Source code for pytadbit.mapping.analyze

18 Nov 2014
from __future__ import print_function

from warnings                     import warn, catch_warnings, simplefilter
from collections                  import OrderedDict

from pysam                        import AlignmentFile
from scipy.stats                  import norm as sc_norm, skew, kurtosis
from scipy.stats                  import pearsonr, spearmanr, linregress
from scipy.sparse.linalg          import eigsh
from numpy.linalg                 import eigh
import numpy as np

    from matplotlib import rcParams
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
    from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
except ImportError:
    warn('matplotlib not found\n')

from pytadbit                     import HiC_data
from pytadbit.utils.extraviews    import tadbit_savefig, setup_plot
from pytadbit.utils.tadmaths      import nozero_log_matrix as nozero_log
from pytadbit.utils.tadmaths      import right_double_mad as mad
from pytadbit.parsers.hic_parser  import load_hic_data_from_reads
from pytadbit.utils.extraviews    import nicer
from pytadbit.utils.file_handling import mkdir

except NameError:
    basestring = str

[docs]def hic_map(data, resolution=None, normalized=False, masked=None, by_chrom=False, savefig=None, show=False, savedata=None, focus=None, clim=None, perc_clim=None, cmap='jet', pdf=False, decay=True, perc=20, name=None, decay_resolution=None, **kwargs): """ function to retrieve data from HiC-data object. Data can be stored as a square matrix, or drawn using matplotlib :param data: can be either a path to a file with pre-processed reads (filtered or not), or a Hi-C-data object :param None resolution: at which to bin the data (try having a dense matrix with < 10% of cells with zero interaction counts). Note: not necessary if a hic_data object is passed as 'data'. :param False normalized: used normalized data, based on precalculated biases :param masked: a list of columns to be removed. Usually because to few interactions :param False by_chrom: data can be stored in a partitioned way. This parameter can take the values of: * 'intra': one output per each chromosome will be created * 'inter': one output per each possible pair of chromosome will be created * 'all' : both of the above outputs :param None savefig: path where to store the output images. Note that, if the by_chrom option is used, then savefig will be the name of the directory containing the output files. :param None savedata: path where to store the output matrices. Note that, if the by_chrom option is used, then savefig will be the name of the directory containing the output files. :param None focus: can be either two number (i.e.: (1, 100)) specifying the start and end position of the sub-matrix to display (start and end, along the diagonal of the original matrix); or directly a chromosome name; or two chromosome names (i.e.: focus=('chr2, chrX')), in order to store the data corresponding to inter chromosomal interactions between these two chromosomes :param True decay: plot the correlation between genomic distance and interactions (usually a decay). :param False force_image: force to generate an image even if resolution is crazy... :param None clim: cutoff for the upper and lower bound in the coloring scale of the heatmap. (perc_clim should be set to None) :param None perc_clim: cutoff for the upper and lower bound in the coloring scale of the heatmap; in percentile. (clim should be set to None) :param False pdf: when using the bny_chrom option, to specify the format of the stored images :param jet cmap: color map to be used for the heatmap; "tadbit" color map is also implemented and will use percentiles of the distribution of interactions to defines intensities of red. :param None decay_resolution: chromatin fragment size to consider when calculating decay of the number of interactions with genomic distance. Default is equal to resolution of the matrix. """ if isinstance(data, basestring): data = load_hic_data_from_reads(data, resolution=resolution, **kwargs) if not kwargs.get('get_sections', True) and decay: warn('WARNING: not decay not available when get_sections is off.') decay = False if clim and perc_clim: raise Exception('ERROR: only one of clim or perc_clim should be set\n') hic_data = data resolution = data.resolution if not decay_resolution: decay_resolution = resolution if hic_data.bads and not masked: masked = hic_data.bads # save and draw the data if by_chrom: if focus: raise Exception('Incompatible options focus and by_chrom\n') if savedata: mkdir(savedata) if savefig: mkdir(savefig) for i, crm1 in enumerate(hic_data.chromosomes): for crm2 in list(hic_data.chromosomes.keys())[i:]: if by_chrom == 'intra' and crm1 != crm2: continue if by_chrom == 'inter' and crm1 == crm2: continue try: subdata = hic_data.get_matrix(focus=(crm1, crm2), normalized=normalized) start1, _ = hic_data.section_pos[crm1] start2, _ = hic_data.section_pos[crm2] masked1 = {} masked2 = {} if focus and hic_data.bads: # rescale masked masked1 = dict([(m - start1, hic_data.bads[m]) for m in hic_data.bads]) masked2 = dict([(m - start2, hic_data.bads[m]) for m in hic_data.bads]) if masked1 or masked2: for i in range(len(subdata)): if i in masked1: subdata[i] = [float('nan') for j in range(len(subdata))] for j in range(len(subdata)): if j in masked2: subdata[i][j] = float('nan') if savedata: hic_data.write_matrix('%s/%s.mat' % ( savedata, '_'.join(set((crm1, crm2)))), focus=(crm1, crm2), normalized=normalized) if show or savefig: if (len(subdata) > 10000 and not kwargs.get('force_image', False)): warn('WARNING: Matrix image not created, more than ' '10000 rows, use a lower resolution to create images') continue draw_map(subdata, OrderedDict([(k, hic_data.chromosomes[k]) for k in list(hic_data.chromosomes.keys()) if k in [crm1, crm2]]), hic_data.section_pos, '%s/%s.%s' % (savefig, '_'.join(set((crm1, crm2))), 'pdf' if pdf else 'png'), show, one=True, clim=clim, perc_clim=perc_clim, cmap=cmap, decay_resolution=decay_resolution, perc=perc, name=name, cistrans=float('NaN')) except ValueError as e: print('Value ERROR: problem with chromosome %s' % crm1) print(str(e)) except IndexError as e: print('Index ERROR: problem with chromosome %s' % crm1) print(str(e)) else: if savedata: hic_data.write_matrix(savedata, focus=focus, normalized=normalized) if show or savefig: subdata = hic_data.get_matrix(focus=focus, normalized=normalized) if (len(subdata) > 10000 and not kwargs.get('force_image', False)): warn('WARNING: Matrix image not created, more than ' '10000 rows, use a lower resolution to create images') return start1 = hic_data._focus_coords(focus)[0] if focus and masked: # rescale masked masked = dict([(m - start1, masked[m]) for m in masked]) if masked: for i in range(len(subdata)): if i in masked: subdata[i] = [float('nan') for j in range(len(subdata))] for j in range(len(subdata)): if j in masked: subdata[i][j] = float('nan') draw_map(subdata, {} if focus else hic_data.chromosomes, hic_data.section_pos, savefig, show, one = True if focus else False, decay=decay, clim=clim, perc_clim=perc_clim, cmap=cmap, decay_resolution=decay_resolution, perc=perc, normalized=normalized, max_diff=kwargs.get('max_diff', None), name=name, cistrans=float('NaN') if focus else hic_data.cis_trans_ratio(normalized, kwargs.get('exclude', None), kwargs.get('diagonal', True), kwargs.get('equals', None)))
