate(thing)
for j, v in enumerate(l) if v]
raise Exception('must be list of lists, all with same length.')
matrices.append(HiC_data(matrix, size))
elif isinstance(thing, tuple):
# case we know what we are doing and passing directly list of tuples
matrix = thing
siz = sqrt(len(thing))
if int(siz) != siz:
raise AttributeError('ERROR: matrix should be square.\n')
size = int(siz)
matrices.append(HiC_data(matrix, size))
elif isinstance(thing, (np.ndarray, np.generic) ):
row, col = thing.shape
if row != col:
raise Exception('matrix needs to be square.')
matrix = thing.reshape(-1).tolist()[0]
size = row
except Exception as exc:
print('Error found:', exc)
matrices.append(HiC_data(matrix, size))
raise Exception('Unable to read this file or whatever it is :)')
if one:
return matrices[0]
return matrices
[docs]def load_hic_data_from_reads(fnam, resolution, **kwargs):
:param fnam: tsv file with reads1 and reads2
:param resolution: the resolution of the experiment (size of a bin in
:param genome_seq: a dictionary containing the genomic sequence by
:param False get_sections: for very very high resolution, when the column
index does not fit in memory
sections = []
genome_seq = OrderedDict()
fhandler = open(fnam)
line = next(fhandler)
size = 0
while line.startswith('#'):
if line.startswith('# CRM '):
crm, clen = line[6:].split()
genome_seq[crm] = int(clen) // resolution + 1
size += genome_seq[crm]
line = next(fhandler)
if kwargs.get('get_sections', True):
for crm in genome_seq:
len_crm = genome_seq[crm]
sections.extend([(crm, i) for i in range(len_crm)])
dict_sec = dict([(j, i) for i, j in enumerate(sections)])
imx = HiC_data((), size, genome_seq, dict_sec, resolution=resolution)
while True:
_, cr1, ps1, _, _, _, _, cr2, ps2, _ = line.split('\t', 9)
ps1 = dict_sec[(cr1, int(ps1) // resolution)]
ps2 = dict_sec[(cr2, int(ps2) // resolution)]
except KeyError:
ps1 = int(ps1) // resolution
ps2 = int(ps2) // resolution
imx[ps1, ps2] += 1
imx[ps2, ps1] += 1
line = next(fhandler)
except StopIteration:
imx.symmetricized = True
return imx
def load_hic_data_from_bam(fnam, resolution, biases=None, tmpdir='.', ncpus=8,
filter_exclude=(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10),
region=None, verbose=True, clean=True):
:param fnam: TADbit-generated BAM file with read-ends1 and read-ends2
:param resolution: the resolution of the experiment (size of a bin in
:param None biases: path to pickle file where are stored the biases. Keys
in this file should be: 'biases', 'badcol', 'decay' and 'resolution'
:param '.' tmpdir: path to folder where to create temporary files
:param 8 ncpus:
:param (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) filter exclude: filters to define the
set of valid pair of reads.
:param None region: chromosome name, if None, all genome will be loaded
:returns: HiC_data object
bam = AlignmentFile(fnam)
genome_seq = OrderedDict((c, l) for c, l in
[x // resolution + 1 for x in bam.lengths]))
sections = []
if region:
size = genome_seq[region]
sections.extend([(region, i) for i in range(size)])
for crm in genome_seq:
len_crm = genome_seq[crm]
sections.extend([(crm, i) for i in range(len_crm)])
size = sum(genome_seq.values())
chromosomes = {region: genome_seq[region]} if region else genome_seq
dict_sec = dict([(j, i) for i, j in enumerate(sections)])
imx = HiC_data((), size, chromosomes=chromosomes, dict_sec=dict_sec,
if biases:
if isinstance(biases, basestring):
biases = load(open(biases,'rb'))
if biases['resolution'] != resolution:
raise Exception('ERROR: resolution of biases do not match to the '
'one wanted (%d vs %d)' % (
biases['resolution'], resolution))
if region:
chrom_start = 0
chrom_end = 0
for crm in genome_seq:
if crm == region:
chrom_end = chrom_start + genome_seq[crm]
len_crm = genome_seq[crm]
chrom_start += len_crm
imx.bias = dict((k - chrom_start, v)
for k, v in biases.get('biases', {}).items()
if chrom_start <= k < chrom_end)
imx.bads = dict((k - chrom_start, v)
for k, v in biases.get('badcol', {}).items()
if chrom_start <= k < chrom_end)
imx.bads = biases['badcol']
imx.bias = biases['biases']
imx.expected = biases['decay']
get_matrix(fnam, resolution, biases=None, filter_exclude=filter_exclude,
normalization='raw', tmpdir=tmpdir, clean=clean,
ncpus=ncpus, dico=imx, region1=region, verbose=verbose)
imx.symmetricized = True
return imx