Source code for pytadbit.parsers.genome_parser

17 nov. 2014

convert a bunch of fasta files, or a single multi fasta file, into a dictionary
from __future__ import print_function

from collections import OrderedDict
import multiprocessing as mu
from os import path
import re

from pytadbit.utils.file_handling import magic_open
from functools import reduce

except NameError:
    basestring = str

[docs]def parse_fasta(f_names, chr_names=None, chr_filter=None, chr_regexp=None, verbose=True, save_cache=True, reload_cache=False, only_length=False): """ Parse a list of fasta files, or just one fasta. WARNING: The order is important :param f_names: list of pathes to files, or just a single path :param None chr_names: pass list of chromosome names, or just one. If None are passed, then chromosome names will be inferred from fasta headers :param None chr_filter: use only chromosome in the input list :param None chr_regexp: use only chromosome matching :param True save_cache: save a cached version of this file for faster loadings (~4 times faster) :param False reload_cache: reload cached genome :param False only_length: returns dictionary with length of genome,not sequence :returns: a sorted dictionary with chromosome names as keys, and sequences as values (sequence in upper case) """ if isinstance(f_names, basestring): f_names = [f_names] if len(f_names) == 1: fname = f_names[0] + '_genome.TADbit' else: fname = path.join(path.commonprefix(f_names), 'genome.TADbit') if path.exists(fname) and not reload_cache: if verbose: print('Loading cached genome') genome_seq = OrderedDict() with open(fname) as f_open: for line in f_open: if line.startswith('>'): c = line[1:].strip() else: if only_length: genome_seq[c] = len(line.strip()) else: genome_seq[c] = line.strip() return genome_seq if isinstance(chr_names, basestring): chr_names = [chr_names] if chr_filter: bad_chrom = lambda x: not x in chr_filter else: bad_chrom = lambda x: False if chr_regexp: chr_regexp = re.compile(chr_regexp) else: chr_regexp = re.compile('.*') genome_seq = OrderedDict() if len(f_names) == 1: header = None seq = [] with magic_open(f_names[0]) as fhandler: for line in fhandler: if line.startswith('>'): if header: genome_seq[header] = ''.join(seq).upper() header = line[1:].split()[0] if bad_chrom(header) or not chr_regexp.match(header): header = 'UNWANTED' elif not chr_names: if verbose: print('Parsing %s' % (header)) else: header = chr_names.pop(0) if verbose: print('Parsing %s as %s' % (line[1:].rstrip(), header)) seq = [] continue seq.append(line.rstrip()) if only_length: genome_seq[header] = len(seq) else: genome_seq[header] = ''.join(seq).upper() if 'UNWANTED' in genome_seq: del(genome_seq['UNWANTED']) else: for fnam in f_names: with magic_open(f_nam) as fhandler: try: while True: if not chr_names: header = next(fhandler) if header.startswith('>'): header = header[1:].split()[0] if bad_chrom(header) or not chr_regexp.match(header): header = 'UNWANTED' genome_seq[header] = '' break else: _ = next(fhandler) header = chr_names.pop(0) if bad_chrom(header): header = 'UNWANTED' genome_seq[header] = '' break except StopIteration: raise Exception('No crocodiles found, is it fasta?') if only_length: genome_seq[header] = sum(len(l.rstrip()) for l in fhandler) else: genome_seq[header] = ''.join([l.rstrip() for l in fhandler]).upper() if 'UNWANTED' in genome_seq: del(genome_seq['UNWANTED']) if save_cache and not only_length: if verbose: print('saving genome in cache') if len(f_names) == 1: fname = f_names[0] + '_genome.TADbit' else: fname = path.join(path.commonprefix(f_names), 'genome.TADbit') out = open(fname, 'w') for c in genome_seq: out.write('>%s\n%s\n' % (c, genome_seq[c])) out.close() return genome_seq
def get_gc_content(genome, resolution, chromosomes=None, n_cpus=None, by_chrom=False): """ Get GC content by bins of a given size. Ns are nottaken into account in the calculation, only the number of Gs and Cs over As, Ts, Gs and Cs :param genome: a TADbit parsed genome object :param resolution: :param None chromosomes: GC content only calculated over these chromosomes :param None n_cpus: parallelize (can't parallelize more than the number of chromosomes) :param False by_chrom: if False returns a unique list for the full genome """ chromosomes = chromosomes if chromosomes else list(genome.keys()) if not n_cpus: n_cpus = mu.cpu_count() pool = mu.Pool(n_cpus) get_chr_gc = _get_chr_gc_dico if by_chrom else _get_chr_gc_list jobs = {} for crm in chromosomes: jobs[crm] = pool.apply_async(get_chr_gc, args=(genome[crm], resolution)) pool.close() pool.join() if by_chrom: gc_content = dict((crm, jobs[crm].get()) for crm in chromosomes) else: gc_content = reduce(lambda x,y: x + y, (jobs[crm].get() for crm in chromosomes)) return gc_content def _get_chr_gc_list(chrom, resolution): gc_content = [] for pos in range(0, len(chrom), resolution): seq = chrom[pos:pos + resolution] try: gc_content.append(float(seq.count('G') + seq.count('C')) / (len(seq) - seq.count('N'))) except ZeroDivisionError: gc_content.append(float('nan')) return gc_content def _get_chr_gc_dico(chrom, reso): gc_content = {} for pos in range(0, len(chrom), reso): seq = chrom[pos:pos + reso] try: gc_content[pos /reso] = (float(seq.count('G') + seq.count('C')) / (len(seq) - seq.count('N'))) except ZeroDivisionError: gc_content[pos /reso] = float('nan') return gc_content