def draw_map(data, genome_seq, cumcs, savefig, show, one=False, clim=None, perc_clim=None, cmap='jet', decay=False, perc=20, name=None, cistrans=None, decay_resolution=10000, normalized=False, max_diff=None): _ = plt.figure(figsize=(15.,12.5)) if not max_diff: max_diff = len(data) ax1 = plt.axes([0.34, 0.08, 0.6, 0.7205]) ax2 = plt.axes([0.07, 0.65, 0.21, 0.15]) if decay: ax3 = plt.axes([0.07, 0.42, 0.21, 0.15]) plot_distance_vs_interactions(data, genome_seq=genome_seq, axe=ax3, resolution=decay_resolution, max_diff=max_diff, normalized=normalized) ax4 = plt.axes([0.34, 0.805, 0.6, 0.04], sharex=ax1) ax5 = plt.axes([0.34, 0.845, 0.6, 0.04], sharex=ax1) ax6 = plt.axes([0.34, 0.885, 0.6, 0.04], sharex=ax1) try: minoridata = np.nanmin(data) maxoridata = np.nanmax(data) except AttributeError: vals = [i for d in data for i in d if not np.isnan(i)] minoridata = np.min(vals) maxoridata = np.max(vals) totaloridata = np.nansum([data[i][j] for i in range(len(data)) for j in range(i, len(data[i]))]) # may not be square data = nozero_log(data, np.log2) vals = np.array([i for d in data for i in d]) vals = vals[np.isfinite(vals)] if perc_clim: try: clim = np.percentile(vals, perc_clim[0]), np.percentile(vals, perc_clim[1]) except ValueError: clim = None mindata = np.nanmin(vals) maxdata = np.nanmax(vals) diff = maxdata - mindata norm = lambda x: (x - mindata) / diff posI = 0.01 if not clim else norm(clim[0]) if clim[0] != None else 0.01 posF = 1.0 if not clim else norm(clim[1]) if clim[1] != None else 1.0 if cmap == 'tadbit': cuts = perc cdict = {'red' : [(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)], 'green': [(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)], 'blue' : [(0.0, 1.0, 1.0)]} for i in np.linspace(posI, posF, cuts, endpoint=False): prc = (i / (posF - posI)) / 1.75 pos = norm(np.percentile(vals, i * 100.)) # print '%7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f' % (prc, pos, np.percentile(vals, i * 100.), i) cdict['red' ].append([pos, 1 , 1 ]) cdict['green'].append([pos, 1 - prc, 1 - prc]) cdict['blue' ].append([pos, 1 - prc, 1 - prc]) cdict['red' ].append([1.0, 1, 1]) cdict['green'].append([1.0, 0, 0]) cdict['blue' ].append([1.0, 0, 0]) cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap(cmap, cdict) clim = None else: cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) cmap.set_bad('darkgrey', 1) ax1.imshow(data, interpolation='none', cmap=cmap, vmin=clim[0] if clim else None, vmax=clim[1] if clim else None) size1 = len(data) size2 = len(data[0]) if size1 == size2: for i in range(size1): for j in range(i, size2): if np.isnan(data[i][j]): data[i][j] = 0 data[j][i] = 0 else: for i in range(size1): for j in range(size2): if np.isnan(data[i][j]): data[i][j] = 0 #data[j][i] = data[i][j] try: evals, evect = eigh(data) sort_perm = evals.argsort() evect = evect[sort_perm] except: evals, evect = None, None data = [i for d in data for i in d if np.isfinite(i)] gradient = np.linspace(np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data), max(size1, size2)) gradient = np.vstack((gradient, gradient)) try: h = ax2.hist(data, color='darkgrey', linewidth=2, bins=20, histtype='step', density=True) except AttributeError: h = ax2.hist(data, color='darkgrey', linewidth=2, bins=20, histtype='step', normed=True) _ = ax2.imshow(gradient, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, vmin=clim[0] if clim else None, vmax=clim[1] if clim else None, extent=(np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data) , 0, max(h[0]))) if genome_seq: for crm in genome_seq: ax1.vlines([cumcs[crm][0]-.5, cumcs[crm][1]-.5], cumcs[crm][0]-.5, cumcs[crm][1]-.5, color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=1, alpha=1) ax1.hlines([cumcs[crm][1]-.5, cumcs[crm][0]-.5], cumcs[crm][0]-.5, cumcs[crm][1]-.5, color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=1, alpha=1) ax1.vlines([cumcs[crm][0]-.5, cumcs[crm][1]-.5], cumcs[crm][0]-.5, cumcs[crm][1]-.5, color='k', linestyle='--') ax1.hlines([cumcs[crm][1]-.5, cumcs[crm][0]-.5], cumcs[crm][0]-.5, cumcs[crm][1]-.5, color='k', linestyle='--') if not one: vals = [0] keys = [''] for crm in genome_seq: vals.append(cumcs[crm][0]) keys.append(crm) vals.append(cumcs[crm][1]) ax1.set_yticks(vals) ax1.set_yticklabels('') ax1.set_yticks([float(vals[i]+vals[i+1])/2 for i in range(len(vals) - 1)], minor=True) ax1.set_yticklabels(keys, minor=True) for t in ax1.yaxis.get_minor_ticks(): t.tick1line.set_visible(False) t.tick2line.set_visible(False) # totaloridata = ''.join([j + ('' if (i+1)%3 else ',') for i, j in enumerate(str(totaloridata)[::-1])])[::-1].strip(',') # minoridata = ''.join([j + ('' if (i+1)%3 else ',') for i, j in enumerate(str(minoridata)[::-1])])[::-1].strip(',') # maxoridata = ''.join([j + ('' if (i+1)%3 else ',') for i, j in enumerate(str(maxoridata)[::-1])])[::-1].strip(',') plt.figtext(0.05,0.25, ''.join([ (name + '\n') if name else '', 'Number of interactions: %s\n' % str(totaloridata), ('' if np.isnan(cistrans) else ('Percentage of cis interactions: %.0f%%\n' % (cistrans*100))), 'Min interactions: %s\n' % (minoridata), 'Max interactions: %s\n' % (maxoridata)])) ax2.set_xlim((np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data))) ax2.set_ylim((0, max(h[0]))) ax1.set_xlim ((-0.5, size1 - .5)) ax1.set_ylim ((-0.5, size2 - .5)) ax2.set_xlabel('log interaction count') # we reduce the number of dots displayed.... we just want to see the shape subdata = np.array(list(set([float(int(d*100))/100 for d in data]))) try: normfit = sc_norm.pdf(subdata, np.nanmean(data), np.nanstd(data)) except AttributeError: normfit = sc_norm.pdf(subdata, np.mean(data), np.std(data)) ax2.plot(subdata, normfit, 'w.', markersize=2.5, alpha=.4) ax2.plot(subdata, normfit, 'k.', markersize=1.5, alpha=1) ax2.set_title('skew: %.3f, kurtosis: %.3f' % (skew(data), kurtosis(data))) try: ax4.vlines(list(range(size1)), 0, evect[:,-1], color='k') except (TypeError, IndexError): pass ax4.hlines(0, 0, size2, color='red') ax4.set_ylabel('E1') ax4.set_yticklabels([]) try: ax5.vlines(list(range(size1)), 0, evect[:,-2], color='k') except (TypeError, IndexError): pass ax5.hlines(0, 0, size2, color='red') ax5.set_ylabel('E2') ax5.set_yticklabels([]) try: ax6.vlines(list(range(size1)), 0, evect[:,-3], color='k') except (TypeError, IndexError): pass ax6.hlines(0, 0, size2, color='red') ax6.set_ylabel('E3') ax6.set_yticklabels([]) xticklabels = ax4.get_xticklabels() + ax5.get_xticklabels() + ax6.get_xticklabels() plt.setp(xticklabels, visible=False) if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) elif show: plt.close('all')
[docs]def plot_distance_vs_interactions(data, min_diff=1, max_diff=1000, show=False, genome_seq=None, resolution=None, axe=None, savefig=None, normalized=False, plot_each_cell=False): """ Plot the number of interactions observed versus the genomic distance between the mapped ends of the read. The slope is expected to be around -1, in logarithmic scale and between 700 kb and 10 Mb (according to the prediction of the fractal globule model). :param data: input file name (either tsv or TADbit generated BAM), or HiC_data object or list of lists :param 10 min_diff: lower limit (in number of bins) :param 1000 max_diff: upper limit (in number of bins) to look for :param 100 resolution: group reads that are closer than this resolution parameter :param_hash False plot_each_cell: if false, only the mean distances by bin will be represented, otherwise each pair of interactions will be plotted. :param None axe: a matplotlib.axes.Axes object to define the plot appearance :param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated; if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension of the file name will determine the desired format). :returns: slope, intercept and R square of each of the 3 correlations """ if isinstance(data, basestring): resolution = resolution or 1 dist_intr = dict([(i, {}) for i in range(min_diff, max_diff)]) fhandler = open(data) line = next(fhandler) while line.startswith('#'): line = next(fhandler) try: while True: _, cr1, ps1, _, _, _, _, cr2, ps2, _ = line.split('\t', 9) if cr1 != cr2: line = next(fhandler) continue diff = abs(int(ps1) // resolution - int(ps2) // resolution) if max_diff > diff >= min_diff: try: dist_intr[diff][int(ps1) // resolution] += 1. except KeyError: dist_intr[diff][int(ps1) // resolution] = 1. line = next(fhandler) except StopIteration: pass fhandler.close() for diff in dist_intr: dist_intr[diff] = [dist_intr[diff].get(k, 0) for k in range(max(dist_intr[diff]) - diff)] elif isinstance(data, HiC_data): resolution = resolution or data.resolution dist_intr = dict([(i, []) for i in range(min_diff, max_diff)]) if normalized: get_data = lambda x, y: data[x, y] / data.bias[x] / data.bias[y] else: get_data = lambda x, y: data[x, y] max_diff = min(len(data), max_diff) if data.section_pos: for crm in data.section_pos: for diff in range(min_diff, min( (max_diff, 1 + data.chromosomes[crm]))): for i in range(data.section_pos[crm][0], data.section_pos[crm][1] - diff): dist_intr[diff].append(get_data(i, i + diff)) else: for diff in range(min_diff, max_diff): for i in range(len(data) - diff): if not np.isnan(data[i, i + diff]): dist_intr[diff].append(get_data(i, diff)) elif isinstance(data, dict): # if we pass decay/expected dictionary, computes weighted mean dist_intr = {} for i in range(min_diff, max_diff): val = [data[c][i] for c in data if i in data[c] and data[c][i] != data[c].get(i-1, 0)] if val: dist_intr[i] = [sum(val) / float(len(val))] else: dist_intr[i] = [0] else: dist_intr = dict([(i, []) for i in range(min_diff, max_diff)]) if genome_seq: max_diff = min(max(genome_seq.values()), max_diff) cnt = 0 for crm in genome_seq: for diff in range(min_diff, min( (max_diff, genome_seq[crm]))): for i in range(cnt, cnt + genome_seq[crm] - diff): if not np.isnan(data[i][i + diff]): dist_intr[diff].append(data[i][i + diff]) cnt += genome_seq[crm] else: max_diff = min(len(data), max_diff) for diff in range(min_diff, max_diff): for i in range(len(data) - diff): if not np.isnan(data[i][i + diff]): dist_intr[diff].append(data[i][i + diff]) resolution = resolution or 1 if not axe: fig=plt.figure() axe = fig.add_subplot(111) # remove last part of the plot in case no interaction is count... reduce max_dist for diff in range(max_diff - 1, min_diff, -1): try: if not dist_intr[diff]: del(dist_intr[diff]) max_diff -=1 continue except KeyError: max_diff -=1 continue break # get_cmap the mean values perc bins mean_intr = dict([(i, float(sum(dist_intr[i])) / len(dist_intr[i])) for i in dist_intr if len(dist_intr[i])]) if plot_each_cell: xp, yp = [], [] for x, y in sorted(list(dist_intr.items()), key=lambda x:x[0]): xp.extend([x] * len(y)) yp.extend(y) x = [] y = [] for k in range(len(xp)): if yp[k]: x.append(xp[k]) y.append(yp[k]) axe.plot(x, y, color='grey', marker='.', alpha=0.1, ms=1, linestyle='None') xp, yp = list(zip(*sorted(list(mean_intr.items()), key=lambda x:x[0]))) x = [] y = [] for k in range(len(xp)): if yp[k]: x.append(xp[k]) y.append(yp[k]) axe.plot(x, y, 'k.', alpha=0.4) best = (float('-inf'), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) logx = np.log(x) logy = np.log(y) ntries = 100 # set k for better fit # for k in xrange(1, ntries/5, ntries/5/5): if resolution == 1: k = 1 for i in range(3, ntries-2-k): v1 = i * len(x) / ntries try: a1, b1, r21, _, _ = linregress(logx[ :v1], logy[ :v1]) except ValueError: a1 = b1 = r21 = 0 r21 *= r21 for j in range(i + 1 + k, ntries - 2 - k): v2 = j * len(x) / ntries try: a2, b2, r22, _, _ = linregress(logx[v1+k:v2], logy[v1+k:v2]) a3, b3, r23, _, _ = linregress(logx[v2+k: ], logy[v2+k: ]) except ValueError: a2 = b2 = r22 = 0 a3 = b3 = r23 = 0 r2 = r21 + r22**2 + r23**2 if r2 > best[0]: best = (r2, v1, v2, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, k) # plot line of best fit (v1, v2, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, k) = best[1:] yfit1 = lambda xx: np.exp(b1 + a1*np.array (np.log(xx))) yfit2 = lambda xx: np.exp(b2 + a2*np.array (np.log(xx))) yfit3 = lambda xx: np.exp(b3 + a3*np.array (np.log(xx))) axe.plot(x[ :v1], yfit1(x[ :v1] ), color= 'yellow', lw=2, label = r'$\alpha_{%s}=%.2f$' % ( '0-0.7 \mathrm{ Mb}' if resolution != 1 else '1', a1)) #label = r'$\alpha_1=%.2f$ (0-%d)' % (a1, x[v1])) axe.plot(x[v1+k:v2], yfit2(x[v1+k:v2]), color= 'orange', lw=2, label = r'$\alpha_{%s}=%.2f$' % ( '0.7-10 \mathrm{ Mb}' if resolution != 1 else '2', a2)) # label = r'$\alpha_2=%.2f$ (%d-%d)' % (a2, x[v1], x[v2])) axe.plot(x[v2+k: ], yfit3(x[v2+k: ] ), color= 'red' , lw=2, label = r'$\alpha_{%s}=%.2f$' % ( '10 \mathrm{ Mb}-\infty' if resolution != 1 else '3', a3)) # label = r'$\alpha_3=%.2f$ (%d-$\infty$)' % (a3, x[v2+k])) else: # from 0.7 Mb v1 = 700000 // resolution # to 10 Mb v2 = 10000000 // resolution try: a1, b1, r21, _, _ = linregress(logx[ :v1], logy[ :v1]) except ValueError: a1, b1, r21 = 0, 0, 0 try: a2, b2, r22, _, _ = linregress(logx[v1:v2], logy[v1:v2]) except ValueError: a2, b2, r22 = 0, 0, 0 try: a3, b3, r23, _, _ = linregress(logx[v2: ], logy[v2: ]) except ValueError: a3, b3, r23 = 0, 0, 0 yfit1 = lambda xx: np.exp(b1 + a1*np.array (np.log(xx))) yfit2 = lambda xx: np.exp(b2 + a2*np.array (np.log(xx))) yfit3 = lambda xx: np.exp(b3 + a3*np.array (np.log(xx))) axe.plot(x[ :v1], yfit1(x[ :v1] ), color= 'yellow', lw=2, label = r'$\alpha_{%s}=%.2f$' % ( '0-0.7 \mathrm{ Mb}' if resolution != 1 else '1', a1)) #label = r'$\alpha_1=%.2f$ (0-%d)' % (a1, x[v1])) axe.plot(x[v1:v2], yfit2(x[v1:v2]), color= 'orange', lw=2, label = r'$\alpha_{%s}=%.2f$' % ( '0.7-10 \mathrm{ Mb}' if resolution != 1 else '2', a2)) # label = r'$\alpha_2=%.2f$ (%d-%d)' % (a2, x[v1], x[v2])) axe.plot(x[v2: ], yfit3(x[v2: ] ), color= 'red' , lw=2, label = r'$\alpha_{%s}=%.2f$' % ( '10 \mathrm{ Mb}-\infty' if resolution != 1 else '3', a3)) # label = r'$\alpha_3=%.2f$ (%d-$\infty$)' % (a3, x[v2+k])) axe.set_ylabel('Log interaction count') axe.set_xlabel('Log genomic distance (resolution: %s)' % nicer(resolution)) axe.legend(loc='lower left', frameon=False) axe.set_xscale('log') axe.set_yscale('log') axe.set_xlim((min_diff, max_diff)) try: with catch_warnings(): simplefilter("ignore") axe.set_ylim((0, max(y))) except ValueError: pass if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) plt.close('all') elif show: plt.close('all') return (a1, b1, r21), (a2, b2, r22), (a3, b3, r23)
[docs]def plot_iterative_mapping(fnam1, fnam2, total_reads=None, axe=None, savefig=None): """ Plots the number of reads mapped at each step of the mapping process (in the case of the iterative mapping, each step is mapping process with a given size of fragments). :param fnam: input file name :param total_reads: total number of reads in the initial FASTQ file :param None axe: a matplotlib.axes.Axes object to define the plot appearance :param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated; if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension of the file name will determine the desired format). :returns: a dictionary with the number of reads per mapped length """ count_by_len = {} total_reads = total_reads or 1 if not axe: fig=plt.figure() _ = fig.add_subplot(111) colors = ['olive', 'darkcyan'] iteration = False for i, fnam in enumerate([fnam1, fnam2]): fhandler = open(fnam) line = next(fhandler) count_by_len[i] = {} while line.startswith('#'): if line.startswith('# MAPPED '): itr, num = line.split()[2:] count_by_len[i][int(itr)] = int(num) line = next(fhandler) if not count_by_len[i]: iteration = True try: while True: _, length, _, _ = line.rsplit('\t', 3) try: count_by_len[i][int(length)] += 1 except KeyError: count_by_len[i][int(length)] = 1 line = next(fhandler) except StopIteration: pass fhandler.close() lengths = sorted(count_by_len[i].keys()) for k in lengths[::-1]: count_by_len[i][k] += sum([count_by_len[i][j] for j in lengths if j < k]) plt.plot(lengths, [float(count_by_len[i][l]) / total_reads for l in lengths], label='read' + str(i + 1), linewidth=2, color=colors[i]) if iteration: plt.xlabel('read length (bp)') else: plt.xlabel('Iteration number') if total_reads != 1: plt.ylabel('Proportion of mapped reads') else: plt.ylabel('Number of mapped reads') plt.legend(loc=4) if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) elif not axe: plt.close('all') return count_by_len
def fragment_size(fnam, savefig=None, nreads=None, max_size=99.9, axe=None, show=False, xlog=False, stats=('median', 'perc_max'), too_large=10000): """ Plots the distribution of dangling-ends lengths :param fnam: input file name :param None savefig: path where to store the output images. :param 99.9 max_size: top percentage of distances to consider, within the top 0.01% are usually found very long outliers. :param False xlog: represent x axis in logarithmic scale :param ('median', 'perc_max') stats: returns this set of values calculated from the distribution of insert/fragment sizes. Possible values are: - 'median' median of the distribution - 'mean' mean of the distribution - 'perc_max' percentil defined by the other parameter 'max_size' - 'first_deacay' starting from the median of the distribution to the first window where 10 consecutive insert sizes are counted less than a given value (this given value is equal to the sum of all sizes divided by 100 000) - 'MAD' Double Median Adjusted Deviation :param 10000 too_large: upper bound limit for fragment size to consider :param None nreads: number of reads to process (default: all reads) :returns: the median value and the percentile inputed as max_size. """ distr = {} genome_seq = OrderedDict() pos = 0 fhandler = open(fnam) for line in fhandler: if line.startswith('#'): if line.startswith('# CRM '): crm, clen = line[6:].split('\t') genome_seq[crm] = int(clen) else: break pos += len(line) des = [] for line in fhandler: (crm1, pos1, dir1, _, re1, _, crm2, pos2, dir2, _, re2) = line.strip().split('\t')[1:12] if re1 == re2 and crm1 == crm2 and dir1 == '1' and dir2 == '0': pos1, pos2 = int(pos1), int(pos2) des.append(pos2 - pos1) if len(des) == nreads: break des = [i for i in des if i <= too_large] fhandler.close() if not des: raise Exception('ERROR: no dangling-ends found in %s' % (fnam)) max_perc = np.percentile(des, max_size) perc99 = np.percentile(des, 99) perc01 = np.percentile(des, 1) perc50 = np.percentile(des, 50) meanfr = np.mean(des) perc95 = np.percentile(des, 95) perc05 = np.percentile(des, 5) to_return = {'median': perc50} cutoff = len(des) / 100000. count = 0 for v in range(int(perc50), int(max(des))): if des.count(v) < cutoff: count += 1 else: count = 0 if count >= 10: to_return['first_decay'] = v - 10 break else: raise ZeroDivisionError('ERROR: no dangling-ends found') to_return['perc_max'] = max_perc to_return['MAD'] = mad(des) to_return['mean'] = meanfr if not savefig and not axe and not show: return [to_return[k] for k in stats] ax = setup_plot(axe, figsize=(10, 5.5)) desapan = ax.axvspan(perc95, perc99, facecolor='black', alpha=.2, label='1-99%% DEs\n(%.0f-%.0f nts)' % (perc01, perc99)) ax.axvspan(perc01, perc05, facecolor='black', alpha=.2) desapan = ax.axvspan(perc05, perc95, facecolor='black', alpha=.4, label='5-95%% DEs\n(%.0f-%.0f nts)' % (perc05, perc95)) deshist = ax.hist(des, bins=100, range=(0, max_perc), lw=2, alpha=.5, edgecolor='darkred', facecolor='darkred', label='Dangling-ends') ylims = ax.get_ylim() plots = [] ax.set_xlabel('Genomic distance between reads') ax.set_ylabel('Count') ax.set_title('Distribution of dangling-ends ' + 'lenghts\nmedian: %s (mean: %s), top %.1f%%: %0.f nts' % ( int(perc50), int(meanfr), max_size, int(max_perc))) if xlog: ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim((50, max_perc)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.75) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.4, 1), frameon=False) if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) elif show and not axe: plt.close('all') return [to_return[k] for k in stats]
[docs]def plot_genomic_distribution(fnam, first_read=None, resolution=10000, ylim=None, yscale=None, savefig=None, show=False, savedata=None, chr_names=None, nreads=None): """ Plot the number of reads in bins along the genome (or along a given chromosome). :param fnam: input file name :param True first_read: uses first read. :param 100 resolution: group reads that are closer than this resolution parameter :param None ylim: a tuple of lower and upper bound for the y axis :param None yscale: if set_bad to "log" values will be represented in log2 scale :param None savefig: path to a file where to save the image generated; if None, the image will be shown using matplotlib GUI (the extension of the file name will determine the desired format). :param None savedata: path where to store the output read counts per bin. :param None chr_names: can pass a list of chromosome names in case only some them the need to be plotted (this option may last even more than default) :param None nreads: number of reads to process (default: all reads) """ if first_read: warn('WARNING: first_read parameter should no loonger be used.') distr = {} genome_seq = OrderedDict() if chr_names: chr_names = set(chr_names) cond1 = lambda x: x not in chr_names else: cond1 = lambda x: False if nreads: cond2 = lambda x: x >= nreads else: cond2 = lambda x: False cond = lambda x, y: cond1(x) or cond2(y) count = 0 pos = 0 fhandler = open(fnam) for line in fhandler: if line.startswith('#'): if line.startswith('# CRM '): crm, clen = line[6:].split('\t') genome_seq[crm] = int(clen) else: break pos += len(line) for line in fhandler: line = line.strip().split('\t') count += 1 for idx1, idx2 in ((1, 3), (7, 9)): crm, pos = line[idx1:idx2] if cond(crm, count): if cond2(count): break continue pos = int(pos) // resolution try: distr[crm][pos] += 1 except KeyError: try: distr[crm][pos] = 1 except KeyError: distr[crm] = {pos: 1} else: continue break fhandler.close() if savefig or show: _ = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 1 + 3 * len( chr_names if chr_names else list(distr.keys())))) max_y = max([max(distr[c].values()) for c in distr]) max_x = max([len(list(distr[c].values())) for c in distr]) ncrms = len(chr_names if chr_names else genome_seq if genome_seq else distr) data = {} for i, crm in enumerate(chr_names if chr_names else genome_seq if genome_seq else distr): try: # data[crm] = [distr[crm].get(j, 0) for j in xrange(max(distr[crm]))] # genome_seq[crm] data[crm] = [distr[crm].get(j, 0) for j in range(genome_seq[crm] // resolution + 1)] if savefig or show: plt.subplot(ncrms, 1, i + 1) plt.plot(list(range(genome_seq[crm] // resolution + 1)), data[crm], color='red', lw=1.5, alpha=0.7) if yscale: plt.yscale(yscale) except KeyError: pass if savefig or show: if ylim: plt.vlines(genome_seq[crm] // resolution, ylim[0], ylim[1]) else: plt.vlines(genome_seq[crm] // resolution, 0, max_y) plt.xlim((0, max_x)) plt.ylim(ylim or (0, max_y)) plt.title(crm) if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) if not show: plt.close('all') elif show: if savedata: out = open(savedata, 'w') out.write('# CRM\tstart-end\tcount\n') out.write('\n'.join('%s\t%d-%d\t%d' % (c, (i * resolution) + 1, ((i + 1) * resolution), v) for c in data for i, v in enumerate(data[c]))) out.write('\n') out.close()
def _unitize(vals): return np.argsort(vals) / float(len(vals))
[docs]def correlate_matrices(hic_data1, hic_data2, max_dist=10, intra=False, axe=None, savefig=None, show=False, savedata=None, min_dist=1, normalized=False, remove_bad_columns=True, **kwargs): """ Compare the interactions of two Hi-C matrices at a given distance, with Spearman rank correlation. Also computes the SCC reproducibility score as in HiCrep (see It's implementation is inspired by the version implemented in dryhic by Enrique Vidal ( :param hic_data1: Hi-C-data object :param hic_data2: Hi-C-data object :param 1 resolution: to be used for scaling the plot :param 10 max_dist: maximum distance from diagonal (e.g. 10 mean we will not look further than 10 times the resolution) :param 1 min_dist: minimum distance from diagonal (set to 0 to reproduce result from HicRep) :param None savefig: path to save the plot :param False intra: only takes into account intra-chromosomal contacts :param False show: displays the plot :param False normalized: use normalized data :param True remove_bads: computes the union of bad columns between samples and exclude them from the comparison :returns: list of correlations, list of genomic distances, SCC and standard deviation of SCC """ spearmans = [] pearsons = [] dists = [] weigs = [] if normalized: get_the_guy1 = lambda i, j: (hic_data1[j, i] / hic_data1.bias[i] / hic_data1.bias[j]) get_the_guy2 = lambda i, j: (hic_data2[j, i] / hic_data2.bias[i] / hic_data2.bias[j]) else: get_the_guy1 = lambda i, j: hic_data1[j, i] get_the_guy2 = lambda i, j: hic_data2[j, i] if remove_bad_columns: # union of bad columns bads = hic_data1.bads.copy() bads.update(hic_data2.bads) if (intra and hic_data1.sections and hic_data2.sections and hic_data1.sections == hic_data2.sections): for dist in range(1, max_dist + 1): diag1 = [] diag2 = [] for crm in hic_data1.section_pos: for j in range(hic_data1.section_pos[crm][0], hic_data1.section_pos[crm][1] - dist): i = j + dist if j in bads or i in bads: continue diag1.append(get_the_guy1(i, j)) diag2.append(get_the_guy2(i, j)) spearmans.append(spearmanr(diag1, diag2)[0]) pearsons.append(spearmanr(diag1, diag2)[0]) r1 = _unitize(diag1) r2 = _unitize(diag2) weigs.append((np.var(r1, ddof=1) * np.var(r2, ddof=1))**0.5 * len(diag1)) dists.append(dist) else: if intra: warn('WARNING: hic_dta does not contain chromosome coordinates, ' + 'intra set to False') for dist in range(min_dist, max_dist + min_dist): diag1 = [] diag2 = [] for j in range(len(hic_data1) - dist): i = j + dist if j in bads or i in bads: continue diag1.append(get_the_guy1(i, j)) diag2.append(get_the_guy2(i, j)) spearmans.append(spearmanr(diag1, diag2)[0]) pearsons.append(pearsonr(diag1, diag2)[0]) r1 = _unitize(diag1) r2 = _unitize(diag2) weigs.append((np.var(r1, ddof=1) * np.var(r2, ddof=1))**0.5 * len(diag1)) dists.append(dist) # compute scc # print pearsons # print weigs tot_weigth = sum(weigs) scc = sum(pearsons[i] * weigs[i] / tot_weigth for i in range(len(pearsons))) var_corr = np.var(pearsons, ddof=1) std = (sum(weigs[i]**2 for i in range(len(pearsons))) * var_corr / sum(weigs)**2)**0.5 # plot if show or savefig or axe: if not axe: fig = plt.figure() axe = fig.add_subplot(111) given_axe = False else: given_axe = True axe.plot(dists, spearmans, color='orange', linewidth=3, alpha=.8) axe.set_xlabel('Genomic distance in bins') axe.set_ylabel('Spearman rank correlation') axe.set_xlim((0, dists[-1])) if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) if show: if not given_axe: plt.close('all') if savedata: out = open(savedata, 'w') out.write('# genomic distance\tSpearman rank correlation\n') for i in range(len(spearmans)): out.write('%s\t%s\n' % (dists[i], spearmans[i])) out.close() if kwargs.get('get_bads', False): return spearmans, dists, scc, std, bads return spearmans, dists, scc, std
def scc(mat1, mat2, max_dist=50, min_dist=1): pearsons=[] dists = [] weigs=[] for dist in range(min_dist, max_dist + min_dist): diag1 = [] diag2 = [] for j in range(len(mat1) - dist): i = j + dist if np.isnan(mat1[i][j]) or np.isnan(mat1[i][j]): continue diag1.append(mat1[i][j]) diag2.append(mat2[i][j]) if len(diag1) > 1: with catch_warnings(): simplefilter("ignore") p_corr = pearsonr(diag1, diag2)[0] if not np.isnan(p_corr): pearsons.append(p_corr) r1 = _unitize(diag1) r2 = _unitize(diag2) weigs.append((np.var(r1, ddof=1) * np.var(r2, ddof=1))**0.5 * len(diag1)) dists.append(dist) if len(pearsons) == 0: return 0, 0 tot_weigth = sum(weigs) scc = sum(pearsons[i] * weigs[i] / tot_weigth for i in range(len(pearsons))) var_corr = np.var(pearsons, ddof=1) std = (sum(weigs[i]**2 for i in range(len(pearsons))) * var_corr / sum(weigs)**2)**0.5 return scc, std def _evec_dist(v1,v2):,v1-v2),v1+v2) if d1<d2: d=d1 else: d=d2 return np.sqrt(d) def _get_Laplacian(M): S=M.sum(1) i_nz=np.where(S>0)[0] S=S[i_nz] M=(M[i_nz].T)[i_nz].T S=1/np.sqrt(S) M=S*M M=(S*M.T).T n=np.size(S) M=np.identity(n)-M M=(M+M.T)/2 return M def get_ipr(evec): ipr=1.0/(evec*evec*evec*evec).sum() return ipr def get_reproducibility(hic_data1, hic_data2, num_evec, verbose=True, normalized=False, remove_bad_columns=True): """ Compute reproducibility score similarly to HiC-spector ( :param hic_data1: Hi-C-data object :param hic_data2: Hi-C-data object :param 20 num_evec: number of eigenvectors to compare :returns: reproducibility score (bellow 0.5 ~ different cell types) """ M1 = hic_data1.get_matrix(normalized=normalized) M2 = hic_data2.get_matrix(normalized=normalized) if remove_bad_columns: # union of bad columns bads = hic_data1.bads.copy() bads.update(hic_data2.bads) # remove them form both matrices for bad in sorted(bads, reverse=True): del(M1[bad]) del(M2[bad]) for i in range(len(M1)): _ = M1[i].pop(bad) _ = M2[i].pop(bad) M1 = np.matrix(M1) M2 = np.matrix(M2) k1=np.sign(M1.A).sum(1) d1=np.diag(M1.A) kd1=~((k1==1)*(d1>0)) k2=np.sign(M2.A).sum(1) d2=np.diag(M2.A) kd2=~((k2==1)*(d2>0)) iz=np.nonzero((k1+k2>0)*(kd1>0)*(kd2>0))[0] M1b=(M1[iz].A.T)[iz].T M2b=(M2[iz].A.T)[iz].T i_nz1=np.where(M1b.sum(1)>0)[0] i_nz2=np.where(M2b.sum(1)>0)[0] i_z1=np.where(M1b.sum(1)==0)[0] i_z2=np.where(M2b.sum(1)==0)[0] M1b_L=_get_Laplacian(M1b) M2b_L=_get_Laplacian(M2b) a1, b1=eigsh(M1b_L,k=num_evec,which="SM") a2, b2=eigsh(M2b_L,k=num_evec,which="SM") b1_extend=np.zeros((np.size(M1b,0),num_evec)) b2_extend=np.zeros((np.size(M2b,0),num_evec)) for i in range(num_evec): b1_extend[i_nz1,i]=b1[:,i] b2_extend[i_nz2,i]=b2[:,i] ipr_cut=5 ipr1=np.zeros(num_evec) ipr2=np.zeros(num_evec) for i in range(num_evec): ipr1[i]=get_ipr(b1_extend[:,i]) ipr2[i]=get_ipr(b2_extend[:,i]) b1_extend_eff=b1_extend[:,ipr1>ipr_cut] b2_extend_eff=b2_extend[:,ipr2>ipr_cut] num_evec_eff=min(np.size(b1_extend_eff,1),np.size(b2_extend_eff,1)) evd=np.zeros(num_evec_eff) for i in range(num_evec_eff): evd[i]=_evec_dist(b1_extend_eff[:,i],b2_extend_eff[:,i]) Sd=evd.sum() l=np.sqrt(2) evs=abs(l-Sd/num_evec_eff)/l N = float(M1.shape[1]) if verbose: if (np.sum(ipr1>N/100)<=1)|(np.sum(ipr2>N/100)<=1): print("at least one of the maps does not look like typical Hi-C maps") else: print("size of maps: %d" %(np.size(M1,0))) print("reproducibility score: %6.3f " %(evs)) print("num_evec_eff: %d" %(num_evec_eff)) return evs
[docs]def eig_correlate_matrices(hic_data1, hic_data2, nvect=6, normalized=False, savefig=None, show=False, savedata=None, remove_bad_columns=True, **kwargs): """ Compare the interactions of two Hi-C matrices using their 6 first eigenvectors, with Pearson correlation :param hic_data1: Hi-C-data object :param hic_data2: Hi-C-data object :param 6 nvect: number of eigenvectors to compare :param None savefig: path to save the plot :param False show: displays the plot :param False normalized: use normalized data :param True remove_bads: computes the union of bad columns between samples and exclude them from the comparison :param kwargs: any argument to pass to matplotlib imshow function :returns: matrix of correlations """ data1 = hic_data1.get_matrix(normalized=normalized) data2 = hic_data2.get_matrix(normalized=normalized) ## reduce matrices to remove bad columns if remove_bad_columns: # union of bad columns bads = hic_data1.bads.copy() bads.update(hic_data2.bads) # remove them form both matrices for bad in sorted(bads, reverse=True): del(data1[bad]) del(data2[bad]) for i in range(len(data1)): _ = data1[i].pop(bad) _ = data2[i].pop(bad) # get the log data1 = nozero_log(data1, np.log2) data2 = nozero_log(data2, np.log2) # get the eigenvectors ev1, evect1 = eigh(data1) ev2, evect2 = eigh(data2) corr = [[0 for _ in range(nvect)] for _ in range(nvect)] # sort eigenvectors according to their eigenvalues => first is last!! sort_perm = ev1.argsort() ev1.sort() evect1 = evect1[sort_perm] sort_perm = ev2.argsort() ev2.sort() evect2 = evect2[sort_perm] # calculate Pearson correlation for i in range(nvect): for j in range(nvect): corr[i][j] = abs(pearsonr(evect1[:,-i-1], evect2[:,-j-1])[0]) # plot axe = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8]) cbaxes = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8]) if show or savefig: im = axe.imshow(corr, interpolation="nearest",origin='lower', **kwargs) axe.set_xlabel('Eigen Vectors exp. 1') axe.set_ylabel('Eigen Vectors exp. 2') axe.set_xticks(list(range(nvect))) axe.set_yticks(list(range(nvect))) axe.set_xticklabels(list(range(1, nvect + 1))) axe.set_yticklabels(list(range(1, nvect + 1))) axe.xaxis.set_tick_params(length=0, width=0) axe.yaxis.set_tick_params(length=0, width=0) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax = cbaxes )'Pearson correlation', rotation=90*3, verticalalignment='bottom') axe2 = axe.twinx() axe2.set_yticks(list(range(nvect))) axe2.set_yticklabels(['%.1f' % (e) for e in ev2[-nvect:][::-1]]) axe2.set_ylabel('corresponding Eigen Values exp. 2', rotation=90*3, verticalalignment='bottom') axe2.set_ylim((-0.5, nvect - 0.5)) axe2.yaxis.set_tick_params(length=0, width=0) axe3 = axe.twiny() axe3.set_xticks(list(range(nvect))) axe3.set_xticklabels(['%.1f' % (e) for e in ev1[-nvect:][::-1]]) axe3.set_xlabel('corresponding Eigen Values exp. 1') axe3.set_xlim((-0.5, nvect - 0.5)) axe3.xaxis.set_tick_params(length=0, width=0) axe.set_ylim((-0.5, nvect - 0.5)) axe.set_xlim((-0.5, nvect - 0.5)) if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) if show: plt.close('all') if savedata: out = open(savedata, 'w') out.write('# ' + '\t'.join(['Eigen Vector %s'% i for i in range(nvect)]) + '\n') for i in range(nvect): out.write('\t'.join([str(corr[i][j]) for j in range(nvect)]) + '\n') out.close() if kwargs.get('get_bads', False): return corr, bads else: return corr
def plot_rsite_reads_distribution(reads_file, outprefix, window=20, maxdist=1000): de_right={} de_left={} print("process reads") fl=open(reads_file) while True: line=next(fl) if not line.startswith('#'): break nreads=0 try: while True: nreads += 1 if nreads % 1000000 == 0: print(nreads) try: _, n1, sb1, sd1, l1, ru1, rd1, n2, sb2, sd2, l2, ru2, rd2\ = line.split() sb1, sd1, l1, ru1, rd1, sb2, sd2, l2, ru2, rd2 = \ list(map(int, [sb1, sd1, l1, ru1, rd1, sb2, sd2, l2, ru2, rd2])) except ValueError: print(line) raise ValueError("line is not the right format!") if n1 != n2: line=next(fl) continue #read1 ahead of read2 if sb1 > sb2: sb1, sd1, l1, ru1, rd1, sb2, sd2, l2, ru2, rd2 = \ sb2, sd2, l2, ru2, rd2, sb1, sd1, l1, ru1, rd1 #direction always -> <- if not (sd1 == 1 and sd2 == 0): line=next(fl) continue #close to the diagonal if sb2-sb1 > maxdist: line=next(fl) continue #close to RE 1 if abs(sb1-ru1) < abs(sb1-rd1): rc1=ru1 else: rc1=rd1 pos=sb1-rc1 if abs(pos)<=window: if not pos in de_right: de_right[pos]=0 de_right[pos]+=1 #close to RE 2 if abs(sb2-ru2) < abs(sb2-rd2): rc2=ru2 else: rc2=rd2 pos=sb2-rc2 if abs(pos)<=window: if not pos in de_left: de_left[pos]=0 de_left[pos]+=1 line=next(fl) except StopIteration: pass print(" finished processing {} reads".format(nreads)) #transform to arrays ind = list(range(-window,window+1)) de_r = [de_right.get(x,0) for x in ind] de_l = [de_left.get(x,0) for x in ind] #write to files print("write to files") fl=open(outprefix+'_count.dat','w') fl.write('#dist\tX~~\t~~X\n') for i,j,k in zip(ind,de_r, de_l): fl.write('{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(i, j, k)) #write plot rcParams.update({'font.size': 10}) pp = PdfPages(outprefix+'_plot.pdf') ind = np.array(ind) width = 1 pr =, de_r, width, color='r') pl =, de_l, width, bottom=de_r, color='b') plt.ylabel("Count") plt.title("Histogram of counts around cut site") plt.xticks(ind[::2], rotation="vertical") plt.legend((pl[0], pr[0]), ("~~X", "X~~")) plt.gca().set_xlim([-window-1,window+1]) pp.savefig() pp.close() def moving_average(a, n=3): ret = np.cumsum(a, dtype=float) ret[n:] = ret[n:] - ret[:-n] return ret[n - 1:] / n def plot_diagonal_distributions(reads_file, outprefix, ma_window=20, maxdist=800, de_left=[-2,3], de_right=[0,5]): rbreaks={} rejoined={} des={} print("process reads") fl=open(reads_file) while True: line=next(fl) if not line.startswith('#'): break nreads=0 try: while True: nreads += 1 if nreads % 1000000 == 0: print(nreads) try: _, n1, sb1, sd1, _, ru1, rd1, n2, sb2, sd2, _, ru2, rd2\ = line.split() sb1, sd1, ru1, rd1, sb2, sd2, ru2, rd2 = \ list(map(int, [sb1, sd1, ru1, rd1, sb2, sd2, ru2, rd2])) except ValueError: print(line) raise ValueError("line is not the right format!") if n1 != n2: line=next(fl) continue #read1 ahead of read2 if sb1 > sb2: sb1, sd1, ru1, rd1, sb2, sd2, ru2, rd2 = \ sb2, sd2, ru2, rd2, sb1, sd1, ru1, rd1 #direction always -> <- if not (sd1 == 1 and sd2 == 0): line=next(fl) continue mollen = sb2-sb1 if mollen > maxdist: line=next(fl) continue #DE1 if abs(sb1-ru1) < abs(sb1-rd1): rc1=ru1 else: rc1=rd1 pos=sb1-rc1 if pos in de_right: if not mollen in des: des[mollen]=0 des[mollen]+=1 line=next(fl) continue #DE2 if abs(sb2-ru2) < abs(sb2-rd2): rc2=ru2 else: rc2=rd2 pos=sb2-rc2 if pos in de_left: if not mollen in des: des[mollen]=0 des[mollen]+=1 line=next(fl) continue #random: map on same fragment if rd1 == rd2: if not mollen in rbreaks: rbreaks[mollen]=0 rbreaks[mollen]+=1 line=next(fl) continue #rejoined ends if not mollen in rejoined: rejoined[mollen]=0 rejoined[mollen]+=1 line=next(fl) except StopIteration: pass print(" finished processing {} reads".format(nreads)) #transform to arrays maxlen = max(max(rejoined),max(des),max(rbreaks)) ind = list(range(1,maxlen+1)) des = [des.get(x,0) for x in ind] rbreaks = [rbreaks.get(x,0) for x in ind] rejoined = [rejoined.get(x,0) for x in ind] #reweight corner for rejoined rejoined = [x**.5 * rejoined[x-1]/x for x in ind] #write to files print("write to files") fl=open(outprefix+'_count.dat','w') fl.write('#dist\trbreaks\tdes\trejoined\n') for i,j,k,l in zip(ind,rbreaks,des,rejoined): fl.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(i, j, k, l)) #transform data a bit more ind, des, rbreaks, rejoined = \ [moving_average(np.array(x), ma_window) for x in [ind, des, rbreaks, rejoined]] des, rbreaks, rejoined = [x/float(x.sum()) for x in [des, rbreaks, rejoined]] np.insert(ind,0,0) np.insert(des,0,0) np.insert(rbreaks,0,0) np.insert(rejoined,0,0) #write plot pp = PdfPages(outprefix+'_plot.pdf') rcParams.update({'font.size': 10}) pde = plt.fill_between(ind, des, 0, color='r', alpha=0.5) prb = plt.fill_between(ind, rbreaks, 0, color='b', alpha=0.5) prj = plt.fill_between(ind, rejoined, 0, color='y', alpha=0.5) plt.ylabel("Normalized count") plt.ylabel("Putative DNA molecule length") plt.title("Histogram of counts close to the diagonal") #plt.xticks(ind[::10], rotation="vertical") plt.legend((prb, pde, prj), ("Random breaks", "Dangling ends", "Rejoined")) plt.gca().set_xlim([0,maxlen]) pp.savefig() pp.close()
[docs]def plot_strand_bias_by_distance(fnam, nreads=1000000, valid_pairs=True, half_step=20, half_len=2000, full_step=500, full_len=50000, savefig=None): """ Classify reads into four categories depending on the strand on which each of its end is mapped, and plots the proportion of each of these categories in function of the genomic distance between them. Only full mapped reads mapped on two diferent restriction fragments (still same chromosome) are considered. The four categories are: - Both read-ends mapped on the same strand (forward) - Both read-ends mapped on the same strand (reverse) - Both read-ends mapped on the different strand (facing), like extra-dangling-ends - Both read-ends mapped on the different strand (opposed), like extra-self-circles :params fnam: path to tsv file with intersection of mapped ends :params True valid_pairs: consider only read-ends mapped on different restriction fragments. If False, considers only read-ends mapped on the same restriction fragment. :params 1000000 nreads: number of reads used to plot (if None, all will be used) :params 20 half_step: binning for the first part of the plot :params 2000 half_len: maximum distance for the first part of the plot :params 500 full_step: binning for the second part of the plot :params 50000 full_len: maximum distance for the second part of the plot :params None savefig: path to save figure """ max_len = 100000 genome_seq = OrderedDict() pos = 0 fhandler = open(fnam) for line in fhandler: if line.startswith('#'): if line.startswith('# CRM '): crm, clen = line[6:].split('\t') genome_seq[crm] = int(clen) else: break pos += len(line) names = ['<== <== both reverse', '<== ==> opposed (Extra-self-circles)', '==> <== facing (Extra-dangling-ends)', '==> ==> both forward'] dirs = [[0 for i in range(max_len)], [0 for i in range(max_len)], [0 for i in range(max_len)], [0 for i in range(max_len)]] iterator = (next(fhandler) for _ in range(nreads)) if nreads else fhandler if valid_pairs: comp_re = lambda x, y: x != y else: comp_re = lambda x, y: x == y for line in iterator: (crm1, pos1, dir1, len1, re1, _, crm2, pos2, dir2, len2, re2) = line.strip().split('\t')[1:12] pos1, pos2 = int(pos1), int(pos2) if pos2 < pos1: pos2, pos1 = pos1, pos2 dir2, dir1 = dir1, dir2 len2, len1 = len1, len2 dir1, dir2 = int(dir1), int(dir2) len1, len2 = int(len1), int(len2) if dir1 == 0: pos1 -= len1 if dir2 == 1: pos2 += len2 diff = pos2 - pos1 # only ligated; same chromsome; bellow max_dist; not multi-contact if comp_re(re1, re2) and crm1 == crm2 and diff < max_len and len1 == len2: dir1, dir2 = dir1 * 2, dir2 dirs[dir1 + dir2][diff] += 1 sum_dirs = [0 for i in range(max_len)] for i in range(max_len): sum_dir = float(sum(dirs[d][i] for d in range(4))) for d in range(4): try: dirs[d][i] = dirs[d][i] / sum_dir except ZeroDivisionError: dirs[d][i] = 0. sum_dirs[i] = sum_dir plt.figure(figsize=(14, 9)) if full_step: axLp = plt.subplot2grid((3, 2), (0, 0), rowspan=2) axLb = plt.subplot2grid((3, 2), (2, 0), sharex=axLp) axRp = plt.subplot2grid((3, 2), (0, 1), rowspan=2, sharey=axLp) axRb = plt.subplot2grid((3, 2), (2, 1), sharex=axRp, sharey=axLb) else: axLp = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=2) axLb = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (2, 0), sharex=axLp) for d in range(4): axLp.plot([sum(dirs[d][i:i + half_step]) / half_step for i in range(0, half_len - half_step, half_step)], alpha=0.7, label=names[d]) axLp.set_ylim(0, 1) axLp.set_yticks([0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]) axLp.set_xlim(0, half_len / half_step) axLp.set_xticks(axLp.get_xticks()[:-1]) axLp.set_xticklabels([str(int(i)) for i in axLp.get_xticks() * half_step]) axLp.grid() if full_step: axLp.spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.setp(axLp.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) axLb.spines['right'].set_visible(False) axLp.set_ylabel('Proportion of reads in each category'), half_len // half_step - 1)), [sum(sum_dirs[i:i + half_step]) / half_step for i in range(0, half_len - half_step, half_step)], alpha=0.5, color='k') axLb.set_ylabel("Log number of reads\nper genomic position") axLb.set_yscale('log') axLb.grid() axLb.set_xlabel('Distance between mapping position of the two ends\n' '(averaged in windows of 20 nucleotides)') if full_step: for d in range(4): axRp.plot([sum(dirs[d][i:i + full_step]) // full_step for i in range(half_len, full_len + full_step, full_step)], alpha=0.7, label=names[d]) axRp.spines['left'].set_visible(False) axRp.set_xlim(0, full_len // full_step - 2000 // full_step) axRp.set_xticks(list(range((10000 - half_step) // full_step, (full_len + full_step) // full_step, 20))) axRp.set_xticklabels([int(i) for i in range(10000, full_len + full_step, full_step * 20)]) plt.setp(axRp.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) axRp.legend(title='Strand on which each read-end is mapped\n(first read-end is always smaller than second)') axRp.yaxis.tick_right() axRp.tick_params(labelleft=False) axRp.tick_params(labelright=False) axRp.grid(), full_len // full_step - half_len // full_step + 1)), [sum(sum_dirs[i:i + full_step]) // full_step for i in range(half_len, full_len + full_step, full_step)], alpha=0.5, color='k') axRb.set_ylim(0, max(sum_dirs) * 1.1) axRb.spines['left'].set_visible(False) axRb.yaxis.tick_right() axRb.tick_params(labelleft=False) axRb.tick_params(labelright=False) axRb.set_xlabel('Distance between mapping position of the two ends\n' '(averaged in windows of 500 nucleotide)') axRb.set_yscale('log') axRb.grid() # decorate... d = .015 # how big to make the diagonal lines in axes coordinates # arguments to pass to plot, just so we don't keep repeating them kwargs = dict(transform=axLp.transAxes, color='k', clip_on=False) axLp.plot((1 - d, 1 + d), (1-d, 1+d), **kwargs) # top-left diagonal axLp.plot((1 - d, 1 + d), (-d, +d), **kwargs) # top-right diagonal kwargs.update(transform=axRp.transAxes) # switch to the bottom axes axRp.plot((-d, +d), (1 - d, 1 + d), **kwargs) # bottom-left diagonal axRp.plot((-d, +d), (-d, +d), **kwargs) # bottom-right diagonal w = .015 h = .030 # arguments to pass to plot, just so we don't keep repeating them kwargs = dict(transform=axLb.transAxes, color='k', clip_on=False) axLb.plot((1 - w, 1 + w), (1 - h, 1 + h), **kwargs) # top-left diagonal axLb.plot((1 - w, 1 + w), ( - h, + h), **kwargs) # top-right diagonal kwargs.update(transform=axRb.transAxes) # switch to the bottom axes axRb.plot((- w, + w), (1 - h, 1 + h), **kwargs) # bottom-left diagonal axRb.plot((- w, + w), ( - h, + h), **kwargs) # bottom-right diagonal plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1) else: axLp.legend(title='Strand on which each read-end is mapped\n(first read-end is always smaller than second)') if savefig: tadbit_savefig(savefig) else:
# For back compatibility
[docs]def insert_sizes(fnam, savefig=None, nreads=None, max_size=99.9, axe=None, show=False, xlog=False, stats=('median', 'perc_max'), too_large=10000): """ Deprecated function, use fragment_size """ warn("WARNING: function has been replaced by fragment_size", category=DeprecationWarning,) return fragment_size(fnam, savefig=savefig, nreads=nreads, max_size=max_size, axe=axe, show=show, xlog=xlog, stats=stats, too_large=too_large)